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1、后踢抱脚直立Back kick and hold the leg whileremain Standing上体前倾超过45度Torso bends forward exceed 45仰身平衡Yangshen Pingheng YSPH Backward balance前举腿低于水平Lifted leg below horizontal level十字平衡Shizi Pingheng SZPHBalancing with arms outspread躯干低于水平Torso below horizontal level前举腿低势平衡Low balance with leg stretched fo

2、rwardStretched leg below horizontal level后插腿低势平衡Low balance with leg inserted behind插出腿脚触地The foot of inserted leg touches carpet低势前蹬踩脚Low stepping on kick forward支撑腿脚跟离地The foot of the supporting leg leavesthe carpet前蹬踩前腿膝部弯曲或脚尖未外展The knee of the kicked leg bends,andthe tiptoe is not directed outwa

3、rd侧踹平衡Cechuai Pingheng CCPH High balance with leg stretched sideway踹腿未由屈到伸The kicking leg does not undergo the process from bending to straight腿法Leg Techniques2前扫腿Qiansaotui QSTFront sweep支撑腿大腿高于水平Thigh of supporting leg above horizontal level扫转腿脚掌离地Sole of sweeping leg leaves the carpet扫转腿弯曲Sweepin

4、g leg bends后扫腿Huosaotui HSTBack sweepSole of the sweeping leg leaves the carpet横钉腿Hengdingtui HDTHorizontal nail kick钉腿直摆The nailing leg sways away straight 未横向异侧钉击Not nail sideward跌竖叉Dieshucha DSCLand on front split后腿明显弯曲Rear leg bends obviously前脚内扣触地The front foots sole points inward and touches c

5、arpet分脚、蹬脚Fenjiao FJ,Dengjiao DJParting kick, Heel kick摆莲脚Bailianjiao BLJ Lotus kick击响脚未过肩Slapped foot below shoulder level雀地龙Quedilong QDLSlide down前脚掌内扣触地s sole points inward and touches carpet跳跃Jumps3腾空飞脚、旋风脚、腾空摆莲Tengkong Feijiao TKFJ, Xuanfengjiao XFJ, Tengkong Bailian TKBLFlying front kick, Whi

6、rlwind kick, and Lotus kick击响腿脚未过肩Slapped leg below shoulder level击拍落空Slapping misses腾空正踢腿Tengkong Zhengtitui TKZTTFlying front raise kick悬垂腿弯曲Hanging leg bends侧空翻、侧空翻转体360度 Cekongfan CKF,CKF 360Cartwheel roll,Cartwheel roll 360空中腿明显弯曲Leg bends obviously旋子、旋子转体Xuanzi XZ, Xuanzi Zhuanti XZZTButterfly

7、, Butterfly twist腾空转体时躯干高于水平45度以上(含45度)The body is higher than 45 (including 45) in twisting in the air腾空转体时腿明显弯曲跌扑类Tumbling4腾空盘腿360度侧扑Tengkong Pantui TKPTFlying Cross legs kick 360and land on the side摆动腿脚未过头Kick leg below head level鲤鱼打挺直立Liyu Dating Zhili LYDTZLCarp Skip-up手撑地Lift-up with the help

8、of the hands腾空双侧踹Tengkong Shuang Cechuai TKSCCDouble flying side kick踹出腿未并拢或弯曲Kicked legs are not close together or bend步型Stances5弓步Gongbu GBBow stance前腿膝部未达脚背Knee of the front leg doesnt touch instep前腿膝部超出脚尖Knee of the front leg surpasses the tiptoe屈蹲腿未达水平Squatting leg not vertical后脚跟离地Heel of the

9、rear leg leaves the carpet马步Mabu MBHorse-riding stance脚跟离地Heel leaves the carpetSquatting leg not horizontal两脚间距过小Feet too closed each other躯干明显前倾Torso bends forward obviously虚步Xubu XBEmpty stance仆步Pubu PBCouch stance屈蹲腿未全蹲Squatting leg does not bend completely平仆腿弯曲The couching leg bends全脚掌未内扣着地Whol

10、e sole does not touch the carpet单碟步Dandiebu DDBSingle butterfly stance跪地腿小腿内侧未着地Inner side of the kneeling leg does not touch the carpet步法类Foot Work6上步(太极拳)Shangbu SBGoing forward step (in Taijiquan TJQ)前腿支撑时脚外摆超过45度Foot inclining outward more than 45后腿上步时脚拖地Dragging the foot while the rear leg step

11、s forward器械方Apparatus7挂剑、撩剑Guajian GJ, Liaojian LJUpward parry and uppercut直腕Wrist straight缠头、裹脑Chantou CT, Guonao GNTwining, wrapping刀背远离身体Broadsword -back too far from the body拦枪、拿枪Lanqiang LQ, Naqiang NQ Parry outward and parry inward枪尖未划弧Head of the spear without circling movement立舞花枪、双手提撩花棍Liwu

12、 Huaqiang LWHQ, Shuangshou Tiliaohuagun SSTLHG Figures 8, Uppercut with both hands未呈立圆Cudgel or spear movements without vertical circle器械抛接Throw and catch of apparatus抱接器械Catch the apparatus in a hug manner未单手接握剑柄、刀柄Catch the handle with two hands顶棍(南棍)Dinggun DG(Nangun)把端未柱地The end of cudgel doesnt touch the carpet梢端低于头The top of cudgel below head level.其他错误Other Errors01持久平衡静止时间不足2秒Remaining still and balancing move less than 2 seconds身体任何一部分触及线外地面Any part of the body touches outside th

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