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1、这棒形图清楚地表明,营业额有显著的上升。 That sounds promising. 听起来前景不错。Dialogues 2 How would you sum up the present situation then? 你怎样总结目前的情况? Well, weve certainly got a problem and it will get worse if we dont act. 目前的确存在问题,如果我们不去解决,问题便会恶化。 What do you suggest? 你有什么建议? In a nutshell, we need to streamline our operat

2、ions as soon as possible. 简而言之,我们必须尽快改进我们的运作。Dialogues 3 What has the companys performance been like over the last year? 去年公司的表现如何? Weve suffered a great deal from the downturn in the market. 我们因市场不景气而大受打击。 Do you expect this to continue? 你预计这会持续下去吗? Maybe, but weve managed to stay profitable by red

3、ucing our overhead and streamlining our production process. 可能会,不过我们减低了经常开支也改善了生产过程,所以勉强有利润。 How long do you think we can remain profitable in a shrinking market? 在不断萎缩的市场内,我们继续赚取利润的局面能够维持到什么时候? It depends on how well we can market our products. We must increase sales to have any chance of surviving

4、. 那要看我们推销产品的手法有多成功。我们一定要提高营业额,才有机会生存下去。Dialogues 4 So, what are your companys plans for the future? 那么,你们公司未来有什么计划? well, were keen to promote our range of financial services. 我们希望推广我们的各种金融服务。 Will the focus be on Shanghai? 会集中在上海发展吗? Our immediate aim is to secure a good share of the Shanghai marke

5、t. 我们当前的目标是要在上海市场中占有可观的比率。 What would you call a “good share” ? 多少才算是“可观的比率” ? Although were a new company, we believe that we should be able to secure a 5% market share in the short term. 虽然我们是新公司,但相信在短期内应该可以争取到5%的市场份额。 What are your long-term plans? 你们有什么长远的计划? We see ourselves opening offices in

6、Beijing and Guangzhou within the next five years. 我们预期会在未来的五年内在北京和广州开设分公司。Vocabulary 1. presentation 绍,陈述2. trend 倾向,趋势3. chart 图表 4. apparently 显然地5. dramatically 戏剧性地,引人注目地6. promising 有希望的,有前途的7. sum up 概括,总结8. streamline 使效率高的9. operation 运转,操作10. downturn 低迷时期11. profitable 有利可图的12. reduce 减少,缩

7、小13. overhead 企业一般管理费用14. shrink 收缩15. survive 幸免于,幸存,生还16. focus 集中,焦点17. secure 保护18. share 份额 19. bar 条,棒,酒吧 20. worse bad的比较级 更差的 21. suffer 遭受,经历 22. continue 持续23. manage 管理,经营,设法. 24. process 过程,进程 25. increase 提高,上升 26. promote 促进,提升,推销 27. range 范围,幅度 28. financial 金融的 29. immediate 直接的,立即的

8、 30. aim 目标 31. although 尽管 32. long-term 长期的 33. see 看见,预期关键句型Visual information 展示直观信息 As you can see from the chart, this is the area were concerned about. 你们在图中可以看到,这就是我们所关注的部分。 As you will notice from the diagram, the new layout is much more efficient. 你们从图中可以看到,新的设计使用起来效率更高。 Youll be able to s

9、ee what I mean if you take a look at this bar chart. 如果你们看看这个棒形图,便会明白我的意思。 Let me show you what I mean. Take a look at this graph. 让我解释一下我所讲的意思,请看这张图表。 Just let me run over this chart with you. 让我简单说明一下这张图表吧。 This table gives a breakdown of the figures we have available at the moment. 这图表显示我们目前所有分成细

10、目的数据。 If you look at the shaded area at the top of the chart, you will notice that were talking about net profits. 如果你们留心看看图表上方的阴影部分,你们便会明白我们所谈的是纯利。 The colored area to the right represents the previous years plan. 右边颜色的部分代表去年的计划。 The area at the top represents next years forecast. 上面的部分代表了对明年的预测。 I

11、f you begin in the top left-hand cover, you can see that May was an excellent month. 如果你们从左上角开始看,你们可以看到五月是一个表现非常卓越的月份。 At the bottom, you can see that weve established three problem areas. 在底部,你们可以看到我们确定了三处有问题的地方。 The overall trend can clearly be seen in this chart. 我们可以从这张图表把整体趋势看的一清二楚。 This map sh

12、ould make the changes Im talking about a little easier to understand. 通过这张地图,你们更容易明白我所说的变化。Talking about future谈论未来计划 So, what are your companys plans for the future? Well, were keen to promote our range of financial services. Although were a new company, we believe that we should be able to secure

13、a 5% market share in the short term. 虽然我们是新公司,但相信在短期内应该可以争取到5% 的市场份额。 What are your long-term plans? We see ourselves opening offices in Beijing and Guangzhou within the next five years. So you see yourselves in the Mainland of China, do you? 那么你们预期会在中国大陆发展,对吗? We believe theres a lot of potential i

14、n this market. 我们相信这个市场有很大的潜力。 Things are looking good for your product? 你们的产品前景不错吧Comparing figures 比较数据 When compared to last year, the figures look quite healthy. 与去年相比,今年的业绩看起来不错。 Are there any special reasons for this ? 有什么特别的原因导致这种情况的出现? Last year, we recorded an overall decline, but this year, there has been a signific

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