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届一轮复习外研版必修二Module 2 No Drugs学案文档格式.docx


2、rticipantparticipaterecogniserecognitiondistractiondistract.常用短语1_查阅2_闯入3_对上瘾4_有可能做5_定下一个日期6_和有关look up break into be/become addicted to be likely to do set a date be related to 7_处于危险之中8_属于9_代替10_听取某人的建议11_为了12_放弃13_与分享be in dangerbelong to instead of take ones advice in order to/so as to give up s

3、hare.with.重点句型1How many of them break the law _ pay for their drugs?他们中有多少人为了买毒品而犯法?答案:in order to2It was _ loud music _ we couldnt hear ourselves speak.音乐如此大声以至于我们听不到自己说话。such; that3I _ agree _.我非常同意。(我再同意不过了。)couldnt; more4_ youre doing when you want to smokedo something else!无论你在做什么,当你想抽烟时,做点别的事吧

4、!Whatever.模块语法1We all got up early _ we might start at six.A. in order thatB. thoughC. because D. as ifA2He trained hard s o that he _ take part in the race.A. can B. couldC. will D. mayB3Why did he make marks on some trees?_ his way back easily.A. Find B. To findC. Finding D. In order to findingB4A

5、fter twenty years abroad, Mr. Wang came back only _ his hometown completely changed.A. to find B. findingC. to have found D. foundA5I hurried _ I wouldnt be late for class.A. since B. so thatC. as if D. unlessB6The two boys look so much alike _ no one can tell them apart.A. and B. thatC. as D. so th

6、atB7John is _ honest boy that everyone likes him.A. so B. suchC. so an D. such anD8_ little water is not enough for _ many people.A. Such; so B. So; soC. Such; such D. So; suchB9It was _ fine weather that we decided to go camping.A. very B. soC. such D. such aC10It was _ fine day that we decided to

7、go camping.D考点探究解密考 点 解 读1addict vt.使沉溺,使成瘾n.入迷的人,有瘾的人精讲拓展:addict oneself to 沉溺于,醉心于be addicted to嗜好,热衷an opera addict歌剧迷a video game addict游戏机迷addictive adj.(药物等)上瘾的addiction n瘾;入迷;嗜好误区警示:addicted只作表语或补语,不能作定语,其逻辑主语必须是有行为能力的人或动物。addictive可作定语、表语或补语,作定语时,一般修饰事物,作表语或补语时,其逻辑主语一般是事物。be addicted to中的to为

8、介词。朗文在线:Many heroin addicts have contracted AIDS.许多有海洛因瘾的人感染了艾滋病。He is seriously addicted to these tranquillizers.他对这些镇静剂已严重地上瘾了。Crack is a potent, highly addictive form of cocaine.强效可卡因是很容易使人上瘾的烈性可卡因。命题方向:be addicted to短语是常被考查的短语,另外addicted与addictive常一起出现以词语辨析的形式出现在题目中。活学巧练:People_drugs have much d

9、ifficulty in getting rid of the_.Aaddictive to;addictBaddicted to;Caddicted to;addiction Daddictive;addiction答案与解析:C第一空用过去分词做定语,相当于who are addicted to;第二空用名词形式。2relate vi. 有关联;适应,和睦相处vt.使互相关联;讲述,叙述This letter relates to/is related to the sale of the house.relative相关的,有关的,相对地relation关系,亲属relatively相关

10、地,有关地;相对地,比较地in/with relation to有关,涉及close/near relation近亲relating to介词短语,“关于,和有关的”(about)have relation to与有关系活学巧练:(1)Everything_(有关的)his happiness concerns you.(2)The report has_(关系)to agriculture.(3)Wages are not high_(与有关)the cost of living.(4)All things were_(联系的)to all other things.relating to

11、relation in relation to related (5)His fear of people_his unhappy childhood.Ais relating Bis relating toCis related Dis related toD本题考查be related to“与有关”。句意:他害怕见人可能与他不幸的童年有关。3reduce vt.缩减,减少;使处于状态(表此种意义时,常用于被动语态);使变弱;使降职(级)把降低到;把减少到把降低了;把减少了be reduced to ashes被化为灰烬;被化为乌有be reduced to despair陷入绝望reduce oneself into陷入地步reduction n减少;缩小;减价,折扣误区警示:在中,to后接减少后的总量,而by后接减少的差额(以幅度而减少)。The workforce has been reduced by half.劳动力已经减少了一半。Davids extraordinary reply reduced me to silence.戴维不寻常的回答让我无言以对。The report can be reduced to three main points.报告可以归纳为3个要点。redu

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