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1、3.1Individuals (个体)指的是在域(domain)中我们感兴趣的对象。类中的一个实例。In dividuals必须明确的声明彼此之间是否相同。不同的名字可能指的是相同的Individuals。3.2Properties (属f生)指的是Individuals上二元尖系,他连接着两个Individuals。如:小In dividuals。Properties可以存在reverse,如上所示,“的父亲叫的reverse就是“的儿子 叫”。Properties可以被限定成单值,此时Properties是functional的。(后 面介绍)Properties也可以是transitiv

2、e (可传递的)或symmetric (对称的)(后面介绍)3.3Classes可以看作是包含Individuals的集合。我们使用正式而精准的形式来描述 Classes Classes常被组织成supperclass-subclass形式的层状结构,比如,动物和狗。4仓【I建本体myPizza(PizzaBase是Pizza结构之一,中文叫“饼底”,主要由面粉做成,是Pizza的主体,和pizza toppings (比萨饼面)一起构成整个Pizza)4.1命名一个Classes (采用单词首字母大写方式,类似于java中类的命名)一个初始化的本体包含一个名字叫做Thing的classes他

3、 表示包含所有individuals的集合,所以,所有的其他classes都是他的subclasses4.2 Disjoint (解体Classes如果任意一个Individuals (或Object )仅仅是众多Classes中某一个的实例(instanee),那么这些 Classes 是 Disjoint 的。4.3Using The OWL Tools To Create ClassesPizzaBase 子类 ThinAndCrispy 和 DeepPar PizzaTopp ing 子类女|下CheeseMozzarellaParmezanMeatHamPepper oniSalam

4、iSpicyBeefSeaFoodAnchovyPrawnTunaVegtableCaperMushroomOliveOnionPepperRedPepperGree nPepperJalape noPepperTomato4.4subclass到底是什么意思呢?例如“狗是“动物的subclass那么“狗的instanee也是“动 物的instanee, 一个东西是狗,那 么他一定是动物。(这和java中的子类父类貌似是一样的)Pizz 日 ToppingVegetableToppi ngThe Meaning Of Subclass AH individuals that are membe

5、rs cf the class TcmatoTbppinre inembeisof the VeQetabeTopaing and Mitiubers of the P ZZaTopcing a* ha*e staitdLhat TcmatoTopp)且 tibMdA uf VAge:aDleTopning 昭 hick 詮 a stiLclA uf Piz;aTopp ng4.5. OWL Properties(彳既述)OWL Properties represe nt relati on ships. There are two main types of properties, Obje

6、ct properties and Datatype properties. Object properties are relati on ships betwee n two in dividuals.(先介绍 Object properties ) 女口下是Matt hew GemmaAn abject property linkinq th individual Marth Aw ro ThA incdivicJu alMarrhew H2SWA Axsd:int*g*rA datatype property hmking the in dividualMrirthew to the

7、dita literaE 25A which has 曰 type cf 曰门 xAdvinteger.Object properties link an in dividual to an in dividual.has In gredie n 子 hasBase hasTopp inj我们可以创建Sub properties,它用来限定Supper properties的围。For example, the property hasFather might specialise (限定围)the more general property of hasParent小明有父亲大明,那么我们也

8、 可以说小明的双亲有大明。“有父亲”就是“有双亲”的subproperty 4.6In verse Properties (逆属性)isIngredientOf 子 isBaseOf isToppingO】如该例中:hasBase 和 isBaseOf 就 是一对 In verse PropertiesFor example: if Matthew hasParent Jean, then the inverse property we can infer that Jea nhasChild Matthew.4.7OWL Object Property Characteristics (特征

9、)OWL允许通过使用property characteristics来增强properties的含义 (涵)。(1) Functional PropertiesIf a property is fun cti on al, for a give n in dividual, there can be at也就是说、Properties是单值的。例如:hasBirthMother、这个就是 functional的,因为一个人 他只能有一个生母。另外:If we say that the in dividual Jea n hasBirthMother Lily and we also say t

10、hat the in dividual Jea n hasBirthMother Mary, the n because hasBirthMother is a functional property , we can infer that Lily and Mary must be the same in dividual但是女1 果 Lily 和 Mary 明确的声明为两个不同的Individuals,那么就会出现矛盾(inconsistency)。Figure 4.19: An Example Of A Fimctional Property: hasBirthMother(2)Inv

11、erse Fun cti onal Properties就是 Functional Properties 的 inverse 如下:ure 4.20: Aa Exanrple Of An Inverse Functional Property7: JSBirthMothGrOf(3)Tran sitive Propertiesthat in dividual a is related to in dividual c via property P.如下:Figure 4.21: An Example Of A Transitive Property: hasAncestOf 注::a) If

12、aWilliamproperty is transitive then its inverse property should also beb) if a property is tran sitive the n it cannot be fun cti on al.(4)Symmetric (对称) PropertiesIf a property P is symmetric, and the property relates in dividuala to in dividual b the n in dividual b is also related to in dividual

13、a via property P.女吓:Figure 4.22: An Example Of A Symmetric Property: hasSibling(5) Antisymmetric (反对称)propertiesin dividual a via property P.如下:Figure 4.24: An example of the anti symmetric property hasCliildOf(6) Re?exive (自反)propertiesA property P is said to be re?exive whe n the property must relatein dividual a to itself.如下:Figure 425i An example of a Reflexive Propertv: knows(7) lrre?exive (非自反)propertiesIf a property P is irre?exive, it can be described as a property thatrelates an in dividual a to in dividual

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