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2、保护Design of primary and secondary system of 110kVsubstationAbstractThe design of the 110kV substation for the primary and secondary system design. This paper mainly focuses on the statistics and calculation of the load in the substation design process, the formulation and determination of the main e

3、lectrical wiring scheme, the calculation of the short circuit current, the selection and verification of the electrical equipment, the relay protection, the secondary wiring, the lightning protection Aspects were discussed. In this design, in order to make the design as close as possible to the actu

4、al life, access and reference a lot of information, ask a number of teachers, and ultimately completed this design.There is always a serious problem in our country: the vast majority of the power supply network is relatively weak, but the radius of the power supply is long due to geographical reason

5、s, the result is the power transmission on the line when the loss is large, resulting in the result is the transmission To the end of the line when the users voltage is too low, thus the peoples normal production and life impact. In order to meet the people living electricity combined with industria

6、l and agricultural development, so this design chose to design a 110kV substation. The substation is mainly used to bear the local load, including the load area of the majority of the load are three types of load, and the remaining only one for the second class load, in order to ensure the stability

7、 and reliability of power supply, the design as much as possible to use electrical performance Good new equipment, and in order to take into account the principle of economy, the choice of equipment to ensure the performance at the same time as much as possible to choose the right price equipment. 1

8、10kV single loop into the line, the change of all the two types of load, the rest are three types of load, the proportion of domestic electricity and industrial load larger, a total of eight 10kv outlet. The substation installed two equal-capacity main transformer, the main transformer dual-winding

9、transformer SF7-10000110 type transformer. Breaker type According to the system requirements and installation location Comprehensive selectionZN5-10630 type, the voltage transformer also according to the rated voltage and use, installation site to consider the choice of JDZX-10-type voltage transfor

10、mer. 10kV side of the power capacitor in accordance with the requirements of the requirements of the installation of over-voltage protection and no time limit over current device. And in the 10kV outlet, the same requirements as required to install quick-break protection and over-current protection.

11、 The main transformer according to the regulations require the installation of over-current, overload protection, gas protection and current quick-break protection.Key words: 110kV substation; main wiring; electrical equipment; relay protection目 录摘 要IABSTRACTII1 前言- 1 -1.1 变电站一次及二次设备的发展- 1 -1.1.1 变电

12、站一次设备的发展- 1 -1.1.2 变电站二次的发展- 1 -2 设计说明书- 3 -2.1 负荷统计表- 3 -3 电气主接线设计- 4 -3.1 方案的提出- 4 -3.2 两种方案之间的比较- 4 -4 负荷计算与主变压器的选择- 5 -4.1 负荷计算- 5 -4.2 变电所最大负荷计算- 5 -4.4 主变台数、容量和型号的确定- 6 -4.4.1 变电站主变压器台数的确定- 6 -4.4.2 主变容量的确定- 6 -5 短路电流- 7 -5.1 短路点的确定- 7 -5.2 短路电流的计算- 7 -5.2.1 各元件电抗标幺值计算- 7 -5.2.2 短路电流的计算- 8 -6

13、电气设备的选择和校验- 15 -6.1 母线的选择和母线材料的选择- 15 -6.1.1 母线截面积和母线截面形状的选择- 15 -6.1.2 母线截面积的选择及校验- 15 -6.1.3 10kV侧母线的选择- 17 -6.2 线路的选择- 19 -6.2.1 进线的选择- 19 -6.2.2 10kV侧出线的选择- 19 -6.3 断路器的选择及校验- 20 -6.4.2 10kV侧断路器的选择及校验- 22 -6.4.3 10kV侧母线分段断路器的选择- 23 -6.4.4 10kV出线侧断路器的选择及校验- 23 -6.5 隔离开关的选择及校验- 24 -6.5.1 110kV侧隔离开

14、关的选择及校验- 24 -6.5.2 10kV侧隔离开关的选择及校验- 24 -6.5.3 10kV侧母线分段隔离开关的选择- 25 -6.5.4 10kV出线侧隔离开关的选择及校隔离开关的选择- 25 -6.6 电流互感器的选择及校验- 25 -6.6.1 110kV侧电流互感器的选择及校验- 26 -6.6.2 10kV侧电流互感器的选择及校验- 27 -6.6.3 10kV侧母线分段电流互感器的选择- 28 -6.6.4 10kV出线侧电流互感器的选择及校验- 28 -6.7 电压互感器的选择及校验- 29 -6.8 低压侧电压互感器的选择- 29 -6.9 绝缘子的选择- 30 -6.9.1 110kV侧绝缘子的选择及校验- 31 -6.9.2 10kV侧绝缘子的选择及校验- 31 -6.10 穿墙套管的选择及校验- 32 -6.11 所用变压器- 32 -6.12 电力电容器的选择- 33 -6.13 熔断器的选择- 3

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