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1、(3) Just so so ! 一般般!(4) Not so bad /good /great! 不是很糟糕/不还很好/不好!(5) Pretty good! 相当好!(6) Im terrible! 太糟糕了!(7) Very well. 非常好。(8) Everythings fine.一切都好。(9). All right, thanks. 还好,谢谢。4. A: (1) Nice to meet you! 见到你很高兴!(2) Its glad to see you! 见到你很开心!(3) Glad to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。(4) Havent seen

2、 you for some time/ages.好久没有见到你了。 (1) Nice to meet you, too! 见到你我也很高兴! (2) Glad to see you here. 在这能见到你很开心。5. A: Hi! Im Linda. Whats your name? 你好!我是琳达。你叫什么名字? Hi ! My name is Jake.你好!我叫杰克。A: How do you do! How old are you? 你几岁了? Im ten years old.我十岁了。 Where are you from? 你来自哪里? Im from Canada .我来自加

3、拿大。 Where do you live? 你住在哪里? I live in XiFeng .我居住在西峰。 How tall are you ?你多高? Im 150 cm. 我150厘米。二TALKING ABOUT WEATHER 谈天气 1. A: Whats the weather like today? 今天 天气怎么样? B: Its sunny /snowy /cloudy/ windy/ rainy /cool. 是晴朗的/雪天/多云/刮风/雨天/凉爽的。2. A: Lovely weather, isnt it? 天气真好,不是吗? Yes, it is. Lets go

4、 hiking together. 是的。我们一起去远足吧! A: Ok, the air is nice and clean. 好的,空气很清新。3. A: What does the weather forecast say?天气预报怎么报的? The weather report says its going to rain tomorrow. 天气预报说明天会下雨。 Oh! We cant have a picnic tomorrow.噢!那我们明天不能去野餐了。 I dont think the rain would last long.我想这雨不会下太久。 Which season

5、 do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节? I like spring /Summer/ Fall/ Winter best.我最喜欢春天/夏天/秋天/冬天。 Why? 为什么? Because I can plant trees/ swim in the lake /fly kites /play with snow. 因为我能植树/在湖里游泳/放风筝/玩雪。三ASKING FOR TIME AND DATE 询问时间与日期 (1) What time is it now? 现在几点了?(2) Could you tell me the time? 你能告诉我几点了吗?(3)

6、Whats the time by your watch? My watch has stopped /is out of order.你的表几点了?我的表时间停了/不走了。 Its 8:00 0clock.八点了。 Is your watch right? 你的表时间准吗? I think so. My watch keeps good time.我认为我的表很准。 Its time for school/to go to school.哦!该去上学了。 What day is it today? 今天星期几了? Its Monday /Tuesday /Wednesday /Thursda

7、y /Friday / Saturday /Sunday.今天星期一/星期二/星期三/星期四/星期五/星期六/星期日。 What do you usually do on Sundays?你通常在星期日干什么? I usually have my English class、 do my homework and play football. 我通常上英语课,做家庭作业和踢足球。 Whats the date today? 今天几号? Its June 1st .六月一日。 What do you often do on Childrens Day?你经常在六一节干什么? I often pl

8、ay games.我经常玩游戏。 When is your birthday? 你的生日什么时候? My birthday is on October 10th .我的生日在十月十日。四MAKING A PHONE CALL 打电话 (1) Hello! This is Linda. Can I talking to Jake?我能和杰克说话吗?(2) Hello! Linda speaking. Id like to speak to Jake.你好!我要找杰克。(3) Hello! Linda here. May I speak to Jake?我可以和杰克说话吗?(4) Hello! I

9、s there Jake?你是杰克吗?(5) Hello! This is Linda here. Whos speaking?您是哪位? 8226221. This is he.您好!这里的号码是8226221.我就是。 You are talking to him.你正在和他说话。 Thats me.您好!就是我。 Hello! Is Jake there? 您好!是杰克吗? B :( 1) Hello! He is out.您好!他出去了。(2) He is not here right now.他现在不在。(3) He is in a meeting now. Would you li

10、ke to leave a message? 他正在开会。您要留言吗? Its very kind of you! Would you tell him to give me a ring when hes back?您太好了!你告诉他当他回来时请给我回电。 Who should I say is calling? 您怎么称呼? This is Jake. 我是杰克。 Ok! 好的! Thank you! Have a good day.谢谢你!祝你度过愉快的一天。 Its my pleasure. 我很乐意。3.A: Is Jake around? 杰克在吗?B (1) Hold on, p

11、lease.请稍等。 (2) Ill get him. Wait a moment /minute, please. 请等一下,我去叫他。 (3) Hold on. Let me see if he is here. 请稍等,让我看看他在不在。 (4) Im sorry. Wrong number.不好意思,您打错了。 (5) I m afraid you have the wrong number. 您怕拨错号码了。 (6) Pardon/Say again/Say what?请重复一遍/再说一次/你说什么?初次见面打招呼1. 你好!我是Lily。美国人。 Hello I am Lily.

12、I am American.2. 嗨你是Jack吗? Are you Jack?3. 你好!4. 认识你很高兴! Nice to meet you!5. 你是哪里人?/ 你来自哪里? / Where do you come from?6. 请允许我自我介绍一下。 Please allow me to introduce myself.7. 大家好! Everyone!8. 你叫什么名字?/ 您贵姓? Whats your name?9. 我姓李。 My family name / surname name is Li.10. 不好意思,我没听清楚你的名字? Im sorry, I didnt

13、hear your name clearly.11. 怎么拼写? How to spell it?12. 你好!你找哪位? Who are you looking for?13. 这是我的名片。 This is my name card.日常用语考核一般情况下打招呼1. 早上好!/ 下午好!/ 晚上好! Good morning/ afternoon/ evening!2. 好久不见! Long time no see!3. 周末过得好吗? How was your weekend?4. 很高兴又见到你了。 Nice to see you again!5. 我想死你了。 I miss you so much! / I really miss you!6. 你的病好点儿了吗? Are you feeling better?7. 嗨!你还记得我吗? Do you still remember me?道别1. 再见! Goodbye!2

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