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1、完形填空:解题思路(四读法)1跳过空格、通读全文、把握大意。2结合选项、综合考虑、初定答案。3瞻前顾后、先易后难、各个击破。4复读全文、逐空验证、弥补疏漏。注意事项:1首句和尾句 2纵观全文、通篇考虑。3先易后难,从文中同样结构或类似结构中寻找提示,大胆地作出猜测。 Here is a story _China. China is a _and beautiful country. Many people in the world know China_.There are some long _in China. The Yangtze River(长江) and the Yellow Ri

2、ver are_rivers in China.The Yangtze River is longer than the yellow River .Its the longest river in China. The Yellow River is shorter than Yangtze River, but its _longest river in China._1949,there are five bridges over the Yangtze River. The new _in Nanjing is the longest bridge in China.The Great

3、 Wall is the longest wall in the _.People _all countries come to visit it every year.( )1. A.about B./ C.says )2. A.small B. large C.high D.wide( )3. A.very good B.better C.very well D.very much( )4.A.factories B.rivers C.cities D.schools( )5.A.the cleanest B.the yellowest C.the longest D.the

4、shortest( )6.A.the first B.the second C.the third D.the fourth( )7.A.Before B.After C.When D.That( ) B.river C.ones D.wall( ) C.river D.bridge( )10.A.come B.from C.for D.with Modern life is impossible without traveling. The fastest way of traveling is by _1_. With a modern airl

5、iner you can _2_ in one day to places which it took a month or more to get to a hundred years ago. Traveling by train is slower than plane, _3_ it has its advantages(优点). You can _4_ the country you are traveling through. Modern trains have comfortable_5_ and dining-cars. They make even the longest_

6、6_. Some people prefer to travel by sea_7_ possible. There are large liners and _8_. You can visit _9_ many other countries and different places. But traveling by sea is very pleasant way to _10_ a holiday. Many people like to travel by car. You can make your _11_ timetable. You can travel three or

7、four hundred miles or only fifty or one hundred miles a day, just as you _12_. You can stop _13_ you wish where there is something interesting to see, at a good restaurant where you can enjoy a good _14_, or at a hotel to spend the night. That is why traveling by car is popular for pleasant trips, w

8、hile people usually _15_ a train or plane when they are traveling on business.( )1.A.ship B. train C. plane D. car( )2.A. travel B. reach C. arrive D. leave( )3.A. because B. but C. so D. and( )4.A. look B. see C. watch D. look over( )5. A. seats B. rooms C. toilet D. chairs( )6.A. travel B. trip C.

9、 distance D. journey( )7.A. where B. how C. when D. which( )8.A. bank B. bridge C. boats D. water( )9.A. same B. difference C. beautiful D. different( )10.A. plane B. make C. spend D. think( )11.A. own B. useful C. suitable D. fit( )12A. do B. go C. act D. like( )13A. whichever B. whatever C. whenev

10、er D. wherever( )14A. meal B. breakfast C. lunch D. supper( )15A. serve B. take C. have D. need阅读理解: 解题思路(四读法)1. 通读全文。找出文中的关键词、中心句。要特别注意文章的开头和结尾 2. 逐项选择,答易留难。 3. 反复斟酌,解决难题。 4. 认真复核,全盘检查。 阅读题:细节题 细节题是用来进一步表达主题,体现中心思想的,往往针对短文某个细节来设题。做此类题时,应快速捕捉信息,可能是一些事例、数字等,阅读时要有针对性。 理解题: 主旨题: 主旨题主要考查学生对短文中心思想或作者意图的掌

11、握。做此类题时,应通读全文,理解文章大意,充分理解主题句的意义。短文往往围绕主题句展开,主题句通常出现在短文第一句或最后一句。 推断题: 推断题就是根据某个事实推断结论,主要考查学生的理解力和推断力。这类推断通常包括:数据事实推断、常识推断以及作者的写作目的、态度和倾向等的推断。做此类题时,应根据短文中的相关语句,对与事实有关的细节加以分析,找出线索,悟出字里行间的意思,反复比较,从而作出合乎逻辑的判断。 猜测词义题: 猜测词义题主要考查学生根据上下文正确判断灵活变化的词义能力。一般情况下,推断词义的题目中所出现的单词,大多数是学生未曾见过的生词,学生需要在该词出现的上下文中去寻找线索。通过阅

12、读上下文,断定该词的真正含义,然后将这个释义代入文中,检查是否贴切,仔细比较直到得出该词的确切的含义。 猜测句意题:要结合上下文,充分考虑作者的写作意图,把句意代入文章中,看是否通顺、合乎逻辑。 The earth moves around the sun ,and the moon moves around the earth.When our part of the earth turne to the sun ,It is day.When our part of the earth turns away from the sun ,it is night. The sun is muc

13、h bigger than the moon .But sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun because its much closer to the earth . The sun is very bright. It gives a very strong light. The moon looks quite bright,too. But it dosent give any light at all. The moon looks much bigger and brighter than the stars. But in f

14、act the stars are a lot bigger and brighter than the moon . They look smaller than the moon because they are much farther away from us .( )1._moves round_.A.The earth ,the moon B.The moon ,the earth C.The moon,the stars D.The sun,the earth( )2.Sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun because_.A it is much bigger than the sun B it comes out only at nightC its much nearer to the earth than the sun D it doesnt give a very strong light( )3.The sun_.A i

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