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1、eg. Percy Buttons begged for a meal and a glass of bear from me.帕西巴顿斯向我讨要一顿饭和一杯啤酒相当于:Percy Buttons asked me for a meal and a glass of bear.ask sb. for sth. 向某人要求某物beg sth. from sb. (更谦卑)向某人要求某物eg. My little brother asks me for lucky money every year.我的弟弟每年都向我要压岁钱。eg. The girl asked her mother for th

2、at beautiful skirt. 那个小女孩向她妈妈要那条漂亮的裙子。beg sb for sth 恳求,祈求(以谦虚的姿态要求)eg. Set him free, I beg you! 我求求你,饶了他吧!beg sb not to do sth 祈求某人不做某事beg sb to do sth 祈求某人去做某事eg. They begged us not to punish them. 他们祈求我们不要惩罚他们。eg. He knew that he had hurt her and begged her to forgive him.他知道他伤害了她,恳求她原谅。I beg you

3、r pardon!1) Im sorry. / Excuse me. 对不起,请原谅。2) Please repeat that./ Pardon 请再说一遍beg a favor of somebody 恳求别人帮忙beg somebody off 为某人求情v. + er/or/ar 可以表达人的概念work-worker 工人; sail-sailor 水手; beg-beggar 乞丐eg. Beggars cant be choosers. 饥不择食(谚语)beggar 家伙,(口语)有戏虐之意eg. You lucky beggar. 你这家伙真幸运!food n.1) u 食物,

4、通常为不可数名词eg. We cant live for long without food and water. 没有食物和水我们活不长。mental food 精神食粮food for thought 应思考之事2) u 作为特种食品时,可作为可数名词baby foods 婴儿食品 health foods 健康食品frozen foods 冷冻食品 breakfast foods 早餐食物a favorite food 最喜欢的一种食物3) food chain 食物链pocket n. 口袋,兜儿,衣袋trouser pocket 裤子口袋pocket dictionary 袖珍字典p

5、ocket-knife 袖珍小刀pocket money 零花钱,一般指孩子的零花钱beer money 男士零花钱allowance (Am) 零花钱put ones hand in ones pocket 愿意花钱pick somebodys pocket 扒窃pickpocket n. 扒手. 尤指在人多处行窃的。put somebodys pride in ones pocket 姑且忍辱负重call v./n.1) v. 拜访call on sb 拜访某人call at some place 拜访某地visit sb 拜访某人visit sp 参观某地drop in on sb 拜访

6、某人drop in at sp 参观某地区别:visit 是最为正式的参观或拜访,指那种经过准备的,比较长时间的,比较正式的参观或拜访;call on sb, call at some place 在口语中更为常见,表示那种比较短时间的非正式访问等含义;drop in on sb, drop in at sp 更为不正式,表示顺道拜访。2) v. 打电话call sb up=ring sb up 给某人打电话eg. Ill call you up this evening 今天晚上我会给你打电话的。call for 要求,需要eg. This occasion calls for prompt

7、 action. 这种场合需要紧急行动。3) n. 要求,电话a call for help 求救电话a cry for help 求助,求救call girl 应召女郎pay a call on a friend 拜访朋友,相当于:call on a friendroll call=call the roll 点名roll 卷状物;正式的表格,登记表;(尤指)名单,报名册二、【Key structures】关键句型1. 不定冠词a/an1) 表示“一”这个数量,意思和“one” 近似。eg. Rome was not built in a day.罗马不是一天建成的。2) “某一个“(泛指)

8、eg. This poem was written by a student. 这诗是个学生写的。(究竟指哪个学生不清楚)3) 和名词一起代表一类人或东西eg. A teacher must love his student.老师必须爱他的学生。2. 定冠词 the 1) 表示特指的人或物,与不定冠词泛指用法相对应。eg.This is the head of our delegation. 这是我们代表团的头头。 We must catch the next bus.我们必须赶上这下一班公共汽车。2) 与某些名词连用,表示一个民族,阶级或阶层等等。eg. Life was hard for

9、the working class. 工人阶级的生活很辛苦。The Chinese people are industrious and brave.中国人民是勤劳勇敢的。 1) 也和可数名词连用,代表一类人或东西。eg. The lion is found in Africa. 狮子在非洲被发现。The fox may grow gray , but never good.江山易改,本性难移。(谚)2) 表示世界上独一无二的东西the sun/the earth/the sky5) 与形容词连用,代表一类人或东西the rich, the poor, the oppressed, the d

10、eafeg. This was nothing out of the ordinary.没有什么不同寻常的。1.some 不定代词1)可用来修饰可数名词单数,表示“某一个”eg.Youll regret it some day. 总有一天你会后悔的。2) 修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,表示“一些”eg. I need some reference books.我需要一些参考书。Give them some fruit.给他们一些水果。4. 一般来说,专有名词,如人名,地名,街道,城市,国家,月份,季节等前不加冠词。人名: John, Tina地名: China, Hong Kong, Lond

11、on.其它: January, Saturday, Germaneg. John lives in English. He has a house in London. His house is in Duke Street. Last year he went to Madrid . John likes Spain very much. He goes there every summer.5. 在表示一种笼统概念的陈述句中也可以省略a或 Yesterday I bought a book. Books are not very expensive.昨天我买了一本书。书不很

12、贵。I have just drunk a glass of milk. Milk is very refreshing.我刚刚喝了一杯牛奶。牛奶很提神。Mrs. Jones bought a bag of flour, a bag of sugar and some tea.琼斯太太买了一袋面粉、一袋糖和一些茶叶。She always buys flour, sugar and tea at the grocers.他总是在食品店买面粉、糖和茶叶。Exercise A: 给以下词组分别加上a或some meat some meatdesk a desktobacco some tobacco

13、tin of beans a tin of beanscomb a combcity a citycloth some cloth (一些布) a cloth (一块布)oil some oilbottle of beer a bottle of beerday a dayword a wordstudent a studentsugar some sugarrain some rainorange an orangerubber a rubber (一块橡皮擦) some rubber (一些橡胶)Exercise B用下列词组造句,用a , the, 或some.1)found/coin/gardeneg. I found a coin in the garden.2)made/coffeeeg. She made some coffee.3) cut /wood/fire eg. I cut some wood for a fire.4) bought/newspaper eg. I bought a new

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