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1、六年级上册第一单元 短语到那里1.get there在图书馆附近2.near the library我懂了3.I see在学校向右转4.turn right at the school直走5.go straight让我们走吧6.lets go对不起,打扰一下7.excuse me到达科学博物馆8.get to the seience museum在那边9.over there在博物馆里 the museum想要买一张明信片11.want to buy a postcard一个会说话的机器人12.a talking robot故宫13 the Palace Museum紧挨着博物馆14

2、.next to the museum多有趣的一部电影啊!15. What an interesting film!在第一个十字路口16 at the first crossing在东方街上17.on Dongfang Street在书店向左转18.turn left at the bookstore在前面 front of给一个新的特征20.givea new feature过马路21cross the road跟我来22.follow me在医院后面23.behind the hospital找路24.find the way经过25.pass by看起来非常美味26.look

3、tasty那边走27.go that way离很远 far from去电影院go to the cinema在医院in the hospital住院in hospital问问题ask the question回答问题answer the question到达哈尔滨get to Harbin到达哈尔滨reach Harbin到达哈尔滨arrive in Harbin到达博物馆arrive at the museum我学校的特点the feature of my school告诉我关于tell me about.在左/右边on the left/right左转/右转turn left/t

4、urn right名胜places of interest六年级上册第二单元 短语1上学的不同方式different ways to go to school2红灯的时候等待wait at red light3注意pay attention to 4交通灯the traffic lights5早上好good morning6去/来学校go/come to school7乘坐地铁/出租车/飞机/火车by subway/taxi/plane/train8步行on foot9谈论一次运动会talk about a sports meet10好的锻炼good exercise11去自然公园go to

5、the nature park12从到达get to from13乘坐路公共汽车take bus.14在那边over there15向右看look right16横穿街道cross the road17在街道上on the road18触摸门touch the door19在地铁里in the subway20减速slow down21黄灯停stop at a yellow light22绿灯行go at a green light23停下来等待stop and wait步行/乘坐雪橇/乘渡船去上学go to school on foot/by sled/by ferry雪下得很大snow a

6、 lot在家里学习learn at home车辆慢行drive slowly穿救生衣wear a life jacket让做某事letdo sth在渡船上跑run on the ferry看一看have a look.的照片pictures of 去上班go to work去电影院go to the cinema和一起玩paly with去博物馆go to the museum做某事很好be good to do sth与不同be different from乘坐公共汽车回家take a bus home在左边/右边驾驶drive on the left/right side与相同the sa

7、me as.错误的一边the wrong side 1到那里1.get there2在图书馆附近2.near the library3我懂了3.I see4在学校向右转4.turn right at the school5直走5.go straight6让我们走吧6.lets go7对不起,打扰一下7.excuse me8到达科学博物馆8.get to the seience museum9在那边9.over there10在博物馆里 the museum11周末计划weekend plan12the plan for weekend13将要做某事be going to do14wi

8、ll do15寻找look for16看电影see a film17给某人买东西buy sth for sb18buy sb sth19这周末this weekend20去钓鱼go fishing21上美术课have an art lesson22听起来很好sounds great23sounds good24祝你开心have a good time25enjoy yourself26你也是you too27我也是me too28必须做must do29have to do30去滑冰go ice-skating31洗衣服wash clothes32去野餐go for a picnic33go

9、to have a picnic34堆雪人make a snowman35画画draw pictures36下周next week37拜访祖父母visit grandparents38和某人讲电话talk on the phone39talk on the phone with sb40关于宇宙的书the book about space41在周二on Tuesday42为何不做why not do43why dont you44半价half price45到那时见see you then46他们在这here they are47中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival48团聚get together49be together50讲故事给某人tell sb a story51tell a story to sb52学习游泳learn to swim53learn how to swim54别打扰我dont disturb me55不做某事without doing56通过做某事by doing57游泳池swimming pool58担心,害怕be afraid of59就跳进去吧just jumpin60应该做某事should do61在今夜this evening 62在明天上午tomorrow morning

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