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Life in the Future《单元综合》教案1外研版必修4Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、供选择的东西e. g. He knew he had to work hard: there was no alternative.=He had no alternative but to work hard.他知道他必须努力工作,别无选择。The school is not far from his home, so he takes the alternative of walking.学校离他家不远,所以他选择步行。You have the alternative of speaking or of keeping quiet.你或者发言或者保持肃静。It is a reasonabl

2、e alternative to the present system.这相对于现存的制度来说是一个合理的选择。构词解析:alternative adj. 替换的;供选择的 c. n. 选择;供选择的东西; alternatively adv. 供选择地;代替地2. load(1) c.n.装载物(量); 工作量;(精神等方面的)负担,负荷e. g. He climbed the hill with a heavy load on his back every day.他每天背负重物爬山。The teachers work load in our school is about 10 hour

3、s a day.我们学校老师的工作量每天约十个小时。The sick child is a heavy load for his father to bear.那个生病的小男孩让他的父亲心力交瘁。(2). vt.装;装载?常用短语:load .with.用.将.装满e. g. They loaded the truck with bananas. (=They loaded bananas onto the truck.)他们用卡车运香蕉。The table was loaded with dishes. 桌子上摆满了菜。load c.n. 装载物(量);(精神等方面的)负担,负荷 vt. 装

4、;装载 loaded adj.装了货的;满载的3. arrest(1)vt.逮捕,扣留;停止,阻止;吸引(注意等)e. g. The police arrested the criminal for selling drugs. 警察因为贩卖毒品而逮捕了那个罪犯。The treatment arrested the growth of the disease. 治疗阻止了疾病的发展。The bright lights arrested the babys attention.鲜艳的颜色吸引了婴儿的注意力。(2) n. 逮捕? 常用于短语:under arrest 逮捕;拘留e. g. He i

5、s under arrest and awaiting trial.他已被逮捕正等候审判。arrest vt. 逮捕,扣留;吸引(注意等)n. 逮捕 arresting adj.引人注目的;醒目的4. limit(1) c. n.界限;限制? (常用复数形式)常见短语:a limit to/on 对于.的限制? set a limit on/to限制.? the limit忍耐的极限e. g. There is a limit to what I can do for you. 我能为你做的事是有限度的。The task is too difficult for me. I know my l

6、imits.这项任务对我来说太困难了,我知道我能力有限。This is the third time in a week that you have been late. -it really is the limit.这是你一周之内的第三次迟到了- 实在令人无法忍受。No smoking will be allowed within a future citys limits.在未来市区内将不准吸烟。After his fathers death, John spent money without limits. 在他父亲死后约翰挥霍无度。(2) vt. to keep within a c

7、ertain size, amount, number, place etc. 限制;限定e. g. The country made a decision to limit imports of foreign cars.那个国家做出决定限制进口外国车辆。There are not many eggs. We must limit ourselves to two eggs each.鸡蛋不多。我们每人只能限定吃两个。limit c. n界限;限制(常用复数形式)vt限制;限定; limited adj.有限的;不充分的; limitless adj. 无限制的;无限的; limitatio

8、n n.限定;限制5. command(1) c. n. & u. n.命令;控制,控制权;运用能力under ones command 在某人控制之下? in command 指挥;控制 in command of 指挥;控制. at ones command 随心所欲的;可供某人使用的e. g. Do it immediately when I give the command. 我一下命令就马上行动。Who is the officer in command here? 这儿谁负责?He is in command of the troop. 这个部队由他指挥。Paul has a go

9、od command of English. 保尔英语掌握的很好。He has a large amount of money at his command 他有很多钱可以自由支配。(2) vt. vi.命令;指挥;能自由运用常见用法:command + 名词;command + sb. + to do; command +that + 主语+ (should) + doe. g. The teacher commanded silence. 老师要求大家安静。The police commanded the criminal to stop. 警察命令那个罪犯停下。His father co

10、mmanded that he (should) stay at home to study.他的父亲命令他呆在家里学习。The company commands considerable human resources.公司拥用可观的人力资源。注意:command后的that从句要用虚拟语气,即:主语+ should + 动词原形,should 可省。command n命令;运用能力; vt. vi. 命令;能自由运用; commander n. 指挥官;司令官;commanding adj.挥挥的;在指挥位置的;有威严的6. switch(1)c. n.开关; 转换; 改变e. g. Th

11、ere is something wrong with the light switch. 电灯开关坏了。The switch to a free market economy will not be easy. 向自由市场经济的转变不容易。(2)vt. vi. to change or exchange转变,改变,开关电器e. g. Lets switch our seats (over). 让我们交换一下座位吧。The wind has switched round from north to east. 风向从北转向东了。Wait until the lights have switch

12、ed to green.等到(交通)灯变绿。(3) 常见短语switch on开(电灯等)e. g. When I switched on the light, I found the room had been robbed.当我打开电灯时发现房间被洗劫过了。switch off关(电灯等)e. g. Switch off when you have finished using the computer. 用完电脑时把机关上。switch over交换位置,完全转变,换(电视、收音机等的)台e. g. She switched over from laughing at him to su

13、pporting him.她从嘲笑转向支持他。Im tired of this programme; switch (it) over to the other channel.我厌倦了这种节目,换个台吧。这三个短语都可兼作及物动词和不及物动词短语; 都可分开使用,如switch on the light即相当于switch the light on; 当宾语为代词时,要放在它们的中间,如switch it over。构词解析switch c. n.开关; 改变vt. vi. 转变,改变, 开关电器 switchboard n.电话总机;交换台; switchman n. 扳道工7. attach vt.系;贴;连接;认为;赋予(重要性);归结于; 属于常用搭配:attach sth. to sth.e .g He attached a stamp to the envelope and mailed it. 他在信封上贴上邮票然后寄出去。The boat was attached to the tree with a rope. 那只船被用绳子拴在树上。She attaches great importance to regular exercise. 她认为定时锻炼很重要。The school is attached to Beijing Norm

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