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1、8. 在学校At school We have to complete our homework at home 9. 在家At home Can I watch TV when I am at home?10. 进来Come in Come in, please 11. 值日Be on duty Who is on duty today?12. 在那边Over thereCan you move the chairs over there? 13. 照料,照看Look after My father will look after the dog when I am absent from

2、home14. 请走这边This way, please 15. 在同一排In the same row We are in the same row 16. 看.Look at .Look at the vocabulary carefully 17. 去上班Go to work My father goes to work at 7:00 every day 18. 去同一所学校Go to the same school19. 在不同的班级In different classes We are in the same school, but in different classes 20.

3、 Have a seat/sit downHave a seat, please 21. 看起来像Look likeShe looks like a film star 22. 在椅子后面Behind the chair The school bag is behind the chair 23. 在课桌上On the desk The books are on the desk 24. 在墙上On the wall There is a map on the wall 25. 在床下Under the bed He hide the ball under the bed 26. 在门附近Ne

4、ar the door There is the desk near the door 27. 一幅教室的画A picture of a classroom There is a picture of a classroom at the back wall 28. 在画中In the picture A boat is in the picture 29. 在讲台上On the teachers deskA ruler is on the teachers desk 30. 一幅中国地图A map of ChinaI need to buy a map of China in the boo

5、kstore 31. 特别行政区An SAR32. 在包里In the bag A valuable article in the bag belongs to me 33. 在鱼缸上On the fish bowl 34. 在门边At the door He stands at the door 35. 拿球Get the ball 36. 什么颜色What color 37. 小游戏房A small playhouse 38. 在一棵大树上In/on a big tree There is a bird in the tree/there are a lot leaves on the t

6、ree 39. 看一看Have a look 40. 让我看看,让我想想Let me see 41. 就是它Thats it 42. 在空中In the sky A bird is flying in the sky 43. 在河面上On the river He boats on the river 44. 快来Come on 45. 在小山上On the hill There is a nice path on the hill 46. 浅蓝色Light blue My shirt is light blue 47. 穿红色外套In the red coat/in redThe boy i

7、n the red coat is a friend of mine 48. 深褐色Dark brown You are wearing a dark brown T-shirt 49. 穿上Put onPut on your overcoat before leaving 50. 把某物给某人Give sth to sbCan you give this book to your teacher?51. 起床Get up I have get up at 6:00 everyday, or I cant catch the first bus 52. 去上学Go to schoolHow d

8、o you go to school everyday?53. 和某人一起去Go with sb I will go to the Summer Palace with my friends 54. 课间休息时间Time for break It is time for break 55. 上课时间Time for class It is time for class 56. 吃早饭时间Time for breakfast It is time for breakfast/It is time to have breakfast 57. 吃中餐Have lunch Where do you h

9、ave your lunch ?58. 吃晚饭Have dinner/supper Would you like to have dinner with me?59. 打扫教室Clean the classroom Who will clean the classroom after the class?60. 看电视Watch TVYou cant watch TV, you have to do your homework 61. 做游戏Play games I want to play games with my friends after homework 62. 回家Go home

10、I will go home with my mother 63. 就寝时间Time for bed It is time for bed/It is time to go to bed 64. 上床睡觉Go to bed 65. 一幅我家的旧照片An old photo of my family I have an old photo of my family 66. 在中间In the middle She stands in the middle of the line 67. 去教室Go to the classroom 68. 把某物带到某处Take sth to swI will

11、take album to you tomorrow 69. 把某物放到里Put sth in.Can you put your clothes in the bag?70. 太重Too heavy The box is too heave to carry 71. 充满,装满Be full of/be filled withThe bottle is full of milk/The bottle is filled with milk 72. 我明白了I see73. 一瓶橘汁A bottle of orange juiceI will go to the supermarket to b

12、uy a bottle of orange juice after the class 74. 去求助于警察Go to the policeman for help I have a problem. I need to go to the police for help 75. 出来Come out Come out and play with me76. 我就来Im coming 77. 损坏Be broken The bottle is broken 78. 下来Get down Get down from the tree, it is too dangerous 79. 走这边Com

13、e this way 80. 谢天谢地Thank Goodness Can you give the book to me, please81. 把它给我Give it to me 82. 一杯茶A cup of teaCan you make a cup of tea for me, please83. 一袋牛奶A bag of milk Besides a bag of milk, I have to buy several bottles of drinks 84. 一玻璃杯水A glass of water I want a glass of water 85. 土豆条Potato chips 86. 一些喝的Something

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