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1、(1)Mr. Li and Mr. Wang knew much about London. (2)They spoke English very well. (3)The man near the shop helped them find their friends home. (4)They didnt see any policeman in London. (5)The man near the shod couldnt speak English. 【答案】 (1)0(2)0(3)0(4)0(5)1 【考点】阅读理解 【解析】【分析】大意:短文讲述了李先生和王先生去伦敦看朋友,他们

2、不太懂英语,对伦敦也不太了解,最后,他们在警察的帮助下找到了朋友的家。 (1)句意:李先生和王先生对伦敦了解很多。根据 One day Mr Li and Mr Wang went to London to see a friend. They didnt know much English and they knew little about London. 可知李先生和王先生对伦敦也不太了解,故答案为错误。 (2)句意:他们英语说得很好。根据 They didnt know much English and they knew little about London. 可知他们不太懂英语,

3、故答案为错误。 (3)句意:商店附近的人帮他们找到了朋友的家。根据 At last they found their friends home with the help of a policeman. 可知他们在警察的帮助下找到了朋友的家,故答案为错误。 (4)句意:他们在伦敦没有看到任何警察。s home with the help of a policeman. 可知他们能够在伦敦看到警察,故答案为错误。 (5)句意:学校附近的人不会说英语。根据 Then he put his hand into his pocket and took out a book and read, 可知学校

4、附近的人不会说英语,故答案为正确。 【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确或错误。 2阅读理解阅读短文,判断下列句子正误 Two goats live on the left side of a river. One day they want to eat the grass on the right side. There is a bridge over the river. But on the bridge there is a lion. What should they do? They think of a plan. The first goa

5、t meets the lion. The lion shouts, m going to eat you! The first goat says, Dont eat me, please. The second goat is bigger and younger than me. So the lion lets the first goat go. Then the second goat comes. The lion shouts, The second goat says, t eat me, please. The third goat is bigger and younge

6、r than me. So the lion lets the second goat go. The lion waits and waits, but there is not a third goat.(1)There are three goats and a lion in the story. (2)The goats want to eat the grass on the right side. (3)The lion wants to eat the goats. (4)The third goat is younger and bigger than the first a

7、nd second goats. (5)The goats are cleverer than the lion. (2)1(3)1【解析】【分析】这是一篇山羊和狮子的寓言故事。故事中住着3头山羊。根据短文叙述 Two goats live on the left side of a river. (两头山羊住在河的左岸。)可知是两头山羊。题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。山羊想吃右岸的草。根据短文叙述 One day they want to eat the grass on the right side. (一天,它们想吃右岸的草。)可知题目叙述正确。正确。狮子想吃山羊。根据短文叙述 The

8、lion shouts, (狮子喊道“我要吃了你。”)可知题目叙述正确。第三只山羊比第一只和第二只都年轻和大。根据短文叙述 The lion waits and waits, but there is not a third goat. (狮子等啊等,但是没有第三只山羊。)可知没有第三只山羊。山羊比狮子聪明。根据短文叙述The lion waits and waits, but there is not a third goat. (狮子等啊等,但是没有第三只山羊。)可知山羊比狮子聪明。题目叙述正确。 【点评】这是考查阅读理解的题目。仔细阅读短文,然后根据短文的相关叙述来判断正误。3阅读理解读

9、短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否一致 Hi, Xiaoling, Thanks so much for inviting me to visit you in China I cant wait to see you. I am very excited to stay with your family. But I cant speak Chinese at all. Please teach me. I know China is very big. And the Chinese food is very famous. I cant wait to try all the delici

10、ous food. And there is a lot of natural beauty in China. I really want to see the beautiful lakes and waterfalls in China. I finally got my passport last Monday and I booked my plane ticket yesterday. I will arrive at Baiyun Airport on July 10th. The plane lands at 2:00 pm. Im so excited. See you th

11、en, Janet.(1)Xiaoling wrote this letter. (2)Xiaoling invited Janet to visit her in China. (3)Janet cant speak Chinese at all. (4)Chinese food is very famous. (5)Janet cant wait to try all the delicious food in China. (4)1这是珍妮特写给小玲的信件,她想要来中国旅游,她不会说中文,但她想尝尝所有美味的食物,想看中国美丽的湖泊和瀑布,她已经拿到护照,订了机票,将于7月10日到达白云

12、机场,飞机下午2点降落。小玲写了这封信。根据 See you then, Janet. 可知珍妮特写了这封信,故答案为错误。小玲邀请珍妮特到中国访问。根据 Thanks so much for inviting me to visit you in China I cant wait to see you. 可知小玲邀请珍妮特到中国访问,故答案为正确。珍妮特根本不会说中文。根据 But I cant speak Chinese at all. 可知珍妮特根本不会说中文,故答案为正确。中国菜很有名。根据 And the Chinese food is very famous. 可知中国菜很有名,

13、故答案为正确。珍妮特迫不及待地想尝尝所有的美味佳肴。根据 I cant wait to try all the delicious food. 可知珍妮特迫不及待地想尝尝所有的美味佳肴,故答案为正确。4阅读理解阅读理解 This is Teds China diary.Saturday, July 23 Sunny and hot Bills family took me to Xidan today. Its a famous shopping centre in Beijing. We went to Xidan Bookshop first. Bills father bought some books for

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