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1、one patient in the outpatient arm (0.6%but none in the hospital group suffered non-fatal recurrent VTE.217In a meta-analysis of14(mostly cohort-studies,the pooled incidences of recurrent VTE,major bleeding and total mortal-ity did not differ signicantly between outpatients,patients dis-charged early

2、,and those treated as inpatients.3515.8Therapeutic strategiesAn algorithm of the recommended therapeutic strategies for acute PE is shown in Figure5.5.8.1Pulmonary embolism with shock or hypotension (high-risk pulmonary embolismPatients with PE presenting with shock or hypotension are at high risk o

3、f in-hospital death,particularly during therst few hours after ad-mission.Besides haemodynamic and respiratory support,intraven-ous UFH should be administered to these patients as the preferred mode of initial anticoagulation,as LMWH or fondaparinux have not been tested in the setting of hypotension

4、 and shock.Primary reperfusion treatment,particularly systemic thromboly-sis,is the treatment of choice for patients with high-risk PE.In patients with contraindications to thrombolysisand in those in whom thrombolysis has failed to improve the haemodynamic statussurgi-cal embolectomy is recommended

5、 if surgical expertise and resourcesare available.As an alternative to surgery,percutaneous catheter-directed treatment should be considered if expertise with thismethod and the appropriate resources are available on site.Inthese cases,treatment decisions should be made by an interdisciplin-ary team

6、 involving a thoracic surgeon or interventional cardiologist,47.佝偻病后遗症期,主要表现是(5.8.2Pulmonary embolism without shock or hypotension (intermediate-or low-risk pulmonary embolismB.睡眠不安及多汗C.X线长骨骼端呈毛刷状改变D.骨骼畸形E.肌肉韧带松弛正确答案:D48.早期诊断佝偻病的可靠指标是(A.钙磷乘积下降B.血磷增高C.血浆中cAMP水平降低sPESI of0(Table9,should be considered

7、for early discharge and outpatient treatment,if this appears feasible based on the patients anticipated compliance as well as his/her family and social back-ground.For all other patients,assessment of RV function by echo-cardiography(or CT angiographyand cardiac troponin testingE.骨骼X线改变49.维生素D治疗佝偻病的

8、剂量应为(A.依病情不同而剂量不同B.不同病期,剂量相同C.先用小剂量,逐渐加大剂量D.剂量越大越好E.剂量越小越安全A50.口服大剂量(1万单位维生素D治疗佝偻病激期。需要( A.用至痊愈B.用至3岁C.用至血生化完全正常D.用36个月E.用1个月E51.维生素D缺乏性手足搐搦症。主要是由于(A.血钙迅速转移至骨骼B.血浆蛋白浓度降低C.骨钙不能游离入血D.血磷增加E.血中钙离子降低52.当血钙低于哪个数值时可引起手足搐搦(A.血总钙2.22.35mmol/LB.血总钙2.02.45mmol/LC.血离子钙1.882.2mmol/LD.血离子钙1.751.88mmol/LE.血总钙1.751.88mmol/L53.维生素D缺乏性手足搐indenite anticoagulant treatment after arst unprovoked VTE.No evidence of the clinical benet of extended anticoagulant treatmentis currently available for carriers of heterozygous factor V Leiden

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