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1、Quiet in the classroom is like walking into a silent world!4、黑板的左上方是一台二十九寸的长虹彩电,它可是我们学习的好伙伴。The upper left corner of the blackboard is a twenty-nine inch Changhong color TV, but it is our learning partner.5、教室里被同学们打扫得一尘不染,窗明几净,真干净啊!Are the students clean the classroom, with bright windows and clean

2、tables really clean ah!6、教室里的节目正在如火如荼地进行着。The program in the classroom is in full swing.7、教室里只剩下了笔尖触碰纸张的声音。In the classroom only a pen touch paper voice.8、在写字课上,教师里鸦雀无声,连写字的声音都清晰可闻。In the writing class, teachers and even writing voice are in perfect silence, audible.9、太阳的光线,照射在教室的宽大玻璃上,一闪一闪,像是撒上了一层金

3、子的粉末。The suns rays, shining on the broad glass of the classroom, twinkle, like a powder of gold.10、教室干净的像刚刷的,*墙一样,一尘不染。The classroom clean just like a brush, white wall, spotless.11、班里的同学都看写作业,没有任何人发出响声,连一根针落在地上都能听见。All the students in the class read and write the homework, and no one made a sound,

4、and even a needle fell on the ground.12、下课后的教室就变成同学们十八般武艺各显神通的地方,好不热闹!After class classroom becomes eighteen students like Wu Yi recount the bustling place!13、晃动的灯光,在烟尘弥漫的教室中摇摇欲坠,忽然一声嘶叫,灯光摔到地上粉碎。Shake the lights, crumbling in smoke filled the classroom, suddenly there was a loud scream, crushing the

5、 lights on the ground.14、下课铃声刚响,教室里就沸腾起来了。同学们迫不及待地离开了座位,原本上课时安静的教室立刻闹成了一团。Just ring the bell, the classroom is boiling up. The students can not wait to leave the seat, the original class quiet classroom immediately became a group.15、教室里很安静,连翻书和笔尖触碰在纸上的声音也听不到。The classroom is very quiet, even the boo

6、k and pen touch on paper the sound was to be heard.16、教室里鸦雀无声,我似乎可以清楚的听到东南角的那个同学有韵律的呼吸着。In the classroom I seem to be clear in perfect silence, heard that the students in the southeastern corner of rhythmic breathing.17、叮铃铃,下课了。我们不在安静了,我们就像一匹马儿跑出教室。我们班转眼变成了热闹的班级。Jingle bell, after class. We are not

7、in the quiet, we like a horse ran out of the classroom. Our class has turned into a lively class.18、教室里安静的像深夜的森林一样。Quiet in the classroom is like a night in the forest.19、教室像蚊子窝一样,同学们都在窃窃私语。The classroom like a mosquito like nest, the students are whispering.20、与电视机相对的是摆得整整齐齐的一排排的桌子和椅子,是为我们学习准备的课桌和椅

8、子,也是我们学习不可缺少的伙伴。The opposite of the TV is a neat row of desks and chairs, is for us to learn to prepare desks and chairs, but also we learn indispensable partner.21、安静的教室又想往常一样热闹起来。可是,就在这个时候,在隔壁班上课的班主任施亚群老师走了进来。Quiet classroom and want to busy as usual. But, at this time, in the class next door clas

9、s teacher Shi Yaqun teacher came in.22、教室里安静得鸦雀无声。The classroom was quiet in perfect silence.23、教室里寂静无声,静得连一根针掉下地都听得清清楚楚!Silence in the classroom, quiet and even a needle down to hear clearly!24、教室里的温度达到了沸点,同学们都在叽里呱啦的说着、笑着。Room temperature reached the boiling point, the students are in jiliguala tal

10、king and laughing.25、闹哄哄的教室突然安静了下来,好像被关了静音一样,鸦雀无声。The noisy classroom suddenly quiet down, seems to be off the mute, in perfect silence.26、教室里,有的同学再看书,有的同学在翻阅资料,还有的同学正掩书沉思,仿佛在思考什么疑难问题。Classroom, and some students to read, and some students to read the information, but also the students are reading t

11、he book meditation, as if thinking about what the problem.27、教室里仿佛赶集一样热闹。In the classroom as fair as lively.28、教室里那么安静、似乎可以听到自己的心受伤的声音、轻轻地、用双臂抱紧自己。So quiet in the classroom, it seems that you can hear my heart hurt sound, gently and hold yourself.29、教室里鸦雀无声,掉根针都能听见。In perfect silence in the classroo

12、m, you could hear a pin drop.30、今天教室真热闹,我们的教室真干净,我们拿起小抹布,欢欢乐乐大扫除。Today the classroom is lively, our classroom is really clean, we pick up a small cloth, the joy of the spring cleaning.31、施老师走了,同学们又叽叽喳喳地讲起话来。我也和别的同学一样,和同桌韩蓉斌一起讨论问题的答案。The teacher walked, the students were talking to. I also and other

13、students, and sit at the same table Han Rongbin together to discuss the answer to the question.32、一个下午的劳动,教室完全变了样。桌子摆放的整整齐齐,地板上没有一丝果皮纸屑,讲台上原来到处乱飞的粉笔灰也不见了踪影。One afternoons work, the classroom completely changed. The table placed neatly, without a litter on the floor, podium chalk original flying arou

14、nd also disappeared.33、教室里似乎车祸现场一般拥堵吵闹。The classroom seems to be generally crowded car accident.34、同学们异常的安静,我听到老师手表微弱嘀嗒声。The students unusually quiet, I heard the teacher watches faint ticking.35、教室里老师刚说完题还没说让大家议论,大家就开始议论了,现在教室里有的大声喧哗,有的踩凳子上桌子说自己说的是对的。In the classroom, the teacher has just finished the topic has not said let everyone talk, we began to talk about, and now some of the clas

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