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1、 night在晚上 19. Good night!晚安 the sky在天空 21. Wahts your name?-My name is Wang Tingting. 你叫什么名字?-我的名字叫王婷婷。Wang is my family name. Tingting is my first name.王是我的姓。婷婷是我的名。22. Im new here.我是新来的。 23. Can I help you?需要我的帮助吗?24. What class are you in ?-Im in Class 3,Grade 6.你在哪个班级?-我是6年级3班的。25. Wh

2、at are you doing?- Im /Were waiting for Sam Smith.你、你们正在做什么?-我、我们正在等萨姆史密斯。26. What is th girl /boy doing?-She/He is listening to the teacher.这个女孩/ 男孩正在做什么?-她/他正在听老师讲课。27. I study in Dongyu Primary School.我在东榆小学上学。28. Glad to meet you too,Mr Wang.见到你也很高兴,王先生。29. Many kites fly in the sky.许多风筝在天空中在飞。3

3、0. Let me go !让我们走吧! 31. Dont shout!不要大声喊叫!31. Lesson 2 Our school is beautiful.我们漂亮的学校。32. teaching building教学楼 room美术室 room音乐室 4. Computer room电脑室 5,teachers office教师办公室 6. Library图书室 7.playground操场33. tall building高楼 9.the ground floor底楼 10.the first floor一楼 34. the second floor二楼 1

4、2.the third floor三楼 13.the fourth floor四楼35. the fifth floor五楼 about谈论,讨论 16. Kind of 和蔼的/可亲的36. The school is so beautiful.我们的学校是如此的漂亮。37. Let me show you around.让我带你四处逛逛吧!38. Where is the art room?-Its on the second floor.美术室在哪里?-它在二楼。39. Wait a minute!等一下! Whats wrong?怎么啦?40. Is there the

5、 library?-Yes, youre right.这儿有图书馆吗?-是的,你是对的。41. Lets go and borrow some books.让我们去借些书吧!42. Lesson3 Happy teachers day!教师节快乐!43. 重点短语及句子:44. practise English练习英语 2.have a party举办聚会 3. Tell a story讲故事45. do sports 做运动 5.make a card制作卡片 6.celebrate Christmas庆祝圣诞节Blowing out the candles正在吹蜡烛 8.cutting t

6、he cakes正在切蛋糕 eating fruit吃水果 10. Making a wish许愿 11.singing a song正在唱歌46. 现在分词形式47. Act-acting do-doing做 tell-telling告诉,讲 play-playing玩,打 work-working工作Sing-singing唱歌 send-sending送 blow-blowing吹 eat-eating 吃 clean-cleaning打扫Drink-drinking喝 wait-waiting等待 draw-drawing画 48. Have-having吃,喝,有 make-maki

7、ng做,制作 ride-riding骑 come-coming来 write-writing写Practise-practising练习 celebrate-celebrating庆祝49. Cut-cutting 砍,切,割 run-running跑 swim-swimming游泳 put-putting拿50. What are they doing?-They are making cards.他们正在做什么?-他们正在制作卡片。51. When is Teachers Day?-Its on September 10th.什么时候是教师节?-是9月10日。52. What flower

8、s do you usually send?-We usually send carnations.你通常送什么花儿?我们通常送康乃馨。53. What do you usually do on that day?-We usually send cars or flowers to our teachers.你们通常那天做什么我们通常那天送卡片或者送花儿。54. Interesting Festivals.有趣的节日。 Lesson 1 Happy Halloween! 万圣节快乐! 55. Thanksgiving Day. 感恩节。 Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节. 56.

9、 Its on the fourth Thursday of November in America.在美国它是在十一月的第四个星期四。57. Merry Christmas! 圣诞节快乐!58. Christmas is on December 25th. 圣诞节是在十二月25日。.重点短语及词汇:59. Look nice 看起来很美 be made of pumpkins由南瓜制成的 black cat黑猫 hate厌恶的/ 憎恨的 /恨 follow the witches 跟着,跟随巫师/女巫Be afraid of害怕. He is afraid of snakes.他害怕蛇。Sh

10、ark鲨鱼 whale鲸鱼 kite风筝 roses玫瑰花 carnations康乃馨 butterflies蝴蝶 dragonflies蜻蜓 ghost鬼60. Is this /that /it a cat?这是/那是一只猫吗?-Yes, it is.是的,它是。No, it isnt.不,它不是。61. Are these /those.?这些是/那些是.? Yes, they are. /No, they arent.是的,他们是的。/ 不,他们不是的。62. This is a tomato. -This is not a pumpkin.这是一个西红柿。-这不是一个南瓜。63. W

11、hat are they made of?他们都是由什么制成的? -They are made of pumpkins.他们都是有南瓜制成的。64. These are clowns.那些是小丑。65. a tangerine一个蜜橘 a knife一把小刀 a candle一根蜡烛 a string一根绳子66. Top a tangerine在橘子顶部挖个洞。 Take out the middle .把中间的东西 来。67. Cut the holes for the eyes and mouth.在橘子上挖出眼睛和嘴巴的洞。68. Put a candle in it.放一根蜡烛在里面

12、。 Make two small holes. Tie string to the tangerine.挖两个小洞,然后系上绳子。69. They have parties and play tricks on people.他们 举办聚会,和人们顽把戏。70. dress up装扮,打扮 a popular tradition 一个流行的传统。 More than 超过,多余71. The nurse in a purple skirt is thirty.穿着紫色裙子的护士三十岁了。72. Carl is driving a car to a farm.卡尔正开着小轿车去农场。73. Mo

13、ther, Father, come and sit together.爸爸妈妈快来一起坐。74. I go to school with lily, Tom and Sam. 我和李莉,汤姆和萨姆一起去学校。75. Birds can fly, sing and build nests.鸟儿会飞,唱歌和建鸟巢。76. Mrs Brown has a cat, a dog and some chicks.布朗夫人有一只猫,一只狗和一些小鸡。第56页-62页77. Here is an e-mail about Thanksgiving Day.这是一封关于感恩节的电子邮件。We celebra

14、te the harvest.我们庆祝丰收的喜悦。78. We usually eat turkey sweet potatoes, corn and pumpkin pie.我们通常吃火鸡,玉米和南瓜馅儿饼。We also play games and tell jokes.我们也玩游戏和讲笑话。 Please tell me something about your Mid-Autumn Festival. 请告诉我一些关于你中秋节的事情。79. Thank you for your e-mail.感谢你的来信。 It is on August 15th Chinese lunar calendar.他是在中国农历的八月十五。We celebrate the bright, round moon.我们庆祝这个月亮又大又亮。We usually eat moon cakes and tell the story

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