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1、Critical Control Point (HACCP)System in the Meat Industry in China刘先德,段启甲,韩小松,冯学平,黄斌,佘锐萍摘 要我国是世界肉类食品生产和消费大国,到2004年,我国肉类产量占世界总产量25,750万吨的28.1。但近年来,肉类食品的安全问题,使公众对肉类食品安全的保障能力和公共卫生的管理能力越来越担心,对肉类食品安全的信任感降低。如何提高我国肉类食品的安全卫生,保证消费者的安全和出口产品质量,已成为当前一项迫在眉睫的任务。危害分析与关键控制点(Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Poin

2、t, HACCP)体系是一种科学、合理、针对性很强且对食品安全进行过程控制的预防性管理体系,已经被世界各国食品行业广泛应用。该体系的建立和应用可保证食品安全危害得到有效控制,以防止发生危害公众健康的问题。本文从宏观管理的角度,系统回顾了HACCP体系在我国的建立和应用情况。我国在20世纪80年初已开始引进和研究HACCP体系,至今已有二十多年的历史。目前HACCP体系已深入到我国包括肉类食品在内的各类食品生产企业。我国政府无论是从最初引进HACCP管理体系,还是在该体系的推广、应用过程中都起到了决定性的作用。有关政府主管部门,如国家质量监督检验检疫总局、国家认证认可监督管理委员会、农业部、卫生



5、尤其是在肉类行业的推广和应用具有一定的参考价值,也为进一步提高我国的肉类食品安全管理水平,促进肉类食品对外贸易的发展提供了重要的借鉴。关键词: HACCP体系,中国,肉类行业,食品安全AbstractChina is the largest meat producer and comsumer in the world. In the year 2004, Chinese meat production reached to 28.1% of the world total 257,500,000 tons. Meanwile, the problem exist in the field o

6、f the food safety, has lead to the great concern of the public, which more and more worry about the foodsafety, as well as the ablility of the government agency to guarantee the safety of the food. So, how to ensure the safety of the food, become more and more imperative.HACCP (Hazard Analysis and C

7、ritical Control Point) system, which is science based and systematic, identifies specific hazards and measures for their control to ensure the safety of food. HACCP is a tool to assess hazards and establish control systems that focus on prevention rather than relying mainly on end-product testing.Th

8、is article, has given a general review of the introduction and implementation of HACCP system in China. In the early 1980s, China started to introduce and study HACCP system within the country, and has now last more than 20 years. At present, HACCP system is widely applied in almost every aspect of

9、food processing facilities. The Chinese government has been taking a key role in the introduction, promotion of HACCP system especially in the filed of food processing plant. The relevant government agencies, such as General Administration of Quality Supervision and Inspection and Quarantine of the

10、Peoples Republic of China (AQSIQ), Certification and Accreditation Administration of the Peoples Republic of China(CNCA), Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), Ministry of Health (MOH), Food and Drug Administration of the Peoples Republic of China (CFDA) have made great efforts within their own jurisdictio

11、ns. In addition, industrial associations, universities and research institutes have also paied much attention to the research and implementation of HACCP system in China.In the year 1992-1994, the Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau (CCIB), one of the former AQSIQ and CNCA applied the HACC

12、P principles to 9 important categories of export food. In 1995, following the final regulations of Food and Drug Administration (21 CFR 123) that required the processors of fish and fishery products to develop and implement Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point systems for their operations, all

13、 the processing plants of Chinese fish and fishery products export to the United State of America, have developed and implemented HACCP system as required by CCIB. In 2002, the newly established government agency, AQSIQ, promulgated and published the Regulation of Sanitation Registration of Food Est

14、ablishments for Export (Order No.20, 2002), in which, 6 categories of food, such as: 1) Canned Food; 2) Aquatic Products (excluding live, fresh, dry and marinated products); 3) Meat and Meat Products; 4) Frozen Vegetable; 5) Extraction from Fruit and Vegetable; and 6). Frozen Cooked Food contained m

15、eat or aquatic product, are required for HACCP Audit for Sanitation Registration based on Sanitary Requirements for Establishments of Food for Export and HACCP Application Principles issued by CAC/WHO/FAO. This is the first compulsory regulation related to HACCP in China. Immediately after that, Regulation on Administration of Certification of HACCP System for Food Establishment (CNCA Bulletin No.3, 20

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