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1、 单项选择40练 ( )1.-Class begin, boys and girls.-_.A. Good morning, Miss Li. B. Nice to meet you. C. Sit down, please.( )2. -Who can answer my question, boys and girls? - _. A. It doesnt matter. B. OK C. Let me try! ( )3. Are you from Canada? -Yes, I live in _. A. Beijing B. Toronto C. Washington( )4. Yo

2、u can see_in USA. A. B. C. ( )5. -I have got a big house ,ten nice cars and much money . - _ . A. You are my best friend, I love you. B. So what? C. Im sorry.( )6. Can we eat dogs? -_ .A. Yes, we do. B. No, we dont. C. No, never! ( )7. How many snails_ there in the box? A. do B. is C. are( )8. _What

3、s _ name? _ He is Mike. A. he B. his C. her( )9.What are you doing? - I am _ TV. A. seeing B. watching C. watch( )10. _Do you like science fiction films? _.A. Yes,I do B. No,you dont C. Yes, you do( )11. Does she get up at six in the morning?_.A. No, she isntB. No, she gets up at seven C. Yes , she

4、is ( )12._Have some orange juice. _ _.A. Thank you B. Here you are C. Thats OK( )13. Has she got a pet? _. A. No, she hasntB. Yes, he has C. Yes, I have( )14._Can Mary play the piano? _ _. A. Yes, he can B. No, she cant. C. She can play table tennis ( )15. Is a tiger green? _ .A. Yes , it is B. No,

5、it isnt C. A frog is( )16._ do you watch? I often watch cartoons.A. What B. Where C. When( ) 17._What is Lisa doing on Sunday? _She is_.A. swimming B. going to clean her room C. play football( )18._Whats her name? _ _.A. Mike B. Lisa C. Im Sue( )19.Whats the time, please? _Its_. A. a clock B. in May

6、 C. ten oclock ( )20.Are you afraid of _ to English?Yes, I am.A. listen B. listening C. to listen( )21. How many legs has the frog got? It has_legs.A. no B. four C. two( )22.How are you feeling today? I am .A. on the farm B. going to watch TV C. happy( )23.How many _ can you see? Three. A. mouse B.

7、mice C. wolf( )24. _Happy New Year to you! _ .A. Thank you B. The same to you C. Youre OK( )25.How much is the ruler? . A. Four B. 4 rulers C. 4 dollors( ) 26.What colour do you like? I like . A. blue B. a blue pen C. a pen( )27.My favourite Chinese food is Kaoya, what about you? Er_.A. popcorn B. p

8、izza C.Jiaozi( )28._What do you collect? _ _.A. Stamps are interesting B. Postcards C. I have a pet( )29.Whats five minus five? Its _.A. ten B. zero C. one ( )30._What is this? _ _. A. Its a car. B. This is a book. C. Pen( )31._What colour is the panda? _Its_. A. pink B. white C. black and white( )3

9、2.When is your birthday? _.A. Saturday B. Im eleven C. In October ( )33.When does the cartoon begin? It begins _. A.six B. at quarter to eightC. half past nine( )34.Whats the number? _.A. Its a shirt B. Two keys C. Six( )35._How often can you jump in a minute? _ _A.26 times B. Im fine. C.I can ( )36

10、. Thank you, Sandra. _. A. Thats OK B. All right C. No, thank you( )37. Excuse me ,where is the park? Turn right. Its_ the museum. A. next to B. in C. on( )38._ _How old is your father? _ Hes _ .A. a student B. forty C. fourteen( )39._Whats your phone number? _Its_. A. blue B. a red phone C. 83893110( ) 40. -What day is it today?

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