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1、HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT:ISSUES AND CHALLENGES FOR THE FUTUREGerald R. Ferris, Angela T. Hall, and M. ToddRoyleFlorida State UniversityJoseph J. MartocchioUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignThe field of human resources management (HRM) has emerged from the conceptual,empirical, and practica

2、l intersection of several disciplines including psychology, sociology,economics, and management/organization sciences. Consequently, theoretical development in the field of HRM has been more piecemeal, and has focused on more middle-range conceptualizations, driven by theory in these core discipline

3、s. To the extent that serious efforts have been made to develop a grand theory of HRM, such efforts have never drawn much attention. This has been partially due to the efforts made, and partly due to a belief by some HRM scholars that it is simply not possible to develop a grand theory of HRM that w

4、ould fit, service, or be applicable for the entire field; a position with which we concur. However, we do think that conceptual efforts directed at the development of integrative frameworks can prove useful for guiding theory and research in the field. This article provides a working multilevel fram

5、ework to guide HRM research based on the consensus opinions of recent scholars. Also, we provide a brief historical sketch of important developments in the evolution of HRM as an area of scientific inquiry, and we identify key issues and challenges for the future. Theory-driven empirical research is

6、 the foundation of the organizational sciences, with particularreference here to human resources management. HRM, as it is here defined, is both the science and practice that encompasses both the employer/employee relationship as well as its relevant actions,decisions, and issues. In practice, it in

7、volves an organizations acquisition, development, utilization,and appraisal of employee performance (Ferris, Bamum, Rosen, Holleran, & Dulebohn, 1995). It is quite natural for areas of scientific inquiry to periodically take stock of their knowledge base, and assess the strengths, limitations, contr

8、ibutions, and deficiencies of their theoretical and methodolog- Direct all correspondence to: Gerald R. Ferris, Department of Management, College of Business, Florida State University,Tallahassee, FL 32306-1110, Phone: (850) 644-3548. E-mail: Organizational Analysis, Vol 12, No. 3,

9、 2004, pp. 231-254 ISSN 1551-7470 Copyright 2004 Information Age Publishing, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.232 THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE FIELD OF HRM ical advancements. This is the task we undertake in this article in the assessment of the theory andresearch state of the

10、art in HRM, with particular emphasis on conceptual development.The material in this article is organized into three sections. First, we review basic issues in theory development in general, and with respect to HRM in particular. Then, we review and assess the scholarly status of the HRM field today

11、hy focusing on major reviews of the field published over the past 20 years, with particular reference to theory development, testing, and knowledge accumulation.Third, we discuss important issues and challenges for the field of HRM in the future in efforts to advance our knowledge base and conceptua

12、l development. Finally, we conclude the paper with some final thoughts about the field of HRM.AN INTEGRATIVE CHARACTERIZATION OF HRMIt is important to note at the outset that, in this article, we refer to the term organizational sciences to refer to a broad conceptualization of the systematic study

13、of organizations and the employment relationships within them. There have been various streams of scholarly efforts to develop a more informed understanding of behavior in and of organizations, such as organizational theory (OT),organizational behavior (OB), human resources management (HRM), strateg

14、ic management (SM),and industrial relations (IR).Moreover, scholars have attempted to categorize these lines of research as distinct fields (Cummings, 1978). For example, the issues regarding the distinction between HRM and organizational behavior have been debated by scholars for a number of years.

15、 Some have attempted to simplify this distinction between HRM and OB by stating that OB merely is more conceptual and HRM more applied; yet distinctions have been made along other lines (Cummings, 1978). Another distinction that has been used to dichotomize streams of research in organizational rese

16、arch is the categorization of micro (e.g., organizational behavior, industrial/organizational psychology) versus macro (e.g., strategic management, organizational theory). Yet, these distinctions are generally arbitrary (Cummings, 1978; L. W. Porter, 1996). For example, the line of research on strategic human resources management (Huselid, 1995) involves both micro issues (e.g., management actions to increase emp

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