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1、形容词副词介词讲义形容词、副词、介词(讲义)【知识点睛】一、形容词重点1:形容词比较等级比较对象形容词形式常见句型原级两者原形_比较级两者形容词er_修饰语:_ _最高级三者及以上形容词est_ 修饰语:_ _重点2:ing形容词和ed形容词surprising interesting exciting pleasing frighteningsurprised interested excited pleased frightened 令人感动的:_(令人)疲倦的:_有极大吸引力的;迷人的:_ing形容词: 表主动意义,多指事物(人)对人的影响,一般修饰物ed形容词: 表被动意义,多为人的感

2、受,一般修饰人难点1:形容词比较级别的转换 (句子转换)Li Lei is the tallest student in his class. _ in his class._ in his class.= Li Lei is taller than anyone else in his class. any of the other students in his class.the rest of the students in his class.= No one is as tall as Li Lei in his class.= No one is taller than Li L

3、ei in his class.难点2:多个形容词的排序问题(了解)口诀:限观形龄颜国材(县官行令宴国才)规则:1. 限定词,包括冠词、指示代词、形物代、名词所有格、数词2. (观点)描绘性形容词,如beautiful,fine,interesting等3. 表示大小、长短、高低及形状的形容词,如tall, high, small, little, round等4. 表示年龄、新旧的形容词,如young, old, new等5. 表示颜色的形容词,如black, white, blue等6. 表示国籍、地区、出处的形容词7. 表示构成材料的形容词e.g. 两个圆形蓝色塑料盘:_两张新的中国式木

4、制大圆桌:_二、副词难点1:兼有两种形式的副词close _ He is sitting close to me.closely _ Watch him closely.late _ You have come too late.lately _ What have you been doing lately?deep _ He pushed the stick deep into the mud.deeply _ I was deeply moved by the moving film.high _ The plane was flying high.highly _ I think hi

5、ghly of your opinion.wide _ He opened the door wide. widely _ English is widely used in the _ You can eat free in my restaurant.freely _ You may speak freely; say what you like.三、介词及介词短语(一)重点介词辨析1. 时间介词in, on, at一般特殊at+ 时间点at noon/night/dawnon+ 日期/星期具体的某天早上中午晚上in+ 世纪,年代,年,季节,月in the morni

6、ng/evening/afternoon2. 方位介词in, on, to _ _ _3. 地点介词in_, at_, on_4. 方位介词两“中间”among between5. 方位介词两前两后6. 方位介词两“通过”across through7. 方位介词三上三下8. 方式介词:with, without, by, but, except, besides, except for等(二)to作为介词时的常考短语look forward to _ (do) sth. pay attention to _ (do) sth. devote oneself to _ (do) sth. be

7、/become/get used to _ (do) sth. make a contribution to _ (do) sth. prefer doing to _ (do) sth. (三)动介短语 VS 动副短语动副短语中代词作宾语时必须放在动词后副词前,当宾语是名词时,放在副词的前后均可。初中常考动(副)介短语到达:arrive _ 闯入:break _ 担心:worry _请求;要求:ask _ 和意见一致:agree _ 拜访;访问:call _ 担心;关心:care _顺便来访:come _ 赶上;追上:catch _ look at point at laugh at kno

8、ck at/ondepend on insist on get on/off fall off come up with deal with talk with/to point to speak to get to happen to listen to reply tolearn about talk about think about know about dream about/of think of knock into fall into get in drop in/by go bypay for look for wait for look after go through l

9、earn from look like初中常考动副短语使高兴:cheer _ 分发:give _ 出故障:break _浏览:look _ 脱下:take _ 爆发:break _快点:come _ 回来:come _ 出版:come _叫醒某人:wake _ 用光:use _ bring out clean out pick out hand out put out send out take out find out hang out point out sell out send up hang up make up show up stand up stay up wake up cl

10、ean up pick up give up put up set up turn up dress up get up go up grow up cut down put down take down go down fall down lie down put on try on feed on go on hand on hold on keep on put off turn off go off show off set off run off put away send away take away go away give back get back put back go b

11、ack pay back think over get over go over look overhand in give in 【精讲精练】一、单选( )1. My family and I had a(n) _ trip in Taiwan because of the typhoon and rainstorm.A. suitable B. impatient C. unpleasant D. comfortable( )2. It was such an _ joke that everyone felt _. A. embarrassed; embarrassing B. embarrassed; embarrassedC. embarrassing; embarrassing D. embarrassing; embarrassed( )3. Is this a photo of your daughter? S

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