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1、5.His sister stared at him in _(amaze.6.The programme is _(design to help people who are out of work.7.During the festival , the street is _(decorate with red flags.8.In the distance, I saw the house _(belong to her.9._(consider that it is handmade, the price seems reasonable.10.When I came in, he r

2、emained _(sit there.11.Much work remained _(finish.12.Whether the deed will do us harm or not remains _(see.13.This book is worth_(read.This book is worthy of _(read.This book is worthy to _(read.It is worthwhile _(read the book.14.The children are _(decorate the Christmas tree with colorful lights.

3、15.He _(remove the mud from his shoes before entering the room.16.I am very tired because my homework _(take me almost three hours to finish.17.The old machine _(take apart and the useful parts were sold.18.Rather than go there Id prefer _(stay here on my own.19.The painting shown on the show was _(

4、high thought of.20.Be patient. The proposal is under _(debate.21.He is waiting for you at the _(enter to the theatre.22.The ship was caught in a storm and finally _(sink.23.The house_(decorate with colorful lights really added to our happiness.24._(troop of customers crowed into the market for the n

5、ew product.25.There is some_(doubt whether he can solve the problem.26.Modern people focus more on their _(culture life.27.For my part, real friendship is more _(value than money.28.Those who _(survival the earthquake are leading a good life.29.It is _(amaze to find you here.30._(Select a good partn

6、er is helpful to your teamwork.31.Here came some _(art followed by their fans.32.He _(removal the dirt from his coat after seeing it.33.He decided to buy the _(wood desk after careful thought.34.Just take away what_(belong to you and go away.(第一单元35.About 1,000 athletes_(compete in 20 events.36.She

7、explained that DIN _(stand for “do it now”.37.The reporter _(interview her about her marriage.38.Only 200 children _(admit to /into the school every year.39.I together with my friends _(be invited to party yesterday.40.Everyone living here is willing to shoulder _(responsible to beautify the city.41

8、.The awards ceremony will _(host by Sir David Frost.42.Little Tom admitted _(break the window by mistake yesterday.43.Surprisingly, David _(charge with murder.44.There are too many_(advertise in our daily life.45.Nowadays many people have_(replace letters with e-mails.46.He has worked every hard and

9、 deserves _(pass the exams.47.His _(marry is full of happiness.48.What a _(fool thing Ive done.49.The good news made her feel_(hopeless.50.He made a serious mistake, so he deserved_(punish51.All the _(voluntary for the event should have certain qualities.52.He _(regular pays a visit to the caring ho

10、me for the old.53.Honesty forms the _(base of true friendship.54.She failed to gain _(admit to the university of her choice.55.The driver refused to take the _(responsible for the accident. (第二单元56.Computer began as a _(calculate machine in France in 1642.57.The _(simplify program is suitable for be

11、ginners.58.He practices _(sum up the passage with about 30 words.59.In _(sum , this is a very disappointing performance.60.He went there _(hope to solve all his problems61.He tried to turn his dream into a _(real.62.As time _(go by, my memory seems to get worse.63._(go against nature can cause deadl

12、y disasters.64.I _(total agree with you.65.This is a new discovery that has a number of industrial _(apply.66.With the help of science and technology, _(explore the Mars is not a dream.67.We havent _ (calculate the cost of the party yet.68.I didnt catch your meaning. Could you please _(simple your explanation?69.It is a _(logic conclusion from your point of view.70.I took a keen interest in the social _(revolute.71.With the goal _(set, the problem became how to achieve it.72.The two sides opinion are _(total different, so its hard to reach an agreement.73.We should set up a long-term p

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