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1、练习:It has been revealed that some government leaders _ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.Aemploy BtakeCabuse Doverlook解析:选C。句意:一些政府领导被揭露滥用职权,非法为个人谋利。abuse 滥用,妄用(权力等);(不当地)使用;employ 雇用,使用;take 拿,取;overlook 俯瞰,眺望;忽略。 2. tolerate vt. 容忍;忍受tolerate (sb./ones) doing sth.容

2、忍(某人)做某事be tolerant of/towards sb./sth.容忍某人/某物have no tolerance for jokes of any kind 容不得开任何玩笑the tolerable levels of pollution 可接受的污染程度(1)tolerate 常用于否定句。(2)tolerate 后接动名词,但不接不定式。I wont tolerate your bad manners any longer.我再也不能忍受你那种恶劣的态度了。(朗文P1628)The plants are tolerant of frost.这些植物耐霜。He never c

3、ould tolerate bores.他从来忍受不了那些令人讨厌的人。a tolerant father 宽容的父亲 (朗文P1628)Many old people have a very limited tolerance to cold.许多老年人对寒冷的忍受力很差。Smoking has been_in more and more public places, which was once just in places like gas stations.Apreserved BprohibitedCignored Dtolerated选B。吸烟在越来越多的场合被“禁止”。3. op

4、pose vt.反对opposed adj. 相反的,对立的oppose A against/to B把A与B相对照或相比oppose oneself to 反对 opposed to sth./doing sth.某人反对某事as opposed to 与相对;与成对比Most citizens opposed the bill.许多市民反对这项议案。200 attended, as opposed to 300 the previous year.出席的有200人,而前一年是300人。Your evidence opposes the fact.你的证据与事实相背。Im stro

5、ngly opposed to your suggestion.我坚决反对你的建议。What excuse did John give for his rudeness at the meeting?He didnt even mention it,_ explain it.Alet alone Band even notCor not Das opposed to选A。let alone 在此意为“更不用说”。4. seek v. 寻求;追求;探求;探索;(正式)试图seek after/for sb./sth. 寻求某人/某物seek ones fortune 寻找成功(致富)的机会see

6、k sth. from sb. 向某人请求某事(某物)seek sb./sth.out 搜寻出;(在一群中)找出seek to do sth. 试图做They are seeking him everywhere.他们正到处找他。She managed to calm him down and seek help from a neighbour.她设法使他平静下来,然后向一位邻居求助。He is going to Canada to seek his fortune.他想去加拿大挣大钱。He is always _ fault with other people though he does

7、nt do his own work properly.Aseeking BlookingCfinding Dputtingseek意为“寻找”;look“看(不及物动词)”;find意为“找到”;put意为“放”。find fault with 意为“挑毛病”。5. postpone vt.推迟;延期postpone sth.(to sth.)推迟某事物;使某事物推迟be postponed for an hour 推迟1个小时postpone doing sth.推迟做某事postpone sth.until/to 推迟;耽搁;使延期Well have to postpone the me

8、eting until next week. 我们将不得不把会议推迟到下周举行。They decided to postpone building the new school.他们决定延迟兴建新学校。postpone,delay,put off三个词或词组后都不可以跟不定式。(1)postpone是正式用语,语义较强,指有意识地延至将来某一特定时间,在多数情况下,后面说明何时进行。(2)delay 指暂时阻挠或阻挡,稍后可再继续进行,后跟耽搁的原因。(3)put off与postpone 大致同义,但较口语化。The game has already been postponed three

9、 times.这场比赛已经三度延期了。(牛津P1337)Commuters will face long delays on the roads today.路远乘车上下班的人今天要在路上耽误很多时间了。(牛津P448)He keeps putting off going to visit his uncle.他把看望他叔叔这件事一托再托。翻译句子(1)由于下雨我们推迟了比赛。_答案:We postponed the match because of rain.(2)咱们在获取更多信息之后再做决定也不迟。_Lets postpone making a decision until we hav

10、e more information.(3)由于双方队员的冲突,比赛被迫推迟半个小时。The match was postponed for half an hour because of the conflict of players of the two sides.6. prohibit vt. 禁止;阻止prohibit.from doing sth.禁止做某事prohibit smoking 禁止吸烟Smoking in this railway carriage is strictly prohibited.本列车车厢严格禁止吸烟。We are prohibited from dr

11、inking alcohol during working hours.工作时间内我们不得喝酒。The price prohibited us from buying it.这东西价钱太高,我们买不起。Chinese customs regulations _ taking precious works of art out of China.Aprohibit BforbidCavoid Drepel中国海关条例规定禁止将珍贵的文物带出中国。prohibit和forbid这两个词都有“禁止”之意,但应用范围不同:prohibit用于上级部门的正式法令、规定或权威机构的法律、法令;forbid

12、用于普通人之间,如禁止做某事或不让某人做某事。avoid避免;repel抵制,排斥,击退。7. contradict vt.与(其他事物)相矛盾;反驳,否认,顶嘴contradict sth.同矛盾/抵触contradict sb.反驳某人contradiction 矛盾的说法;反驳in contradiction to与互相矛盾contradictory statements 矛盾说法If you contradict me once more,youre fired.你再顶撞我一次,我就解雇你!(朗文P323)Their alibis contradict each other.关于他们不

13、在犯罪现场的辩词相互矛盾。Its a contradiction to say you support the government but would not vote for it in an election.你说你支持政府,但又在选举中不投它的票,这是自相矛盾的。Your behavior is in (direct) contradiction to your principles.你的行为与你的原则互相矛盾。(朗文P324)完成句子(1)他不敢顶撞他的父母。He didnt dare _ his contradict(2)他们的短期重点和长期目标互相矛盾。Their short term priorities are_ _their long term direct contradiction to8. decline

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