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1、 3A朗文期中模拟测试题 班级: 姓名: 分数: 听力部分(50分)一、听音,选单词。(10分) ( ) 1. A. June B. July C. May D. December( ) 2. A. 16th November B. 25th October C. 18th September D. 1st January( ) 3. A. sixth B. third C. first D. second( ) 4. A. seventh B. ninth C. thirteenth D. tenth( ) 5. A. how B. what C. which D. when( ) 6. A

2、. Open Day B. Sports Day C. Speech Day D Parents Day( ) 7. A. foggy B. windy C. cloudy D. rainy( ) 8. A. winter B. summer C. spring D. autumn( ) 9. A. cold B. warm C. cool D. hot( ) 10. A. weather B. where C. when D. what二、听音,选出所听到的句子。(6分)( )1 A. Whats the weather like in winter? B. Whats the weathe

3、r like in spring?( ) 2 A. Its warm and foggy B. Its warm and windy.( ) 3 A. I like Dragon Boa Festival B. I like Mid-autumn Festival.( ) 4 A. Can you come to our school fair? B. Can you come to our school concert?( ) 5 A. Its on 21st December. B. Its on 21st October( ) 6 A. Whens the school concert?

4、 B. Whens the school picnic? 三听句子,并在相应的图写上正确的字母编号。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2nd September ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )四、听句子,对的写“T”,否则写“F”。 (10分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )五、听录音,选择正确的答案。(15分)( ) 1. A. It s cold and windy. B. It s in winter. ( ) 2. A. Yes, I do. B. I like summer. ( ) 3. A. What do you d

5、o? B I go swimming. ( ) 4. A. I like Christmas best. B. I like summer best. ( ) 5. A. Its on 10th May. B. Its 10. ( )6 A. I plant flowers. B. I fly kites. ( ) 7. A. I watch dragon boat races. B. I watch fireworks. ( )8 A. Its 1th June. B. Its on 10th June. ( )9. A.I wear a scarf. B. Iear ice cream (

6、 )10 A. Its cold B. Its cool 听力部分(50分)六写出单词中所缺的字母。(15分)123get l_ m_ fly _ wear a _456eat _ c_ e_ _ egg w_ f_ 789g_ _ send _ r_ Day 运动会 _Day 演讲日 _Day开放日 the school _市场the school _ 野餐 the school _ 演唱会 九请将下列的基数词变成序数词,并填在横线上。(8%) _ 2. twenty _ 3.three _ 4.five _ 5. eight _ 6 thirty-one _7.twelve _

7、8.nine _六看图,选择适当的词填在横线上。(10%)1、 We eat moon cakes (in, at ) Mid-Autumn Festival.2、 Childrens Day is (on, in, at) 1st June.3、 Its cold and windy. (Take off, Button up) your jacket, Sue.4、 Its raining outside. Put (off , on ) your raincoat, Tina.5、 What (does, is ) the weather like?6、 Which _(season,

8、festival) do you like best? I like Christmas best.7、 What do you do _ (in, at)spring? - I plant flowers.8. Whats the weather like in _ (winter, summer)? Its _ (cold, cool) and windy.七、根据类别把所给的单词进行归类,填写大写字母编号。(5%)A. twentieth B. Christmas C.November D. December E. fifth F. Easter G. second H.sunny I.

9、thirty-fourth J. first K. hot L. Chinese New Year M. January N. July O. Teachers Day P. warm Q. Mid-Autumn Festival R. dry S. March T. foggyFestivals Ordinal Numbers(序数词)Months(月份)Weather八看图,回答问题。(5%)1. Whens Speech Day? 5th April _2.What do you do in spring?_3. Which festival do you like best? _4.

10、Whats the weather like in autumn.?_5. What do you do at Easter? _ 三 按照例子 写句子(8%)例子:. I like Easter best . It is in spring. It is cold . I eat chocolate eggs at Easter.1. I like _ best. It is in _. It is _.I _ at _2 like _ best . It is in _.It is_ . _ at _.例子:In summer , it is hot and rainy. Dragon Boat Festival is in summer. People watch drgon boat festival at Dragon Boat Festival.In _, it is _ and _._

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