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1、新编新目标九年级英语教案Unit 12 You are supposed to shake hands一 . 话题(Topic) Tell what you are supposed to do二 .重点词组(Key Phrases)1. shake hands 2. be supposed to do3. make some mistakes 4.make plan to do 5. on time 6. after all 7. get angry 8.tabble manners 9. pick up 10.take a drink11. make noise 12 point out1

2、3. its rude to do14. have a great time 15.get used to 16.make appointments 17.make a toast 三 .交际用语1. A: What are you supposed to do when you meet someone? B: Were supposed to shake hands / kiss / bow. 2. A: When were you supposed to arrive? B: I was supposed to arrive on time. 3. You should have ask

3、ed what you were supposed to wear. 4. You are not supposed to shake hands. 5. Spending time with friends is very important. 6. We never visit a friends house without calling first. 7. You are not supposed to stick your chopsticks into your food. 四. 重点难点释义(Language Points)1a-41. You are supposed to s

4、hake hands.Be supposed to do 应该被期做,当句子的主语是人时,它可以用来表示劝告,建议,义务,责任等,意思是 “to be expected to do sth, or to have to do sth.” 如:Youre supposed to ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom.如果你要离开教室,应该先问问老师.We are not to supposed to play football on Sunday.不准我们在星期日踢足球.This is secret and Im not suppo

5、sed to talk about it.这是秘密,我不应该谈论。she is late for class again and she is supposed to say sorry to the teacher.她又迟到了,她应该向老师说对不起. 【考题链接】1. -Dont keep silence! The head teacher is _ to know a lot about that?-How did he get it?A. able B. supposed C.supposing D. going2. bow动词,鞠躬,弯腰.如:Bow to the Queen. 向女王

6、鞠躬致敬.At the end of the play all the actors came onto the stage and bowed.终场时,全体演员都走到台前鞠躬致谢.He bowed his thanks.他鞠躬致谢.2a3. greet =to welcome or say “hello”,动词,问候,打招呼.如:He greeted her by saying “good morning”他象她打招呼说 “早上好”.She greeted me with a friendly smile.她向我微笑致意. A beautiful view greeted us.美丽的景色呈

7、现在我们面前.3a4. Where Im from, we are pretty relaxed about time.我来的那个地方对时间非常放松.句子中的 “Where Im from” 是一个由 “where” 引导的地点状语从句.引导地点状语从句的副词除了where 还有wherever.如:Just stay where you are.就留在你原来的地方.Wherever you are, you can see new factories and stories, new schools and hospitals.无论你走到哪里,你都能见到新建的工厂,商店,学校和医院. 5.

8、We are the land of watches, after all!毕竟我们是手表王国.(1)句中的land 是一个名词, “国家” “国土”的意思.如:After living in foreign lands for many years, the man went back home.在外国居住了多年之后,这个人回到了自己的祖国.Land 还可以表示 “陆地” “土壤” “土地”等意思.如We traveled by land until we reached the sea.我们在陆路旅行,一直到大海.(2)句子中的词组 “after all 意思是 “毕竟”.如:so you

9、 see, I was right after all. 你看,毕竟还是我对吧.You decided to come after all.你毕竟还是决定来了. Section B6. In china ,youre not supposed to pick up your bowl of rice.在中国,你不应该端起你的饭碗.Pick up, “捡起;拾起;拿起”.如:A girl picked up a wallet on her way home.一个小女孩在回家的路上捡到了一个钱包.The phone stopped ringing just as I picked up the r

10、eceiver.我一拿起听筒,电话就不响了.Pick those things up off the floor!捡起地板上的东西. 【考题链接】. 2. -Who was the winner? -Jack was. And he was _ to take part in the national sports meeeting.A. got B.had C. picked D. taken 3.-What are you going now?-I have to _ my kids from school. A. pick up B. take care of C. take away

11、D.make up7. In Brazil, you should wipe your mouth with your napkin every time you take a drink.在巴西,每次喝完东西后你应该用餐巾纸擦嘴.Wipe 动词,意思是 “擦,擦去.” 常与away, off, up 连用,表示“擦干净.如:Wipe the dirt off your shoes.抹去鞋上的污泥.Wipe up the milk you spilled, please.请抹掉洒出来的牛奶. 8. to stick your chopsticks into your food.把筷子插入你的食

12、物中.(1)stick 动词, “刺,插入”如:Stick a fork into the meat to see if its ready.将叉插进肉里看熟了没有.I cant move. Theres a piece of wire sticking in my leg.我动不了啦,有一根金属丝刺进我的腿里了.(2) chopstick 是由“chop(砍)+stick(棍子)组成的合成词.意思是 “筷子” 它通常以复数形式出现.如:Our Chinese always use chopstick to eat, but the English dont use them. 我们中国人通常

13、用筷子吃饭,而英国人不.一双筷子是a pair of chopsticks.9. Its rude to point at anyone with your chopsticks.用你的筷子指着别人是很不礼貌的. (1)rude 形容词,粗鲁的;无理的.常用词组be rude to sb, 意思是 “对某人无理”如:Its rude to interrupt when people are speaking.打断人家的话是不礼貌的.I think it was rude of them not to phone and say that they werent coming.他们来不了,也不打

14、电话通知一声,太不象话了.(2)point 是一个动词,意思是 “指, 指向”.它构成的词组” “point at”意思是 “指向” “对准”.如:“Ill have that one.” She said, pointing at a big chocolate cake.“我想要这个.”她指着一块大的巧克力蛋糕说.3a10. table manners 餐桌礼仪.manner 是 “礼貌”的意思,常以复数形式出现.如:Its bad manner to talk with a full mouth.嘴里吃着东西说话是不礼貌的.Manner 还可以表示 “风俗;习惯”时,也常以复数形式出现.

15、如.The manner of the ancient Egyptians 古埃及的风俗习惯.Manner 还可以表示 “方法;方式” “态度;举止”等意思.如:Dont you think that David has got a very arrogant manner?你难道不觉得戴维的态度很傲慢吗?Why are you talking in such a strange manner?你为什么用这种奇怪的方式谈话.11. My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table. 我最大的挑战是学会餐桌上的礼仪.Behave 动词,意思是 “行为举止; 举止”如:The boy behaved very well last night.孩子昨天晚上表现挺好.The teacher encouraged the children to behave well and not to be a discredit to the collective.老师鼓励孩子们表现得好一些,不要给集体丢脸.The little boy behaved with great encourage in the face of gunman.在持枪歹徒面前,这个小男孩表现得极有勇气.它

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