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1、中考英语一轮复习资料第1讲七年级(上)Units 151my(pron.)_ (名词性物主代词)我的2one(num.)_ (序数词)第一3good(adj.)_(adv.)好;对;满意地4family(n.)_(复数)家庭5this(pron.)_(复数)这些6friend(n.)_(adj.)友好的_(adj.)不友好的_(n.)友谊7those(pron.)_(单数)那个8nine(num.)_(序数词)_(十九)_(九十)9easy(adj.)_(adv.)容易地10help(v.&n.)_(adj.)有益的11know(v.)_(过去式)_(过去分词)知道12many(adj.)_(

2、比较级)更多的_(最高级)最多13interesting(adj.)_(n.&v.)兴趣;对感兴趣_(adj.)感兴趣的14difficult(adj.)_(n.)困难_(adj.反义词)容易的15relaxing(adj.)_(adj.)感到轻松的_(v.)使轻松1_ name名字 2_ name姓3_ school中学;初中 4_ number电话号码5ID _身份证 6_ and _失物招领7_ club 体育俱乐部 8_ me劳驾;请原谅9_ _ for.为而感谢你 10a _ of一套;一副11a _ of my _一张我的全家照 12. _ English 用英语13_ compu

3、ter games打电脑游戏 14. _ _ 做运动1_ _ _?你叫什么名字? Alan.艾伦。2_ _ _ you!很高兴见到你!3_ your _number?你的电话号码是多少?4_ is she?她是谁? 5_ _ _ day!祝你们过得愉快!6Here _ _ _ of _ _这有一张我的全家照。7_ _ your parents?他们是你的父母吗? Yes,they are.是的,他们是。8Is _/_ your pencil?这/那是你的铅笔吗?No,it _Its _ pencil.不,是他的铅笔。9_ _ _ _?这用英语怎么说? Its a/an.它是_ do you s

4、pell it?你怎么拼写它?10_ _ _ your help.感谢你的帮助。11_ me _ 6856034.拨打电话6856034找我。12_ is/are.?某人(某物)在哪里? Its/They are.它/他们在13_ _ basketball.我们打篮球吧。That _ good.听起来很好。14Do you _ a/an.?你有吗?Yes,I _/No,I _是的,我有。/不,我没有。 一、单项选择。1.Lets go out for a picnic on Sunday. _ (2014,泸州) AGood idea. BHere you are. CNice to meet

5、 you. DDont worry about it.2I have _ English dictionary and it helps me a lot.(2014,重庆) Aa Ban Cthe D/3Oh,a nice photo!Is this your uncles child? Yes,it is my_(2014,陕西) Acousin Bsister Cbrother Ddaughter4Meimei is a beautiful girl_ big eyes and dark hair.(2014,济宁) Ain Bon Cat Dwith5Is that red bag y

6、ours?(2014,威海) No,it isnt. _is that black one. AYour BI CMy DMine6Our teacher often asks us_ questions in groups.(2013,北京) Adiscuss Bto discuss Cdiscussing Ddiscussed7My sister_ her cat yesterday,but she didnt_ it.(2013,巴中) Afound;look for Blooked;found Clooked for;find8It is_ for me to follow the A

7、ustralian guests because I am good at English.(2014,安徽) Abad Beasy Chard Dright9Da Shan is_ at Chinese. He can speak Chinese very_(2014,铜仁) Agood;good Bwell;well Cgood;well Dwell;good二、选词填空。one she other play open think speak keep both wideThe 26-year-old Sui Feifei who is known as “beauty” on the s

8、ports ground shines in basketball games. 1 her pretty face and her talent(才能) attract many sports fans.Because Sui is one of the top basketball 2 in Asia (亚洲),she was chosen to play in the WNBA(Womens NBA) in the US. Its the 3 time she has worked abroad. She said she was ready for the challenges ahe

9、ad. She find friendship and help from her teammates and fans. So she always has confidence in 4 . Much of her confidence comes from her good 5 English.“My best point is that I enjoy speaking-Im never afraid 6 my mouth!” She likes speaking English to 7 .Off the sports ground, she is a good writer. Sh

10、e reads 8 , from foreign novels to Chinese Kungfu stories. That makes her love writing very much, She writes for many newspapers, and she enjoys 9 diaries. She feels free to put her 10 down on paper.This is Sui Feifei, a popular new star.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. family【拓展精析】family为集合名词,根据意义不同,

11、其谓语动词的形式有所不同。强调整体,指“家;家庭”时,谓语动词用单数形式;强调个人,指“家庭成员”时,谓语动词用复数形式。【辨析】family,house与homefamily的意思是“家庭;家庭成员”,与居住的房子无关。house的意思是“房屋;住宅”。一般指家人居住的建筑物。home的意思是“家”。主要指某人出生或居住的地方,通常有一定的感情色彩【活学活用】1)Sally considers Wuhan to be her second _because she has lived here for 13 years.(2014,绵阳)AfamilyBhouseChomeDroom2)Ji

12、ms family _very rich. The family _going to China for vacation tomorrow.(2014,安庆模拟)Aare;is Bis;are Cis;is Dare;areask 【拓展精析】ask sb.sth.询问某人某事 May I ask you a question?ask sb.(not) to do sth.叫某人(不)去做某事 He asked to go with us.ask sb.for sth.向某人寻求某事with 【拓展精析】意为“和在一起”;意为“具有;带有”,介词短语常用作后置定语;I want to buy a house with four bedrooms.意为“用”,表示用某种工具;We write with a pen.表示伴随,作状语。Miss Li walks into the classroom with a smile on her face.相关短语归纳:with the help of sb.with on

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