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1、2020万能中考作文模板及预测话题作文是什么社会话题:In recently /, (it) /has became /a hot topic /among people.It/ has played /a more and more important role/ in our life.为什么阐述原因There is /the main reason/ ( There are some reasons) /which /caused/ this problem.First of all, Secondly,. What s more,影响It is no doubt that/ it /h

2、as /a great effect. /First of all, Secondly, . What s more,利弊,多方意见As /a popular saying/ goes, every coin/ has /two sides. /has/ both of advantages and disadvantages/. Different people /have /different points.好处:Some people /think /that/ it /has brought /us/ a lot of benefits. First of all, Secondly,

3、 . What s more,坏处:Other people /think /that/ it /created /some serious problems.First of all, Secondly, . What s more,采取措施-怎么做In conclusion, I /think/ actions speak louder than words/.First of all, government/ we should take effective measure to solve it Secondly, as a matter of fact, we need to .Wh

4、at s more, it is worth for us to It is high time that we should be aware of the importance of +名词. 你的意见In my opinion, I think i very important for us to +呼吁大家共同努力,减少问题发生I hope that all of us can pay attention to it and try our best to solve this problem.话题1:实现自我价值(梦想)The Boy Skates Into SuccessCarso

5、n Kropfl is an inventor, business owner and environmental activist. His hometown of San Clemente, California sits along a beautiful coastal area of the Pacific Ocean. He enjoysthe excitement of surfing. Besides, he likes riding his skateboard.Carson Is a very hard-working 12-vear-old boy who just co

6、mpleted the seventh grade. And school had a lot to do with the creation of his company. He had enjoyed skating for years.He likes to use his skateboard to go to many places, including his school. But over time, heGrew increasingly frustrated(受挫的)that he had no place to store his board once he arrive

7、d.As a student, he could not change the size of his locker But he realized he might be able to change the shape of his skateboard. And, from that small desire. a business was born.Carson first just made a shorter skateboard in the shape of a square for himself and made his first sales in the room wh

8、ere students ate at his school. He put a few skateboards on a table and his schoolmates started buying them up. Within months, Carson had an agreement with a manufacturer. The young man says he has now sold about 700 skateboards in under two years of operation. His skateboards come in a number of sh

9、apes and designs. Each one costs around$100. The young business owner says he is not exactly sure what he will do when he grows up. But he will surely stay busy.“Im going to be an activist traveling the world, supporting ocean conservation and how we could help our Earth. And, traveling the world, s

10、kating and surfing will also be an important part in my life, because I am an athlete.书面表达题目:作为当代的中学生,我们该怎样来实现自己的梦想呢?你读了以上故事,请你用英语写一篇作文,内容包括:1. 你从中得到的启发2. 你是如何为实现自己的青春梦想而努力的3. 提出你的建议(两点)话题2:科技改变生活相关素材: How Does Cell Phone Changes Our LifeCellphone isso cheap that almost all people can afford it. Whe

11、never you go, you see people hold cell phones listening to music, talking on the phone, chatting with their friends by mobile QQ or sending video clip by micro messages. Our life style has changed enormously because of the widespread of mobile phones. 手机很便宜,因此很多人都能买得起手机了。不管你到哪里去,你都会看到人们拿着手机听歌,讲电话,移动

12、QQ和朋友聊天或者通过微信发语音。由于手机的广泛使用,我们的生活方式发生了很大的变化。 First of all, mobile phones change the way we communicate with others. In the past, we contact with our families, relatives and friend by writing letters or just go to certain area to make a phone call. However, if we want to contact with them, all we need

13、 to do is to take out our cell phone, dial numbers and then we can reach them in a minute. 第一,手机改变了我们与其他人交流的方式。在过去,如果我们要联系我们的家人,亲戚或朋友,我们会给他们写信或者到一个固定有电话的地方给他们打电话。但是,现在如果我们要联系他们,我们只需要拿出我们的手机,拨通他们的号码,就可以在一分钟之内找到他们。 Secondly, the way we contact with our friends is various. For most cell phones, we can

14、download lots of software such as QQ, MSN, and micro message and so on to contact with our friends quite often and know their latest information. 第二,我们联系朋友的方式多样化了。许多手机都可以下载QQ,MSN,微信等软件。通过这些软件,我们就能随时联系我们的朋友,了解他们的动态。 Thirdly, by cell phone, we can take photos and locate ourselves easily. All cell phon

15、es have photo taking function. We can take photos anywhere we want and dont need to take our camera. Besides, if we are lost, we can use cell phones to locate ourselves to help us to get the right direction. 第三,我们也能通过手机进行拍照和定位。所有的手机都有拍照的功能。不管我们到哪里,我们都不需要带相机过去,只需要用手机就可以拍照。另外,如果我们迷路了,我们可以用手机定位来帮助我们找到正确的路。 In conclusion, cell phones change our life greatly. 总之,手机大大改变了我们的生活。作文题目:1.谈谈科技的发展给我门的日常生活带来巨大的变化.2.结合你的生活体验,举个例子,说说科技给你带来的影响3.谈谈你对科技改变生活的感想话题3:家长陪练作业问题请阅读下面有关于家长是否要陪孩子做家庭作业的文章Accordin

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