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1、企業存在的目的只有一個明確的定義:創造客戶。彼得?杜拉克(管理大師)What is our business? is not determined by the producer but by the customer.我們經營什麼事業?不是由生產者決定,而是由客戶。Encouragement 鼓勵Lifes not fair, but God is good. Life throws us a disappointment. And God responds by giving us encouragement.生活是不公平的,但上帝是好的。生命讓我們失望,上帝卻以鼓勵回應我們。Robert

2、 H. SchullerTrue Honor 真正的榮耀Any person can be successful on smooth seas, but it is the victor over the storm who gains true honor.任何人都可在風平浪靜的海上成功,但是能戰勝風暴的才可獲得真正的榮耀。唯有經過大風浪,才能練就真功夫。 Start 開始A year from now you may wish you had started today.一年之後,你會希望早在今天就可開始。今天不開始做,一年之後就會後悔不早做。Hope 希望Hope is an impor

3、tant human value for dynamic living. Where there is hope, there is life!希望是人類生活的一項重要的價值。有希望之處,生命就生生不息!(90089)habit 習慣We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, than, is not an act, but a habit.我們成為一再做著同樣事情的人。因而,超越就不僅是一個行動,而是一種習慣。(90088)Aristotle亞里斯多德Money 金錢Money brings some happiness. But after a ce

4、rtain point, it just brings more money.金錢帶來一些快樂,但是到了某一點之後,它只是錢滾錢而已。(90087)金錢帶來的快樂有其極限,超過了某一點之後,它只是帳面的數字而已,並不能帶來更多的快樂。Neil Simon尼爾?西蒙Action 行動Never confuse movement with action.別把動作和行動視為一談。(90086)Ernest Hemingway海明威(文學作家)Problem 問題People who believe a problem can be solved tend to get busy solving it

5、.相信問題可以解決的人,就會著手去解決它。(90085)William Resperry威廉?瑞士波里Knowledge 知識Knowledge cannot make us all leaders, but it can help us decide which leader to follow.知識無法讓我都成為領導者,但它可幫我們決定要追隨那一位領導者。(90084)Management Digest管理文摘Opportunity 機會When one door closes another doors open; but we so often look so long so regr

6、etfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open to us.當一扇門關閉另一扇門開啟;但是我們常常很失望地瞧著那扇關閉的門看得許久,以致於沒有看到那扇對我們開啟的門。(90083)Alexander Gram Bell亞歷山大?格蘭?貝爾Wisdom 智慧Wisdom consists of the anticipation of consequences.智慧包括預先知道後果會如何。(90082)Norman Cousins諾曼?高森Wise Person 智慧的人The wise person que

7、stions himself, the fool others.有智慧的人質問他自己,愚蠢的人質問他人。(90081)Henri Arnold享利?阿諾得Listener 聆聽者A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he knows something.一位好的聆聽者不但到處受歡迎,而且一陣子之後他懂得一些事情。(90080)Wilson Mizner威爾森?米至內Understand 瞭解What we do not understand we do not possess.我們不瞭解的,無法擁有。

8、(90079)許多事情,像學問、知識一樣,若無法瞭解,就不是真正的擁有。Johann Wolfgang von Goethe歌德Heart 心Nothing but the heart can change the heart.只有心才能改變心。(90078)一個人惟有改變他/她的心意,則一切才能隨之改變。Garroll OconnorWorth 價值A true measure of your worth includes all the benefits others have gained from your success.真正衡量一個人的價值的方法當中,要包括別人可以從你的成功得到多

9、大的好處。(90077)Cullen Hightower 古勒?韓道華Mistakes 錯誤Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to the error that counts.犯錯在所難免。問題是對犯錯所採取的反應(行動)才重要。(90076)Nelson Domille尼爾森?戴明里Pilgrims朝聖者We are all pilgrims on the same journey but some pilgrims have better road maps.我們都像同一旅程的朝聖者,但是有些朝聖者有更好的地圖。(90075)N

10、elson Domille Nothing is more terrible than activity without insight.最可帕的事莫如做任何活動,沒有洞察力。(90074)Thomas Carlyle湯姆.卡力立A problem well stated is a problem half-solved.一個明白陳述的問題等於解決一半。(90073)Charles F. Kettering 查禮士?凱特令Customers 客戶Lets spoil those wonderful customers. Lets appreciate them every day on eve

11、ry visit and tell them so. The key to our success, though, must be that we are truly embrace the philosophy of being servant leaders, both with our customers and each other.讓我們驕寵可愛的客人,讓我們每天感謝客戶每次的光臨並告訴他們,然而,我們成功的關鍵在於真心的接納成為領先服務者的哲學,不僅對客人,對彼此也是如此。(90072)Sam waton 山姆?華頓(Wal-Mart的創辦人)Attitude 態度The way

12、 management treats the associates is exactly how the associates will then treat the customers. And if the associates treat the customers well, the customers will return again and again, and that is where the real profit in this business lies, not in trying to drag customers into your stores for one-

13、time purchases based on splashy sales or expensive advertising.管理者如何對待員工,員工就會如何對待客戶。如果員工對待客人好,客人就會一次又一次的光顧,而這就是生意真正的利潤所在,而不是靠銷售的花招或昂貴的廣告把客戶人拉到店裡來而只做了一次採買。(90071)Education 教育We must all see to it that our people-training programs are the best in retailing. From the back door of the stockroom to the front office, we need to have our personnel prepared and trained to do a superior job at every level. They must be interested, enthused and involved. We should make this our No. 1 priority.我們務必要使我們的人員訓練做到零

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