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1、美国的皮革商品制造商蔻驰(Coach)就是一个经典的例子。在过去的五年中,它通过仅在低成本市场生产来提升毛利率。在 2002 年的 3 月,它关闭了在波多黎各拉雷斯的最后一间公司所属工厂,将所有产品全部外包。 Burberry has many Asian licensing arrangements. In 2000 it decided to renew Sanyos Japanese licence for ten years. This means that almost half of Burberrys sales at retail value will continue to

2、be produced under license in Asia. At the same time however, Japanese consumers prefer the groups European-made products. 巴宝莉(Burberry)在亚洲持有许多许可授权安排。2000 年它决定给日本三洋公司的特许授权延长十年。这意味着按零售价计算巴宝莉几乎一半的销售额将是亚洲授权生产的。但是同时,日本的消费者却偏好于该集团在欧洲生产的产品。 Sanyo is now reacting to this demand for a snob alternative to the

3、 Burberry products made in its factories across Asia by opening a flagship store in Tokyos Ginza, where it sells Burberry products imported from Europe. 为了应对这种对巴宝莉在亚洲工厂所生产产品的需求,三洋公司在东京银座开设旗舰店,出售从欧洲进口的巴宝莉产品。In interviews with the FT, many executives say the top luxury brands will continue to be seen,

4、 particularly in Asia, as European. Domenico De Sole of Gucci says: “The Asian consumer really does believe - whether its true or not - that luxury comes from Europe and must be made there to be the best.” 在金融时报的采访中,许多企业高管表示,顶级奢侈品牌将在亚洲越来越多地出现,就像在欧洲一样。古驰(Gucci)的多米尼克德索尔说,无论是真是假,亚洲消费者只相信:奢侈品来自欧洲,而且一定是要

5、在那儿生产的才是最好的。 Serge Weinberg, Chief Executive of Pinault Printemps Redoute, which controls Gucci, says it will not move Guccis production offshore. Yet some in the industry recognize that change may be round the corner even for the super-luxury brands. Patrizio Bertelli, Chief Executive of Prada, say

6、s: The "Made in Italy& label is important but what we are really offering is a style, and style is an expression of culture. He therefore recognizes that quality fashion items may not always need to be produced in Italy. 古琦的控股公司(Pinault Printemps Redoute)的首席执行官塞格温伯格说,公司不会将古琦的生产线移到海外。然而一些业内人士认识到

7、,就算对顶级奢侈品牌而言,这种变化也将来临。普拉达(Prada)的首席执行官帕特里齐奥艾特里说:“意大利制造的标签很重要,但我们真正要提供的是一种风格,而风格是一种文化的展示。因此,他认识到高品质的时尚产品并非总是要在意大利生产。Amitava Chattopadhya. Professor of Marketing at Insead, the business school. says: A brand is a set of associations in the mind of the consumer and one of these is the country of origin

8、. For luxury goods, the role of the brand is crucial. To damage it is a cardinal sin and no brand manager will want to get the balance between manufacturing location and the brand image wrong. 欧洲工商管理学院的市场营销系的 Amitava Chattopadhyay 教授说:“品牌就是消费者脑海中的一系列联想,其中之一就是原产地。对于奢侈品来说,品牌的作用是至关重要的。破坏它是一种弥天大罪,没有哪个品牌

9、经理愿意将产地和品牌形象之间的关系搞错。” Unit2 Road rages in the sky 空中的交通暴怒Airlines and their long-suffering customers arc reporting a steep climb in air rage incidents. Some incidents are apparently caused by problems which are familiar to many regular travelers. One case reported from America stemmed from an interm

10、inable delay in takeoff, when passengers were cooped up in their aircraft on the tarmac for four hours, without food, drink or information. 航空公司与长期遭罪的客户们都在提及急剧攀升的空中冲突事件。有些事件的发生显然是由许多常客所熟悉的问题造成的。美国报道的一个案例就是源于无休止的延迟起飞:乘客被关在飞机里,在停机坪上等了四个小时,期间没有食物、饮料和信息。Mass unrest is less common than individual misbeha

11、viour, as in the case of the convict who recently went crazy on a flight, attacked the crew and tried to open a door in mid-flight. 大规模骚乱比起个人行为不当要少见些。一个已经宣判的案例里乘客在飞机上突发癫狂。他攻击机组人员,并试图在飞行途中打开舱门。The psychology of air rage is a new area of study, and there are almost as many explanations as examples. Mo

12、st analysts of the phenomenon blame alcohol, but many people now think that the airlines are at fault. 空中暴怒的心理是一个新的研究领域,对此的解释与案例几乎同样多。大多数分析家都将此现象归咎于酒精,但现在许多人认为航空公司对此负有责任。 To cut costs, they are cramming ever more passengers into their aircraft, while reducing cabin crew, training and quality of serv

13、ice, all of which increase passenger frustration. In addition, there is increasing concern in the US about another cost-cutting exercise, which could seriously harm passengers health: cabin ventilation. 为了削减成本,他们把更多的乘客塞进机舱,同时又减少机组人员、缩减培训时间和降低服务质量,所有这些都令乘客更加沮丧。此外,在美国人们越来越关注另一个削减成本的做法:客舱通风问题。这很可能会严重损害

14、乘客的健康。 Modern aircraft are equipped with sophisticated air conditioning devices - but running them at optimum capacity burns up valuable aviation fuel. Many airlines routinely instruct their flight crews to run the systems on minimum settings. Campaigners for improved air quality claim that this can lead to irritability and disorientation. 现代飞机都配备了完备的空调装置但要使其以最佳状态运行就会耗尽宝贵的航空燃油。许多航空公司通常指示飞行人员以最低设置来运行系统。要求改善空气质量的人士声称这就会导致烦躁不安,并令人不知所措。 In the US, the soaring number of passenger complaints across a wide range o

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