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2、加公开地参与政治。随着他1967年在纽约书评上发表的一篇题为知识分子的责任的文章,乔姆斯基成为越南战争的主要反对者之一。从那时起,乔姆斯基便因他的政治立场而出名,对世界各地的政局发表评论,并撰写了大量著作。他对美国外交政策及美国权力合法性的批判影响深远,并因而成为富有争议的人物。他有左派的忠诚追随者,但也受到右派及自由派越来越多的批评,尤其是针对他对911事件的反应。对美国外交政策的批评给乔姆斯基带来了人身威胁。他的名字被列在特奥多卡克辛斯基(Theodore Kaczynski,邮箱炸弹杀手)的预定名单上。在卡氏被捕以前,乔姆斯基让人检查收到的邮件以防炸弹。他自称也经常被警察保护,特别是在麻

3、省理工校园的时候,虽然他本人原则上不同意这种保护。尽管对美国百般批评,乔姆斯基还是生活在美国。他的解释是:美国仍然是世界上最伟大的国家。后来他又阐发为:国与国之间的综合比较没有什么意义,我也不会这么比较。不过美国有些成就,特别是在言论自由方面几个世纪来争得的领先地位,是值得敬仰的。”Chomsky believes children are born with an ability to learn any human language.i love english language4.1 child language acquisition theory chomsky, crystal,

4、Aitchison &piagetChomskyNoam Chomsky believes that children are born with an inherited ability to learn any human language. He claims that certain linguistic structures which children use so accurately must be already imprinted on the childs mind. Chomsky believes that every child has a language acq

5、uisition device or LAD which encodes the major principles of a language and its grammatical structures into the childs brain. Children have then only to learn new vocabulary and apply the syntactic structures from the LAD to form sentences. Chomsky points out that a child could not possibly learn a

6、language through imitation alone because the language spoken around them is highly irregular adults speech is often broken up and even sometimes ungrammatical. Chomskys theory applies to all languages as they all contain nouns, verbs, consonants and vowels and children appear to be hard-wired to acq

7、uire the grammar. Every language is extremely complex, often with subtle distinctions which even native speakers are unaware of. However, all children, regardless of their intellectual ability, become fluent in their native language within five or six years. Evidence to support Chomskys theory Child

8、ren learning to speak never make grammatical errors such as getting their subjects, verbs and objects in the wrong order. If an adult deliberately said a grammatically incorrect sentence, the child would notice. Children often say things that are ungrammatical such as mama ball, which they cannot ha

9、ve learnt passively. Mistakes such as I drawed instead of I drew show they are not learning through imitation alone. Chomsky used the sentence colourless green ideas sleep furiously, which is grammatical although it doesnt make sense, to prove his theory: he said it shows that sentences can be gramm

10、atical without having any meaning, that we can tell the difference between a grammatical and an ungrammatical sentence without ever having heard the sentence before, and that we can produce and understand brand new sentences that no one has ever said before.Evidence against Chomskys theory Critics o

11、f Chomskys theory say that although it is clear that children dont learn language through imitation alone, this does not prove that they must have an LAD language learning could merely be through general learning and understanding abilities and interactions with other people.Dialogue Parent and Chil

12、d (3 years old) Parent: What did you do today?Child: Me drawed a cat. (applies ed suffix rule but gets wrong) You drew a cat? Yeah. (understands correction) Who did you play with at break time? Me played with Sarah and Helen. (wrong pronoun not learnt passively) That sound fun. Now what do you want

13、for tea? Dunno. What you having? Daddy and I are having fish. You having fishes? (incorrect use of plural noun but shows child applying rules) Yes. Ill do you some fish fingers and if youre a good girl and eatthem all you can have a sweetie. (applying plural noun rule) Me want two sweeties. Alright

14、then. Now go and watch Postman Pat while I start the tea. When Daddy coming home? (gets SVO order correct all the time) Hell be here soon.DavidCrystalDavid Crystals Theory On Child Language AcquisitionProfessor Crystal is best known for his two encyclopaedias The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Language

15、and The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of the English Language. So what does this have to do with child language acquisition?David Crystal has the theory that children learn language in five stages, which arent clearly defined and some tie in with each other.These stages are:Stage One:This is where children say things for three purposes:1. To get something they want2. To get

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