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1、6. A. make B. mend C. wash D. drive7. A. always B. never C. often D. usually8. A. take B. carry C. pull D. lift9. A. question B. wrong C. mistake D. problem 10. A. cost B. get C. spend D. use点评本文介绍了美国人尤其是年轻人对于轿车的厚爱,并列举了一些事例加以说明。让人们看到了一个发达国家的富裕和人民生活的繁荣。答案简析1. B。通过下文的事例不难看出美国人对汽车不是一般的喜欢,故用love it,较贴近文

2、章的意思。2. D。按常识,十四五岁的人应称为年轻人,故应说young。3. B。根据下文他们不想通过索要来获取别人的小轿车,而是想拥有自己的小汽车,故选own。4. C。如果说想要索要小汽车的话,那只有先从父母亲那儿开始了,故应选parents。5. A。十四五岁的年轻人大多在上学,所以工作占用的应是上学期间的空隙,故应选free。6. D。要想获得驾照得先学开车,故应选drive。7. B。与下文“车子一有问题就去修理”相对应,有些人病了却从不看医生,故应选never。8. A。carry应为“搬运”,push 为“推”,lift 意思为“举,提起”都不合文意,take sth. to 某

3、地,意为“把带到”。9. D。只能选择一个名词, 表示汽车的“故障,毛病”, 故选problem。10. C。spend some time doing sth。为一个固定搭配,意为“花时间干某事”。2、Once, a king showed two men a large basket in the garden. He told them to fill it with water from a well. After they _1_ their work, he left them, saying, “When the sun is down, I will come and see

4、your work。”At last one of them said, “Whats the use of doing this foolish work? We can _2_ fill the basket。” _3_ man answered, “That is none of your business。” The first man said. “You may do as you like, but I am not going to work at _4_ so foolish。” He _5_ his bucket and went away. The other man s

5、aid no word, and kept on carrying _6_. At last the well was almost _7_。As he poured the last bucket of water into the basket, he saw a bright thing in it. He picked it up. It was a beautiful gold ring. Just then the king came. _8_ he saw the ring, he knew that he had found the kind of man he wanted.

6、 He told him to keep the ring for himself. “You _9_ so well in this little thing,” he said, “ _10_ now I know I can believe you with many things。1. A. finishedB. didC. beganD. had3. A. The otherB. AnotherC. OneD. A second4. A. anything B. somethingC. nothing D. everything5. A. picked upB. put awayC.

7、 took awayD. threw away6. A. waterB. basketC. wellD. work7. A. fullB. emptyC. filledD. clean8. A. WhileB. As soon asC. BeforeD. Since9. A. have doneB. will doC. doD. are doing10. A. whatB. whyC. whenD. that名师点评本文讲述了一个国王为了考验两个人,让他们往篮子里打水,忠诚的人不遗余力地往空篮子里打水,直到国王归来。结果不仅获得了一枚金戒指,而且得到了国王的信任。1.C。这里did和finis

8、hed都表示完成了这项工作,而给篮子装满水是不可能的,国王应在两人开始打水后不久离开,所以应选began。2.B。往篮子里盛满水是永远不可能的,故选择never。3.A。两者中的另一个用the other加名词来表示。4.C。the first man想离开,因为他觉得自己干的是无用功,故选择nothing意为“从事某项工作”。5.D。pick up意为“捡起”,pick away意为“放好”,take away意为“取走”,而throw down意为“扔掉、丢弃”,比较贴近文意,为正确选项。6.A。根据文意,另一个人一直在打水,故选water。7.B。不停地打水必然会导致井空,故选empty

9、。8.B。while引导从句时,从句应用延续性动词,before和since不符合文意,as soon as表示“一就”为正确选项。9.A。国王是因为这个诚实的人所做过的事情而表扬他,所以应用完成时态have done。10.D。国王讲的最后一句话是含有 “sothat”结构的复合句,意为“如此以致”故选that。3、Food is very important. Everyone needs to _1_ well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind o

10、f food is _2_. We begin to get knowledge even _3_ we are very young. Small children are _4_ in everything around them. They learn _5_ while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, they begin to _6_ story books, science books, anything they like. When they find something new, th

11、ey love to ask questions and _7_ to find out answers. What is the best _8_ to get knowledge? If we learn by ourselves, we will get _9_ knowledge. If we are _10_ getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. When we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand

12、 better。1. A. sleep B. read C. drink D. eat2. A. sport B. exercise C. knowledge D. meat3. A. until B. when C. after D. so4. A. interested B. interesting C. weak D. better5. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything6. A. lend B. read C. learn D. write7. A. try B. have C. refuse D. wait8. A. place B. school C. way D. road9. A. little B. few C. many D. the most10. A. often B. always C. usually D. something本文说明了知识的重要性,介绍了一个人学习知识的过程以及获取知识的最佳途径,是一篇可读性较强的文章。1.D。本句承接上文,进一步强调食物的重要性,要有强壮的体魄得吃得好,故选eat。2.C。根据下文,大脑所需要的食物应

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