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1、学习策略目标让学生练习以前的周末活动内容,以旧带新,建立新旧练习文化意识目标了解西方文化中周末的一些经常性户外活动项目。单元教学内容分析本单元围绕“周末活动计划”这一话题开展各项活动,所涉及到的日常交际项目有介绍,打电话,询问和建议等,其中以询问What are you going to do.?及Were going to.为重点内容。Be going to 引导的一般将来时是学生在小学阶段系统接受的最后一个时态。以及打电话的基本用语,教材安排的语言材料所涉及到以往的很多动词词组,在四五年级时已经有所接触,教师可以从动词词组的复习入手,以旧带新的方式引入本单元的话题。单元教学重点2、能听懂、

2、会说、会读、会写句型What are we going to do ?教学方法直观教学法,任务型教学法、情境创设法等。课时的划分第一课时A第二课时 B C第三课时D E第四课时F H G课时进度1课型特点新授课 A主备教师王婷教学目标技能目标通过阅读,培养学生从听、自主阅读等方面获得相关信息息。知识1.掌握课文出现的新语言点:have school, plan for the weekend, at the concert 2.掌握并会运用句型: What are you going to do? Im going to 3.能理解并能正确的使用电话用语Is that?Yes, speakin

3、g。 4.能正确理解、掌握对话的内容,初步掌握制定计划的方法,并能有感情的朗读对话。5.培养学生对时态的敏感性,能进一步了解并感知一般将来时。情感.文化.策略目标能与他人合作完成介绍某项任务。能主动热心的帮助他人。教学重点1.能听懂、会说、会读本课词汇,理解运用本课句型,能正确理解、掌握对话的内容并能流利地朗读对话。2.复习打电话的用语以及计划活动时应该注意的事情。教学难点单词plan, concert的读音;有感情的朗读对话并适当拓展。教具准备1.教学辅助课件,多媒体。2、板书准备:预先写好课题Unit 5 The seasons 3. 学案作业纸 Teaching processStep

4、1 warming up Enjoy a song before class: What are you going to do?FreetalkT: What day is is today?What date is it today?What do you usually do at the weekend?Step 2 Presentation 1.T: What am I going to do this weekend? Do you want to know?PPT 出示 a short passage: Im going to stay at home this Saturday

5、. Im going to do some housework .This Sunday Im going to visit Yin shan Park with my daughter .ask S1 to read2.T: Its my plan for the weekend.Learn: plan for the weekend3. 总结:一般将来时:Be going to+动词原形S say Ts plan for the weekend together:YourYou are going toThe title What are you going to do this week

6、end?S1:Im going toWork in pairs. What about our friends:Liu Tao,Nancy&David ,what are they going to do?Do read and guess (No.3:David is calling somebody)David is calling Gao Shan. Do listen and answer,3 questions for you.(旁白)Q2: Do the children have school ? have schoolwatch and answer(第一段)Q1 What a

7、re they going to do on Saturday?Q2 By the way ,when and where are they going to meet?read and fill in the form(第二段)the weekends planwhenwhowherewhatSaturday Garden Theatre Sunday Davidplay the pianowatch the concert(请学生在书中查找出关键句)Step 3 Consolidationread and judge:T or F David is going to see the Bei

8、jing opera with us. ( )He is going to meet us at six in front of the Garden Theatre.( ) There is a concert in the school tomorrow.( ) David is going to play the piano at the concert.( ) Nancy is going to play the violin at the concert. ( )(在课件中出示修改后的答案)Read and write,then retellThe children have sch

9、ool today. Theyre planning their weekend. On Saturday afternoon, David , and his father are going to in the Garden Theatre. On afternoon, theres a in the school. Wang Bing , , and Gao Shan are to watch the concert. the concert, David play the violin and Nancy is going to .It will be great fun.3.Writ

10、e your plans for the weekend(在练笔中提供给学生tips,并提供范文) Who What to do Make a plan With whom Where When 4.Make a phone call教师指导,打电话给自己的朋友,约他去实现你的周末计划。Listen and answer1.What time is it now?2.Whats the weather?3.Do they have school today?4.What are they talking about?Do a survey: Im going to WhoActivitiesW

11、henHomework1.听磁带,模拟语音语调,跟读两遍,试着用be going to来谈论自己近期的打算。2. 完成练习与测试P65 B,听读训练P39 三Blackboard Design:Un it 6 Planning for the weekendHave school See a Beijing operaBy the way Play at the concertComments after teaching:为帮助学生复习打电话的日常用语,我设计了邀请朋友看演唱会的情景,引出电话用语的复习,学生较感兴趣,参与的积极性较高。接着设计任务,分两部分呈现课文,因为生词不多,故发现学生

12、掌握的还可以,在复述的过程中很多同学能流利地说出本课重点。课文教学的重点是引导学生在完成任务的过程中巩固知识,运用所学的语言,提高学生运用英语做事的兴趣和能力。由于高年级学生的年龄特点,长篇的课文对话已经不再合适他们去照着书表演,所以练习形式通过复述课文的形式加深对课文的理解更重要的是练习完整地用英语说一段有主题的话, 利于学生的语言综合运用能力的培养和英语思维的锻炼。在新教完课文的环节先是通过说的形式加强巩固,在作业设计上采取的是通过写作的形式即来写写即将到来的暑假生活计划,既能抒发学生真实的愿望亦能训练和巩固学习过的英语句式和词组。需要改进的是:要设计一条主线,将新的单词、词组串联起来,在情景中理解与运用。(第2课时)(新授课)B C张建民 耿娟了解并尝试使用将来时来表达一些周末活动1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词picnic, play, take part in.2.掌握会话中出现的三会单词concert, outing, Beijing opera show, singing contest, sports meeting.3. 能初步运用所学的词汇进行交流What are you go

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