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1、A【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】听力原文M: How long can I play on the playground?W: Well. it opens at 9:00 in the morning and closes at 5:00 in the afternoon.Q: How many hours can the man stay there?解析 题目询问男士能在运动场待多长时间。上午9点到下午5点共8个小时,所以选A(8小时)。避错指南 这类计算时间的题要听清楚起止时间,特别要分清上下午。对于本题来说,还有一个难点是要听清问题的内容。选项B(7)这一数字在对话中没有出现,比

2、较容易排除,选项C(5)和选项D(9)有一定的干扰性,因为这两个数字分别与对话中提到的运动场开放和关闭的时间相同,但是如果能听清楚问题也不难排除。第2题 She didnt want to watch TV.She wanted to go to bed.She wanted to listen to the radio.Her study was disturbeD Could you please turn down your TV a little? Sorry! Are you still preparing for the final exam? Why did the woman

3、ask the man to turn down the TV?解析 此题属于推理题。题目询问女士为何请求男士把电视声音关小点。对话中男士问女士是否还在为期末考试做准备,由此可知选项D(她的学习受到干扰)为正确答案。避错指南 选项A(她不想看电视)、这项B(她想睡觉)和选项C(她想听收音机)这几个原因对话中都没有提到,因此不是女士要求把电视机声音关小的原因。第3题 A car.A cow.A book.A tablC Where is that book about cars? I laid it down on the table. I dont know. I did some clean

4、ing and dont remember where I put it. What is the man looking for?解析 题目询问男士在寻找什么。男士说“Where is that book about ears?”(我那本关于汽车的书在哪里?),因此他找的是书,而不是其他的,因此选项C(书)为正确答案。避错指南 选项:A(汽车)只是书的内容;选项B(奶牛)与对话中cars发音相似,属于近音干扰;对话中男士说把书放在了桌子上,因此选项D(桌子)也不正确。第4题 Ask for a three-day leave.Go out with his friend.Watch film

5、s at home.Go to visit Bo So, you have three days off. What are you going to do? Well. I probably will rent some movies with my friend Bob. What will the man probably do?解析 题目询问男士可能会怎么做。男士说“ rent some movies with my friend Bob.”(我可能会和我朋友鲍勃租几部电影),由此可推知男子可能会在家看电影,所以选项C(在家看电影)为正确答案。避错指南 从女士的话中可以知道三天的假期是

6、已经确定的,所以选项A(请三天假)不符合题目询问的内容。此外对话中男士提到要和朋友一起去租几部电影看,而不是出去一起玩,所以排除选项B(和朋友出去玩)和选项D(去看鲍勃)。第5题 She is wandering.She is thinking.The man should wash the clothes.She has already washed the clothes. Why dont you wash the clothes?t I wash? I am wondering the same thing about you. What does the woman mean?解析

7、题目询问女士的话是什么意思。对话中男士问女士“你为什么不洗衣服?”,女士反问男士“我为何不洗衣服?我正想问你呢。”,由此可知两人都认为对方该洗衣服,所以女士的意思是选项 C(男士应该洗衣服)。避错指南 因为对话中没有提到选项D(她洗过衣服了)的内容,因此比较容易排除。如果注意到wonder (想知道)和wander(徘徊)是两个音近词,但是意义不同的话就不难排除选项大夫A(她在徘徊)。选项B(她在思考问题)只是女士所说的字面意思,而不是真正含义。解答此题的关键是要听明白女士的言外之意。二、Listening Comprehensionm(Section B) (共5小题,共5.0分)Direc

8、tions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation , there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the corr

9、ect answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 10.12.听力原文 6-7 When did you become interested in collecting stamps? (6) Oh, when I was about ten years old. Ten years

10、 old? So you have loved it for 9 years. Yeah. its really an exciting hobby. You know. the first postage stamps were issued in Britain in 1840. Really? I didnt know that. Whats on the first postage stamps? Well, look, heres a picture of the first two stamps issued. (7) Oh, they both bear a picture of

11、 Queen Victoria, dont they? Yes, I wish I had the originals, then I would be a wealthy man instead of a poor stamp collector. But I believe collecting stamps gives you much pleasure which not all wealthy men can enjoy. Yes. I do agree.6.How old was the man when he became interested in collecting sta

12、mps?解析 题目询问男士多大时开始对集邮感兴趣。对话刚开始便一问一答给出此题的答案,第二句“.when I was about ten years old”即得出答案为选项A(10)。避错指南 选项B(9)具有迷惑性是因为对话中有“9 years”一词,但这是指男十的集邮爱好有9年的历史了,并非指9岁开始集邮。选项C和选项D文中均未提及。A picture of Britain.A picture of the queens palace.A picture of the Rowland Hill.A picture of Queen VictoriWhat is on the first postage stamps?解析 题目询问第一批邮票的画面内容是什么。对话中男士给女士介绍第一批邮票的情况并给她出示图片,女士认出是维多利亚女王的画像,所以选项D(维多利亚女王的画像)为正确答案。避错指南 根据对话内容,“Britain”其实是第一批邮票发行的国家,而不是邮票上图案的内容,故选项 A(英国的图画)为错误选项。选B(女王宫殿的图画)和选项C(罗兰希尔的画像)。对话中都未提及,故均可排除。In a newspaper.From a friend.On T

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