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1、小学英语Unit4Seasons复习课教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思Unit 4 SeasonsTeaching aimsEmotional aims: 1. To enjoy and love the nature.2.To love Mountain Tai and our hometown.Ability aims:1.To talk about seasons.2.To summarize the knowledge point.Knowledge aims:1.To review the four seasons, weather, clothes and activities.2

2、.To review the sentences patterns:-What season is it?-Its Its in .-What season do you like?-I likeTeaching procedures:Leading-in Lead in the topic according to free talk.Purpose: Lead in the topic-In order to build a better Taian city ,we need some guides. So there are some tasks for the students.:

3、ConsolidationTask 1: Know the seasons of Mountain Tai.1.Watch the pictures of four seasons in Mountain Tai.2.Then listen and repeat the main sentences.3.Watch, listen, guess, read and say the four seasons.Purpose: Using the sentences “What season is it? Its”,let the students know the four season of

4、Mountain Tai.Talk about the seasons of Mountain Tai.1.One group makes a model.2.The students practice in group.3.Show time.Purpose : Using the sentences “What season do you like? I like I dont like”,let the students express the emotion of loving to Mountain Tai. Enjoy the seasons of Mountain Tai.1.T

5、he students watch the pictures. 2.Then discuss the weathers, clothes and activities of four seaons.3.Finish the mind-map.Purpose : Using the sentences “We wear? I often ”,let the students know Everyseasonbringsitsjoy. We wear different clothes and do different things in four seasons. : Comprehension

6、Task 2: Tourist commentary1.The teacher show the tourist commentary.2.The students practice by themselves.3.Show time.Purpose: In order to be a good guide, let the students using what they have learned write the tourist commentary.: ExtensionTask 3: Lets try1.One group makes a model.2.The students p

7、ractice in group.3.Show time.Purpose: Let the students comminute with what they have learned. : ExerciseTask 4: Test for guideFirstly, the students do the exercises .Then the teacher checks the answers for them. At last watch and summarize .1.Listen and write.2.Lets choose.3.Make sentences.4.Watch a

8、nd judge.Purpose: Teach the students the methods of doing the tests.: Summary and homework1.Summarize2.HomeworkListen and imitate the text.Draw your season mind-map.Talk about your favorite seasonUnit4 Seasons学情分析 小学四年级的学生思维发展开始从具体形象思维向抽象逻辑思维过渡,但是他们的抽象逻辑思维在很大程度上仍然是直接与感性经验相联系,仍有很大的不自觉性和具体形象性,所以我在教学设计


10、课的学习打下了良好的基础。四年级三班学生聪明活泼,有思想,有个性,对英语学习热情高涨,这几次英语成绩一直名列前茅,大部分孩子都很认真、踏实,课堂上基本都能跟着教师的节奏进行,思维活跃,在进行练习活动的时候有始有终,纪律井然。学生成绩较好,但是在课上表现的时候还是有腼腆的感觉,从声音上就能体现出来,不是特别洪亮,然后就是动作展示不是很大方,有些扭捏,这一点以后要逐渐和学生渗透,慢慢放开自己,声音要特别洪亮,要引导学生有不怕出错的精神,敢大声说英语,爱大声说英语。又因为本课时内容较多,难度适中,个别同学当堂掌握的还不是很好,要再进一步复习加强,让他们跟上大部队的步伐。Unit4 Seasons效果

11、分析 本课达标练习即Test for guide(导游小测验)环节,侧重了对学生基本技能、听力和阅读能力的检测。从学生答题的情况来看,总体较好,大部分学生能够做到全对,有部分学生出现第一时间反应不出来的状况。下面将进行逐题分析:Test1: Listen and write.1.Its _in spring .2.Its _in summer.3.Its _in autumn.4.Its _in winter.这一题学生掌握地很好,不仅可以选对词,而且可以做到正确拼写。Test 2:Lets choose (选一选)1.How many seasons in a year?A.four B.

12、five2.We have four _ in a year.A.season B.seasons3.They are spring, _, autumn and _.A.summer;winter B. sunny;winner 这一题既考察了学生对第四单元重点知识的掌握能力,也考察了学生的辩词能力,个别同学对单词的辨析还需要加强训练。Test 3: Make sentences.1. its in spring warm (.)2. sweaters we wear often (.)3. can I skating go winter in (.)4. dont I summer lik

13、e (.) 书写句子,学生基本能做到:开头大写,句末(加)标点,句中留空。Test 4: Watch and judge(T or F).1.There are four seasons. ( )2.Its hot in fall.(秋天) ( ) 3.He can go swimming in summer. ( )4.He cant play with snow in winter.( )由于把传统的阅读文本变成观看视频完成判断,有一部分同学不适应,出错比较多,尤其是最后一题没有注意cant 和can 的区别。从整体看,学生掌握情况还是不错的。说明几乎所有同学的课上效率还是很高的。针对出现

14、的问题,在以后的教学中我将采取以下措施:1.继续加强学生听说能力的培养,多采用一些丰富多样的课堂活动;2.加强学生的读写能力,引导学生在读文本的过程中找关键词;写的时候做到边读边写,字母、句子规范书写;3.继续调动学生学英语的热情,兴趣才是最好的老师。Unit4 Seasons教材分析 本单元主要学习四季spring summer autumn winter 及描述每个季节气候特征的形容词warm 、hot 、cool、 winter, 还有我们在不同的季节穿什么衣服 、经常干什么,并学习使用“What season do you like? I like spring. Its warm i

15、n spring. I often wear sweaters. I can fly my kite.”等句型进行交流。本单元的教学重难点如下:1.学生能听懂、认读、会说下列单词:season year spring summer autumn winter warm hot cool cold wear T-shirt, fly my kite、 swim in summer 、play football in autumn 、skate in winter等单词和短语。2. 学生能听懂、会说“We have four seasons in a year . What season is it? Its summer. I like summer .I dont like winter. Its . in. We often wear”等句型。本单元以“seasons”为话题,围绕季节设计了一系列的活动,让学生在丰富多彩、生动有趣的课堂活动中感知语言、习得语言。季节话题和学生生活息息相关,学生比较真实的用英语来谈论,为他们用英语交际打下了一定

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