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Unit 1 Getting to know youWord格式.docx

1、 3 Reeber se untrs nae四、教学重点:Different frs f “be”五、教学难点:Using f “be fr”六、教具:ap f the rd七、型:Ne lessn八、教学过程:活动设计设计意图Using ap f the rld Let students t regnize untrs nae and psitinDialgue aingae the learn b theselves and pratise ne ntentDisussin persns fr different untriesRegnize persns f different untr

2、iesRevie in tieAhieve a better result f lessnstep1 Presentatin Let student learn se natins naes and se ne rdstep2 Listen and sa Let students listen t the dialgue f 1a and repeat f itstep3 Learn sentenesExplain iprtant sentene: here are u fr ? hat is ur nae?Are u fr ?step4 PratieUsing the sentenes e

3、have ust learned t ae se siilar dialguestep RevieRevie the ne ntent e learned befre and n九、后小结本节是让学生在学习一些常用句子和单词的基础上获得一定的语感,能进行简单的英语对话,了解一些语法规则;并且在学习的同时能利用一些地理知识进行帮助记忆。Setin B1 Se faus persns infratin 2 The ath f “the” and “are” 3 Intnatin f delaratives and interrgatives1 Desribe se faus persns infr

4、atin 2 ae dialgue using third persn prnun 3 Read different tpes sentenes ith right intnatinT desribe the infratin f sebdSe faus persns phtsne lessnsathing se pitures f faus persnsTaling their infratin f nae and natin ith ur partnerFr this ativit, the an n se faus persns and pratise sentenes e learne

5、d in the last lessnae a siilar nversatin in grupsStudent an learn ne ath beteen third persn prnunstep1 Revie rds in last lessn Setin B has little ne rds, s e an revie ld rds in last lessnstep2 L, listen and sa abut aterial f 1aLet student t learn se natins naes and se ne rdstep3 athing se pitures f

6、faus persnsLet students t disussin infratin f these peple and express itstep4 Learn sentenes f different persn prnun Are the fr ? here are the fr?step IntnatinLearn the intnatin f interrgatives and delarativesstep6 PratieUsing the sentenes e have ust learned t ae se siilar dialgue and pa attentin t

7、their intnatin这节没有多少新单词和新句法的学习,主要是巩固和语法的延伸,另外就是在口语方面提出了不同句式的语气读法。所以这堂重学生的自主学习,教师的讲解不多。Setin 1 The nubers f zer t ten 2 Address b 3 Sng f “here are u fr”1Students an regnize the nubers f zer t ten 2Students an ae nae ards f their friends 3Sing the sng ith usinubers f zer t tenTranslate nubers quilSe

8、things ith nubers ne lessnTranslate all nubers in ur life t EnglishFailiar ith nubers in English Let student learn t bserve ur dail lifeDesign the nae ard b theselves And read their telephne nubers ludlRevie the nledge f nae and natinStrengthen their abilit f pratieSing the sng tgetherae a happ surr

9、unding feeling f lassAdd their stud intereststep1 Stud nubers fr 010 Teah student t read 010 and reeber thestep2 Pratise the nubers in English Give nubers, student read the as quil as pssiblestep3 D pratie alne Revie the naes f untries And listen t the nubers f different untries, fill the result in

10、the blan irlestep4 Vie se faus persns nae ardLet students reeber the infratin f these persns, and learn the expressin f nae ardsstep D their n nae ardsThe an rite an infratin in their nae ardstep6 Stud the sentene and persns nae in sng Failiar ith the rds f sngs t sing it beautifullstep7 sing the sn

11、g :First listen t the tape Then let students sing it tgether这堂是一堂可以培养学生实践能力,在制作自己名片时,让学生在做中学;这堂教同学们学会简单的英歌曲,既巩固了原有知识,也让学习更加充满乐趣,提高学生的学习动机。Setin D1 Se prnuniatin f letters 2 Useful telephne nubers in ur dail life 3 Graar fus f sentenes1 Regnize the five vel letters 2Reeber the telephne nubers in ur d

12、ail lifefive vel lettersRevie the graar Blan ardRevie and graarSpea the things arund us, suh as : hand, bag, apStrengthen the er f rds, and pa attentin n their prnuniatinu as, I anser D it in grupsArding t the dialgue pratie, student an iprve their abilit f uniatin and feeling f EnglishIntrdue ursel

13、vesUsing the expressin e have learnt t intrdue urselves eah therstep1 Stud se prnuniatin f letters Teaher set an exaple f prnuniatin t student Stud hih is the prnuniatin letterstep2 Intrdue se iprtant telephne nubers In ur dail life, there ill be an things t be happened and at that tie e an all these nubers t all helpstep3 rite a passage f urselves If u ant t ae a freign friend, u an rite suh infratin t hi r her S let d itstep4 Pratie f asing and ansering

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