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1、AustraliansD、Canadians窗体底端正确答案: C我的答案:C答案解析:2下列哪项课外活动属于兼职工作类? DD3GP的全称是什么?0.0General PoliceGeneral PractitionerGeneral PublicGeneral Practice BA4下列物品哪项不属于西式婚礼中新娘的必备之物?something oldsomething newsomething bluesomething red5下列哪个属于毛利人的问候方式? A二、多选题 (题数:下列握手方式不正确的有哪些?2.5 ABCDACD图书馆的功能区域主要有哪些?the relaxing

2、areathe circulation areathe study areathe shopping areaBD对于不喜欢的宠物可以如何表达?No. They are too boring.No! Birds are too noisy!Cats arent friendly enough.Yeah, its perfect! Ill get it. ABCAB西方情人节的象征物有哪些?丘比特玫瑰花同心结鸽子ABC可以用来描述感冒症状的句子有哪些?I have a cough.I have a low fever.I have chills.I feel itchy all over.AD三

3、、判断题 (题数:英文名片上地址的写法顺序是从大到小。接听电话时第一句话通常说“Hello. Who are you?”在英国如果虐待宠物是要受到法律制裁的。在英国人们通常会送昂贵的礼物。在西式婚礼上宾客可以随意拍照。四、简答题 (题数:请用英语介绍一所大学。(每点1分,共5分。)1.0正确答案1. 所在城市This is _, home of _ in _.2. 系部组成The college is made up of _.3. 地理位置_ is located _.4. 历史渊源_ was named _ because _.5. 建校时间The college was founded

4、in _ by _.6. 校园亮点One of the highlights of the tour of the college is _.7. 在校师生Today, there are _ students and teachers in the college.8. 校园近邻Next to the campus theres a/an _.我的答案The schole is perfect请用英语描述你最好的朋友。(每点1分,共5分)1. 年龄He/She is _ years old.2. 身高与身材He/She is _meters tall and _ in height with

5、 a _figure.3. 头发His/Her hair is _( 颜色), _( 长度)and _( 发型).4. 面部His/Her skin is_ .He/She has _ lips and wears _lipstick.He/She has _ eyes with _ eyelashes.He/She has _ eyebrows.He/She has a _ nose.He/She is known for his / her _.5. 综合评价He/She is _.用英语介绍你最喜爱的节日。1. 节日名称_is also known as _.2. 庆祝日期It fall

6、s on _.3. 节日起源The origin is a story about _.4. 节日习俗It has traditional customs, such as _, _and _ has traditional foods,such as _.5. 节日意义It is a holiday to express _. Traditionally, it has been a time to _.请用英语介绍一个宠物。1. 宠物名字I have a pet _.Its/His/Her name is _.2. 宠物类型It/He/She is classified as a/an _

7、.3. 宠物食物It/He/She can eat _, such as _, but_ is always its/his/ her favorite. So I think it/he/she is a/an _ animal.4. 宠物外形及脾性_ is (small-sized/medium-sized/large-sized), with _hair and _eyes. It/He/She is very _.5. 宠物益处It/He/She can help me _. _ always accompanies me, so I never feel _.6. 养宠代价I lov

8、e _ so much that I spend a lot of time on _ and a lot of money on _.7. 疾病预防I take preventive measures to _.用英语介绍一种健身方式。(每题1分,共5分)1. 项目起源_ originated from _. It dates back to _.2. 项目益处It can help you _, _and _.3. 项目分类In general, there are _types of _most popular among people.They are _, _, _, _ and _.4. 练习要求 / 练习时间As for the practicing time, you can practice _. You can practice _ minutes or _ hours each time, but _ is a proper period.5. 练习地点You may go to the _ or just practice it in _. If you want to _, just practice it _.6. 练习服装When practicing , youd better wear _ clothes and _ shoes.

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