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1、When winter comes, poplar, Platanus acerifolia tree and grass irretrievably withered, the campus green is concentrated in the several strains of Aoshuang pine and growing green holly tree.3、传说中的龙是属于中古时期,穿成这样是适应环境,避免引人注目,那我们的救羊行动就会方便很多!The legendary dragon belongs to the middle ancient times. It is a

2、dapted to the environment and avoids the attention, so our rescue action will be much more convenient.4、这就是我们美丽的新学校,我爱我们的新学校。我们在这样舒适的环境里,更要把握时间好好学习,在知识的海洋里探索。This is our beautiful new school, and I love our new school. In such a comfortable environment, we must grasp the time to study well and explo

3、re in the ocean of knowledge.5、在学校的中院有一个菱形的金鱼池,里面有许多红色的小金鱼,它们在清清的水里追逐着、嬉戏着。There is a diamond shaped goldfish pool in the Middle School of the school. There are many small red goldfish in it. They are chasing and playing in the water of the Qing Dynasty.6、风吹,吹皱一河粼粼波光。一群白鹭自芦苇丛中齐齐惊起,扑腾着翅膀,划出的弧线骄傲有力。Th

4、e wind, blow a sparkling river. A group of egrets since the reeds together up, fluttering wings, an arc proud and powerful.7、初冬的月亮,又清又冷,从西面泻下冰相同的银辉。Winter moon, clear and cold, the ice pouring down from the same West silver.8、在这个忧伤而明媚的三月,我从我单薄的青春里打马而过,穿过紫堇,穿过木棉,穿过时隐时现的悲喜和无常。In this sad and beautiful

5、 in March, from my youth in the horse, through the Corydalis, through the kapok, and disappeared through time of the resurrection and impermanence.9、一轮杏黄色的满月,悄悄从山嘴处爬出来,把倒影投入湖水中。Round apricot yellow moon, quietly climbed out of the spur, the reflection into the lake.10、门外西边的林梢,挂着的上弦月现已变成一片金色的西瓜,不再是一条

6、弯弯的眉毛。Outside the West Linshao hanging on the moon has now become a golden watermelon, is no longer a curved eyebrows.11、人行道上,三两孩童欢呼雀跃,顽皮地踏雪。一脚一脚,嘎吱嘎吱,厚实的雪地上叠满新鲜的脚印。On the sidewalk, 32 children naughty snow as cheerful as a lark. Foot and foot, creak, thick snow covered with fresh footprints.12、在秋风中

7、,芦苇醉了;我散步其间,也被陶醉了。In the autumn wind, the reeds were drunk; I was also intoxicated with my walk.13、我的理想生活是,天天可以睡到自然醒,不做什么,不负啥责任,同我爱的,以及爱我的人,一起坐着说话,笑着看日落。My ideal life is to sleep every day to wake up naturally, do nothing and bear no responsibility, sitting and talking, smiling and watching the suns

8、et with people I love and love me.14、两岸的山峰变化成各种有趣的姿态:有时像飘洒的仙女,有时像持杖的老翁,有时像献桃的猿猴,有时像脱缰的野马。Changes on both sides of the mountain into a variety of interesting attitude: sometimes like a floating fairy, sometimes like a man with a stick, and sometimes like monkeys offer peach, sometimes like a runaway

9、horse.15、无边无际的平原平坦广阔,像一个硕大无比的墨绿色的大翡翠圆盘,苍茫浩渺,气魄摄人。The vast boundless plains, large jade disc, like a gigantic green boundless boundless spirit, intake.16、清晨,残月像一块失去了光泽的鹅卵石,抛在天边。In the morning, the moon is like a piece of lost luster pebbles, throw in the sky.17、金秋的阳光温馨恬静,侗乡的秋风和煦轻柔,蓝天白云飘逸悠扬。The warm a

10、utumn sun quiet, gentle warm autumn wind of Dong Xiang, melodious elegant blue sky and white clouds.18、古趣盎然的街道、千古风流的城堡、质朴静谧的小镇,客栈院中绿树葱葱,潺潺河水从门前及院旁流过,环境优美。安静。The streets, historic romantic castle, a simple quiet town full of ancient fun, inn courtyard green trees, gurgling water flowing from the fron

11、t and side of hospitals, beautiful environment. Be quiet。19、夜幕笼罩着草原,一盘圆月从鱼鳞般的云隙中闪出,草原上弥漫起朦胧的月光,像是升腾起来的一片淡淡的银雾。The dark grasslands, clouds flashed a full moon from the scaly, filled with hazy moonlight on the prairie, like a rose a faint silver mist.20、秋后的后半夜。月亮下去了,太阳还没有出,只剩下一片乌蓝的天;除了夜游的东西,什么都睡着。Afte

12、r the autumn night. The moon is down, the sun is not, only a piece of Ulam day; in addition to night things, what are sleeping.21、月亮最终升到冷清清的天空,白晃晃一片晶亮。The moon eventually rose to the deserted sky, a bright white.22、远望天山,山顶千年积雪,像一位久经沧桑的白衣老人安详地卧在那里。Far from the Tianshan Mountains, a thousand years of

13、snow on the top of the mountain, like an old man of long vicissitudes of white clothes, lying serenely.23、她们头顶的树叶文风不动,知了叫的烦躁尖锐,沙沙的粘虫屎,掉到地上上来。They head leaves unmoving, cicadas irritability sharp, rustling up sticky shit, falling to the ground.24、夕阳已完全被暮色吞噬。空中绚丽的晚霞变成灰褐色,好像被什么人撕成碎片,一条条,一缕缕地占满了西边的天空。Th

14、e sunset is completely devoured by the twilight. The magnificent sunset in the sky turned gray and brown, as if someone was torn into pieces, a strip, and a streaks of the sky in the West.25、严冬来临,杨树、悬铃木树和小草都无可挽回地凋零之后,整个校园的绿色便集中在那几株傲霜的松树和越长越绿的冬青树上。Winter comes, poplar, Platanus acerifolia tree and gr

15、ass are irretrievably withered, the campus green is concentrated in the several strains of Aoshuang pine and growing green holly tree.26、昔日四座破烂的校舍不翼而飞,崭新的教室和会议室屹立在屏障似的围墙里面,小巧玲珑的传达室守卫在大门西侧。The former four dilapidated buildings take wings to itself new classrooms and conference rooms, standing in the barrier like inside the wall,

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