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1、11_ vt.&vi. 雕刻12_ vt. 计算,算出13_ n. 立方体【答案】1.plug2.adopt3.considerate 4finance5.allocate6.politics7.fragile 8sharpen9.valid10.evolution11.carve 12calculate13.cube根据提示补全下列短语1_ ones ears 塞住耳朵2_ the best 祝一切顺利3sum _ 总结;概括4_ a matter of fact 实际上5break away _ 摆脱,脱离(某种思想体 系、团体、组织)6_ the increase 正在增加7deal _

2、 对待;处理8be optimistic _ 对乐观【答案】1.plug2.all3.up4.as5.from6on7.with8.about根据提示补全下列教材原句1What we should do is_start using different sources of energy.我们应该做的是开始使用不同类型的能源。2To_sum_up the above measures,with_new_regulations_and_urban _planning,_noise pollution levels should drop even further. 总之,由于以上措施以及新法规和

3、城市规划的实施,噪音污染程度将会进一步降低。阅读P1213课文,并从四个选项中选择最佳答案1What makes China face a serious noise pollution?AEnvironment pollution. BMany buildings.CLarge populations. DMany cars.2Why will new schools,hospitals and housing areas be allocated positions away from industrial areas?ABecause industrial areas create hi

4、gh levels of noise.BBecause it isnt permitted to build them in industrial areas.CBecause it isnt safe to build them in industrial areas.DBecause there is no more space in industrial areas.3Why should noise pollution levels drop even further?ABecause the population will reduce.BBecause new regulation

5、s and urban planning will be carried out.CBecause China will become a developed country in the future.DBecause people realize the disadvantages of noise pollution.【答案】1.C2.A3.B阅读P1213课文,判断正(T)误(F)1There is less noise pollution in Chinascountryside than in Chinas urban areas.()2Average urban noise po

6、llution levels haveincreased 3 decibels since 1989.()3China could become one of the least noise polluted countries within the next decade.() 【答案】1.T2.F3.F adopt vt.采用,采纳;收养(教材P12)The Chinese government has adopted several noise control plans and as a result noise pollution levels have improved in re

7、cent years.中国政府采取了几项控制噪音的计划,因此近年来噪音污染程度已经改善。adoptive adj. 收养的adoptable adj. 可采用的;可收养的adopted adj. 被采用的;被收养的He loved his adoptive father very much.他非常爱他的养父。The old man devoted himself to his adopted(adopt) son.这位老人倾毕生精力于他的养子。明辨异同adopt/adaptadopt意为“采用;收养;领养;通过”adapt“(使)适应;改编”。常见表达为adapt(oneself) to.“适

8、应”,adapt.from/for.“由改编来的/把改编成”adopt,adaptHe _ himself to the life on campus after several months study.The committee_ my suggestions yesterday.【答案】adaptedadopted语境助记The young couple had no children of their own,so they adopted the suggestion that they should adopt an orphan.After a few months,the ad

9、opted child came to adapt (himself) to his new life.这对年轻夫妇没有亲生孩子,于是他们采纳了那个建议领养一名孤儿。几个月过后,那个收养的孩子渐渐适应了他的新生活。 considerate adj.想得周到的,体贴的(教材P133)We can all help by being more considerate and thinking of our neighbours.多体谅多考虑一下我们的邻居,我们就会起到这一作用(降低噪音污染)。(1)It is considerate of do sth.某人干某事是周到的be cons

10、iderate to sb. 体谅某人,替某人着想(2)consideration n. 仔细考虑;体谅,顾及take sth.into consideration 考虑到,顾及(3)consider doing sth. 考虑做某事consider sb./sth.(to be/as)n./adj. 认为(4)considerable adj. 相当多(或大、重要等)的If you learn to be considerate to others,you will gain respect.如果你学会为别人着想,你将会赢得尊敬。I always take fuel consumption

11、into consideration(consider) when buying a car.I didnt really consider doing(do) anything else, seriously. deal with对待;处理;对付;与打交道;论述;涉及;与交易;和做买卖(教材P13)Finance has been organised to deal with road noise pollution in all major cities.所有的大城市已经筹备资金来处理道路噪声污染问题。写出下列句中deal with的含义They could deal with all k

12、inds of situations.处理They have learned to deal with various persons.打交道This is a book dealing with Aisan problems.涉及,论述I have dealt with that company for many years.和做买卖明辨异同deal with/do withdeal with后跟宾语表示处理某事;在句中和how连用。do with只能与what搭配构成 with sth.结构。deal with,do withI didnt know what to _the

13、 thing.The police know how to _the thief.They failed to _the problem of homelessness in the city.【答案】do withdeal withdeal with allocate vt.分配;配给(教材P13)New schools,hospitals and housing areas will be allocated positions away from main roads,rail roads and industrial areas that create high levels of noise.新学校、医院和居民区将安排在远离产生严重噪音的公路、铁路和工业区。(1)allocate sb.sth.allocate sb.分配给某人某物allocate sth.for sth. 拨出某物做某事allocate sth.among. 在范围内分配(2)allocation n. C划拨的款项;分配的东西 U划拨,分配The boss allocated an

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