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1、作文之英文作文新老建筑英文作文新老建筑【篇一:建筑类雅思作文高分范文及评论】建筑类雅思作文高分范文及评论建筑风格 modern buildings are appearing in large numbers but somepeoplebelieve that we should build our buildings in traditional styles. to what extent do you agree or disagree ? in recent years , an interesting trend has emerged. countrieswith long hi

2、stories and rich cultures have been modernizingthe quickest , especially in terms of architecture. many havecriticized this as not respecting traditional culture. while traditional architecture should be protected ,however , i feel it is not necessary to stop building modernstructures as we move for

3、 reason for this is thatmodern buildings are more practical andcomfortable to live and work in. while traditional buildingsmight look nice from the outside , they are often not veryuser-friendly. modern buildings usually have lots of windowsand light and are clean and energy efficient. surel

4、y this willmake those inside them happier. another point to consider is that modern buildings will give agood impression to those visiting from abroad. consider beijingduring theolympics , for example. many foreigners were surprised to see all of the stunning new building designs. in the long run ,

5、this willprobably attract more business and tourists to the country. of course , traditional architecture still has its value.everyone loves visiting famous historical places and admiringarchitectural styles from throughout history. we should protect and appreciate suchplaces for future generations

6、, but at the same time , we donthave to live in the past.ultimately , each city needs to find its own balance between“old ” and “new” when it comes to building styles , butmodern buildings are for sure a positive thing. after all , if wedont continue to explore new building styles we won t be ableto

7、 let future generations know what our period of history waslike. (264 words )harvey 评论:写作线索:首段,现代建筑必需;第二段,由于现代建筑的适用性和舒坦性;第三段,代表城市现代化;第四段;退步,传统建筑的价值。末段总结。本文末句很有兴趣,再认真读读: after all , if we don ctontinueto explore new building styles we won t be able to let futuregenerations know what our period of his

8、tory was like. (毕竟,假如我们不持续开发新建筑的风格,我们的下一代将不会知道我们这一代的历史是什么样)历史是相对的,关于我们的后代来说,我们此刻的现代化建筑将成为他们眼里的古代建筑。先学习下边的词汇和短语,而后再重读范文,领会它们在文中的运用词汇emerge vi. 展现出来architecture n. 建筑物practical adj. 适用的user-friendly adj. 用户友善的,方便用户使用的stunning adj. 足以令人晕倒的,极好的admire v. 赞叹,敬佩,敬羡ultimately adv. 最后,短语in terms of 在。.方面move

9、 forward 行进in the long run 从长久看for sure 的确after all 毕竟let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事三分钟熟读或背诵本文最适用的三个句子in recent years , an interesting trend has emerged. one reason for this is that modern buildings are more practicaland comfortable to live and work in.after all , if we don t continue to explore new buildin

10、g styleswe wont be able to let future generations know what ourperiod of history was like. 摘自刘洪波 2010 新作最简化雅思写作【篇二:专业建筑英语文章】c i t y cultures seeing manhattan from the 110th floor of the world tradecenter. beneath the haze stirred up by the winds, the urban island, a sea in themiddle of the sea, lift

11、s up the skyscrapers over wall street, sinks down atgreenwich, then rises again to the crest of midtown, quietly passes over central parkand finally undulates off into the distance beyond harlem. a wave ofverticals. its agitation is momentarily arrested by vision. a gigantic mass isimmobilized befor

12、e oureyes.(de certeau 1988: 91) who built it? anon, thats who. nobody built the new yorkskyline. nobodyby the thousands.(helene hanff, apple of my eye, 1984: 35)introduction: a city imagined on 11 september 2001, graphic images of the destruction oftwo of the worlds tallest buildings - the north and

13、 south towers of theworld trade center in new york city - unfolded on television sets aroundthe world. the enormity and complexity of this tragedy, while manifest,were, nevertheless, compounded by the fact that most people witnessed it as amedia spectacle. thus, it was within established media inter

14、pretativeframes (including the plots and images of countless hollywoodmovies) that their initial reactions were formed. but then in many respects newyork is a media construction - the skyline of manhattan is instantly andglobally familiar even though the majority of the worlds population hasnever be

15、en there and will never go. indeed, manhattan emerged as alandscape of towers at the same time as film technology and the movieindustry were developing in the united states. it was largely as a result ofthis coincidence that the manhattan backdrop became one of the mostsignificant and defining images not just of architectural modernism, but also of thevalues and achievements of the twentieth century. manhattan equals neiyyork and new york is perhaps the worlds greatest city. it was within thisset of imagining

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