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1、物业管理服务协议Property Management Service Agreement甲 方: Party A: 地 址: Address: 邮编: Address: Post code: 电 话: 传真: Tel.: Fax: 乙方:XXParty B: XX地 址:XX 邮编:XXAddress: XX Post code: XX电 话:XX传真:XXPhone No.: XXFax: XX甲、乙双方友好协商,订立本协议如下:This agreement is hereby made and entered into by and between both parties throug

2、h friendly consultation, whereby it is agreed as follows: 一、物业管理协议签订I. Signing of property management agreement1、甲方使用区域为 ,租用面积为 平方米。(此面积与甲方签定的商品房买卖合同或租赁协议中所提及建筑面积为同一面积)。1. The area used by Party A is , and the rentable area is m2. (This area is the same area as the floor area mentioned in “Contract

3、on Sales and Purchase of Commodity House” or “Tenancy Agreement” signed with Party A.) 2、甲方应按照本协议,在与租赁协议书签约同时与乙方签订XX大楼物业管理服务协议,协议期限自 年 月 日起,至 年 月 日止。2. Party shall sign “Agreement on property management service of XX Building” with Party B while signing “Tenancy Agreement” according to this agreemen

4、t, and the term of this agreement shall start on (specify the date) and end on (specify the date). 二、物业服务费及其它费用II. Property service charges and other expenses1、甲方根据本协议规定,同意自本协议签订之日起向乙方缴纳物业服务费(此费用不包含用户自用电费、公摊水电费、电话费、网络费、空调使用费等在内),物业服务费收费标准为人民币 xx 元/平方米月。1. Party A agrees to pay property service charg

5、e to Party B from the date of signing of this agreement (this charge does not the expense of electricity consumed by the user himself, publicly shared water and electricity expenses, telephone charge, Internet charge, charge for use of air conditioner, etc.) according to the provisions of this agree

6、ment, and the charging standard is RMB xx Yuan/m2.month. 2、甲方应于本协议签订之日即日将物业服务费 陆 个月,计人民币(大写) ,人民币(小写) 元,一次性支付乙方,并按乙方的要求办理各项手续。2. Party A shall pay at one time the property service charge for six (6) months of RMB Yuan (in words), RMB Yuan (in figures) to Party B on the date of signing of this agreem

7、ent, and process various procedures according to Party Bs requirements. 3、物业服务费为每 个月支付一次,在协议有效期内,甲方须于收到乙方书面通知后7日内将物业服务费交到乙方或指定银行帐号。3. The property service charge shall be paid every months, and within the validity of this agreement, Party A shall hand the property service charge to Party B or the de

8、signated bank account within seven (7) days after receipt of Party Bs written notice. 4、其它费用:4. Other expenses: 甲方除须缴纳物业服务费外,还须承担下列费用:Besides the payment of property service charge, Party A shall undertake the following expenses: (1)自用电费(物业服务中心代收);(1) Charge for self-consumed electricity (to be coll

9、ected by the property service center); (2)电话初装费及使用费(自行缴纳);(2) Initial installation charge and use charge of telephone (to be paid by itself); (3)网络初装费及使用费(自行缴纳);(3) Initial installation charge and use charge of Internet (to be paid by itself); (4)空调使用费(物业服务中心代收);(4) Charge for use of air conditioner

10、 (to be collected by the property service center); (5)公摊水、电费(实际发生进行分摊);(5) Publicly shared water and electricity charges (to be allocated according to the figures actually taking place); (6)其它国家法律法规规定应由甲方缴纳费用。(6) Other expenses that shall be paid by Party A according to the stipulations of the state

11、 laws and statutory regulations. 三、甲方的权利和义务III. Rights and Obligations of Party A1、甲方有权根据本协议及乙方制定的一切有关该物业的规章制度的规定,使用该物业协议区域及按规定使用公共区域及公共设备。1. Party A shall have the right to use the area set out in this property agreement and use the public area and public facility as specified according to this agr

12、eement and all the provisions of regulations and rules worked out by Party B on this property. 2、甲方有权监督乙方各项管理规章的实施。2. Party A shall have the right to supervise implementation of various management regulations by Party B. 3、甲方有权向乙方投诉管理服务方面问题。3. Party A shall have the right to file a complaint to Part

13、y B about the problems in the aspect of management service. 4、甲方有义务服从乙方的管理,同时甲方须保证其雇员、访客及其受甲方许可进入大厦内的人员在使用、管理、维护该物业过程中遵守本协议及大厦的相关规定。甲方的雇员、访客及其受甲方许可进入大厦内的人员在使用、管理、维护该物业过程中的失责行为、违约行为、侵害行为,均视作甲方自身的行为,并由甲方承担相应的责任和费用。4. Party A shall have the obligation to obey Party Bs management, meanwhile Party A must

14、 guarantee its employees, visitors and personnel allowed by Party A to enter the building to comply with the provisions of this agreement and relevant regulations of the building in the process of use, management and maintenance of this property. Default, breach and infringement actions of Party As employees, visitors and personnel allowed by Party A to enter the building in the process of use, management and maintenance of this property shall be considered as Party As own actions and Party A shall bear corresponding liability and cost. 5、甲方置于

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