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1、 (英文)The influence of the income distribution gap in our country and the reform countermeasures学生姓名: 孙丹 学 号: 20130611 院系专业: 马克思主义学院 马克思主义基本原理专业 硕士导师: 职 称: 教授 教学班级:14班 研究方向:马克思主义基本理论与教学研究 2014年6月5Contents第一部分/ PART I(见封面)The influence of the income distribution gap in our country and the reform count

2、ermeasures .1第二部分/ PART II(摘要)Abstractand key words.2第三部分/ PART III(正文)I the present situation of urban and rural residents income gap of our country and impact 31.1 the present situation of urban and rural residents income gap of our country31.2 the influence of urban and rural residents widening i

3、ncome gap.31.2.1 affect national economy sustainable and healthy development.31.2.2 affect social stability31.2.3 affect the rural human capital investment3II The cause of the urban and rural residents income gap4Improve the countermeasures of urban and rural residents income gap.4IV Conclusion.4第四部

4、分/ PART IV(参考文献)References5第五部分/ PART V(鸣谢/附录)Acknowledgements.6Appendix.6第二部分/ PART II (摘要)The influence of the income distribution gap in our country and the reform countermeasures Name: Sun DanMajor: Ideological and Political EducationTutor: wang YuanAbstract:With the deepening of the economic sy

5、stem reform in our country at this stage and income distribution gap bing widened gradually,the problem of it has become increasingly prominent.If the problem of income distribution cannt be solved correctely, it will not only affect the residents income level and the quality of life, but also the e

6、conomic development of the whole country.It is more likely to affect the whole countrys economy development trend.The present income gap between urban and rural areas being as the research object,guided by the marxist distribution theory, income distribution gap of our country present stage is done

7、more comprehensive and in-depth research. It is pointed out speeding up the reform of the income distribution system, reasonably adjust income distribution gap, and improving relevant policies and measures to regulate the income gap to a reasonable scope, can promote the healthy and rapid economic a

8、nd social development in our country. Keywords: distribution of income gap fairness and justice countermeasureI the present situation and impact of the income gap of urban and rural residents in our country1.1 The present situation of urban and rural residents income gap of our countryAlong with the

9、 rapid development of Chinas economy, people have shared the fruits of reform and development in our country; the income of urban and rural residents have rised, peoples living standards have been improved significantly. But the income gap between urban and rural residents is expanding. Especially s

10、ince the late 1990 s, urban residents income has maintained a rapid growth momentum, but the farmers income has grown slowly. During 1997 2002, period,urban residents income increased by6.64%,5.13%, 7.91%, 7.28%, 9.23%and 12.99%,respectively and urban residents disposable income kept the average ann

11、ual growth of 8.61%. And during the six years, our rural income growth was 8.51%, 3.44%, 2.23%, 1.95%, 5.01%,and 4.61%,and the average annual ruralnet incomr rerowth was 3.85%,which was less than half of the urban residents income growth. Obviously, since more than 20 years of reform and opening-up,

12、 had greatly improve farmers living standard has greatly been improved, but without doubt farmers has got relatively less benefit from it is a relatively less benefit group.1.2 The influence of urban and rural residents widening income gap1.2.1 Affecting sustainable and healthy development of the na

13、tional econmyAt present, the domestic effective demand shortage has become the bottleneck of restricting the further development of economy in our country, and the expansion of urban and rural residents income gap is one of the main reasons of the lack of domestic demand.1.2.2 Affecting social stabi

14、lity Reform and development needs a stable social environment. Social stability is the fundamental guarantee for the sustainable and healthy development of national economy, and a prerequisite smooth whether for reform . Urban and rural residents income distribution is reasonable, is an important factor of affect ing the social stability. Chinas gini coefficient has reached internationally recognized 0.4 cordon, and china become of the countries whose income gap is large in the world.1.2.3 Affecting the human capital investment has in the conrtrysideIn the modern economy, human

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