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1、Cara Dune here was a veteran. 卡拉杜恩是一名老兵She was a drop soldier for the Rebellion. 她曾是反抗军的伞兵Youre staying here? 你要留在这里Nevarro is a very fine planet. 尼瓦罗是一颗非常美丽的星球And now that the scum and villainy have been washed away, 现在糟粕和罪恶已被洗净its very respectable again. 它又恢复辉煌了Hang on, kid. Its gonna be a bumpy r

2、ide, 坐好了 孩子 一路会很颠簸but I finally know where Im taking you. 但我终于知道要带你去哪了m taking you. 星球大战All right, lets try this again. 好吧 我们再试试这个Okay, did you. Do you have the wire? 你有. 你拿着线了吗No. Nothing. 不 还是没有Hey. 喂.Okay. Did you get the wire out? 你把线拿出来了吗The red wire? 红色的线No, no, no. No, the red one. Show me th

3、e red wire. 不不 红色的 把红色的线拿给我看The red one. 红色的那根Yes, good. 对 很好Now, youre going to plug that 现在呢 你要把红色的线插到red wire where the blue wire goes in the board. 蓝色的线进到电路板的地方Put the red wire where the blue wire goes in the board, okay? 把红色的线插到蓝色的线进到电路板的地方But dont let them touch. 但不能让它们接触上You see where you too

4、k the blue one off? 你看到你把蓝线拔出来的地方吗Yes, now put the red one. 对 现在把红色的插进去.No, dont put the blue one back. 不 不要把蓝色的插回去Put the red one where the blue one was. 把红色的插到原来蓝色的位置And put the blue one where the red one was. 再把蓝色的放到原来红色的地方But be careful. 但要小心Theyre oppositely charged, so keep them away from each

5、 other. 它们的电极相反 所以不能让它们碰上Make sure you hold them apart from. 确保你分开拿着它们.No, hold them apart. 不 分开拿着Are you okay? 你没事吧Well, it was worth a shot. 还是值得一试的Theres no way were making it to Corvus in this shape. 我们这样子不可能撑到乌鸦座You know I think we need to visit some friends for repairs. 我想我们得要拜访些朋友去修理一下So, how

6、d you like to go back to Nevarro? 回尼瓦罗你觉得怎么样Okay. Oh. Oh. 行了 行了Okay, little guy. 行了 小家伙No ones eating you today. 今天没人会吃你了Go on, youre free. 走吧 你自由了Go on. Git. 走吧 快Okay, look. 听着Here you go. 给你吧Thats all I got. 我就这么多了Now, I need to return all these things to the rightful owners. 我需要把这些都还给失主们第二季第四集 曼达

7、洛人围困 第十二章Looks like someone could use some repairs. 看来这家伙需要好好修理修理了Hows my credit around here? 我在这一带的信誉如何I think something could be arranged. Isnt that right, Marshal? 我想可以安排一下 对吗 执法官Im sure we can work somethin out. 我们肯定能安排上ll get my best people on it. 我会让我最好的人来修的Hey, fellas! 伙计们Lets fix this mans s

8、hip! I want it as good as new. 把这个人的飞船修好 我要让它和新的一样And you, come here, little one! 还有你 来吧 小家伙Has Mando been taking good care of you, huh? 曼达人有没有好好照顾你啊Have you been takin good care o him? 你有没有好好照顾他啊Yeah? Yeah! He said Yeah! Oh, yeah. 是吗 他说是 是啊Yes. 是的Come on. Yeah. 来吧Yeah, look at you. 你个小可爱Looks like

9、you two have been busy. 看来你们俩成就不少啊I myself have been steeped in clerical work. 我自己一直专心在事务性的工作Marshal Dune here is to be thanked for cleaning up the town. 而清理这里则要感谢杜恩执法官Your ships not lookin too good. 你的飞船看着可不怎么好I had a run-in with the New Republic. 我和新共和国的比试了一把They should leave the Outer Rim alone.

10、他们应该别管外环的事If the Empire couldnt settle it, what makes them think they can? 帝国都管不好 他们凭什么就觉得自己行呢Here we are. 我们到了m surprised to see this place is still standing. 这地方还在我还挺吃惊的Wait till you see inside. 你进来看看再说吧Who can name one of the five major trade routes in the galaxy? 谁可以说出星系里五条主要的贸易线路Anyone? 有人吗How

11、about the Corellian Run? 科雷利亚航程算吗- The Hydian Way? -Yes, the Hydian Way. That is correct. -海淀通路 -海淀通路 对了- A school? - Things have changed a lot around here. -学校 -这里有了很大变化Well leave the little one here so we can talk business. 我们把小家伙留在这 我们好聊聊正事- Wait. Wherever I go, he goes. - Mando, please. -等等 我去哪他

12、就得去哪 -行了吧Where were going, you dont wanna take a child. Trust me. 我们要去的地方 你不会要带上孩子的 真的Hell be fine here. You have my word. 他在这没事的 我向你保证.be transported from .从外环一直被运到the Outer Rim to as far away as the Core Worlds. 遥远的核心世界However, there are several other regions within our galaxy. 但是呢 我们星系里还有几个其它区域Th

13、ey are the Mid Rim. 包括中环.- Come on. - .the Expansion Region, the Inner Rim, -来吧 -扩张区域 内环the Colonies, Core, and Deep Core. 殖民区域 核心区域以及深核区域All right, class. Settle down. 好了 同学们 安静点Back to the lesson, shall we? 回到课上 好吗The capital of the Old Republic was within the Core 旧共和国的首都位于核心区域内on a planet called

14、 Coruscant. 一颗叫科洛桑的行星The capital of the New Republic. 新共和国的首都.is currently on the planet Chandrila, 目前位于钱德里拉行星which is also within the Core region. 也是在核心区域So, back to the start. 所以呢 回到开头The system also contains the Akkadese Maelstrom. 行星系里还包括了阿卡德大漩涡The Maelstrom surrounds Kessel and its three moons. 大漩涡围绕着科舍尔和它的三颗卫星旋转- As you learned yesterday. - No! -正如你们昨天学到的. -不.ther

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