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1、【中考真题专练】1.(2014浙江丽水)-Susan , can you help clean the window ? -Why _ ? Alice is sitting there doing nothing ?A. him B. her C. you D. me 2.(2014连云港)-This book on idioms is interesting. I?d like _. Where did you buy it , Simon? -In the Amazon Bookstore.A. it B. this C. that D. one 3.(2014杭州)I can?t fin

2、d my ticket. I think I must have lost_. A. it B. one C. this D. them4.(2014湖南衡阳)We live in Hengyang city. She is our beautiful home. We all love _. A. him B. them C. her5.(2014苏州)I?ll do the washing-up. Jack, would you please do the floors? Why_?Susan is sitting there doing nothing. A. her B. she C.

3、 I D. me6.(2014山东聊城)My friend showed _ some old photos of his family.A. my B. I C. me D. mine 7.(2014湖北黄冈)- Susan, go and join your sister in cleaning the yard.- Why_ ? John is sitting there doing nothing at all.I B. me C. myself D. mine 8(2014江西抚州)-What do you think of the soap operas ?-To be hones

4、t, I can?t stand _.A. it B. them C. her D. him 9.(2014四川南充)Look the girl in the red skirt. _ is my new classmate. A. She B. It C. He D. This 10.(2014四川 巴中)Mr. Han is _ teacher. He teaches _ math. A. our; us B. our; our C. ours; us 11.(2014浙江衢州)-Susan, can you help clean the window ? -Why _ ? Alice i

5、s sitting there doing nothing.A. him B. her C. you D. me12.(2014江苏连云港)-This book on idiom is interesting. I?d like _, where did you buy it, Simon?-In the Amazon B. this C. that D. one 考点二、形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的区别 【考点知识简介】形容词性物主代词具有形容词性质,在句中只能置于名词之前作定语,不可单独使用;名词性物主代词具有名词功能,相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”,因此

6、,它句子里可作句子主语、及物动词或介词的宾语、表语。形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词具有单复数和人称的变化。1.(2014福州)-Here is a dictionary. Whose is it ? -Oh, it?s _. Thank you.A. me B. my C. mine2.(2014湖北随州)-The camera in your hand is nice, is it _ ? -Yes, but I?ll give it to my friend Lily as _ birthday present.A. you; her B. your; hers C. yours ; h

7、er D. you; hers 3. (湖北十堰)What do you think of your host family, Jim?Great. They try _ best to make me feel at home. A. they B. their C. them D. theirs1.(2014四川宜宾)That?s _ brother?s shirt. It isn?t _.A. my, your B. yours, mine C. hers, his D. his, yours 2.(2014山东威海)-Is this red bag yours ? -No, it is

8、n?t. _ is that black one.A. Your B. I C. My D. Mine 3(2014南京)-Excuse me, may I use your bicycle ? _ is broken. -Certainly. But remember to return it before lunch.A.IB.MeC.MyselfD.Mine;4.(2014浙江湖州)-Excuse me , I?m looking for my umbrella.-Oh, sorry. I took _ by mistake.A. yours B. mine C. hers D. his

9、5(2014四川广安)-Whose gloves are these ?-They are _.A. her B. hers C. she?s6.(2014山东济宁)-Is that car Mrs. Black ?s ?-No, _ is a white one.A. She B. Her C. Hers D. His7.(2014四川成都)Alice has a red pen, and the blue one is _ ,too.Ahis Bher Chers8(2014浙江台州)-Hi, Tom. Is that your bag ?-No, it?s Mary?s . And th

10、e sweater near then bag is _, too.A. mine B. yours C. hers D. his9(2014山西)Last month, we went to Li Zongsheng?s concert. The beautiful songs about his youngerdays reminds us to love _.A. yours B. theirs C. ours10.(2014贵州遵义)-Is that girl in red skirt _ classmate ?-No, she isn?t . _ is the girl in yel

11、low one.A. your; mine B. yours; my C. your; My11(2014贵州毕节)-Whose coat is this ?-It?s not _.A. my B. I C. me D. mine12(2014湖北荆州)-Excuse me, but is that my passport ?-Oh, sorry. I took _ by mistake.13.(2014贵州铜仁)- Is this bike?- No, its Lily?s _is over thereA. your, My B. your, Mine C yours, Mine D. yo

12、urs, My14(2014北京)I have a big brother. _ name is Paul.A. His B. Her C. Its D. Your15.(2014江苏淮安)John is fond of swimming. His hobby is different from _.A. I B. me C. my D. mine16.(2014四川达州)Excuse me, is this _ new pencil sharpener?Yes, it?s _. He bought it just now.A. Tom?s; his B. Tom; his C. Tom? h

13、ers D. Tom? yours17.(2014黑龙江哈尔滨)Walking in the woods makes Jenny think of the happy days in the countryside with her grandma . It is a favorite hobby of _.A. his B. her C. hers.18.(2014河北)We must protect plants. They are friends of _.A. we B. us C. our D. ours19.(2014湖北孝感)-My computer doesn?t work . May I borrow _, Mary?-Sorry, I?m using it now?A. his B. hers C. yours D. mine考点三、反身代词的用法反身代词在句中

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