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1、situationforthe(frantic).flood once.4.(Drastic) action had to be takenFortunately,drownedboy5.Theoldladytripped(resuscitated) by first aid.over a stairwayandbecame hospital.6. Manypeoplecanhavetheirvision7. Because of government(unconscious)restored(surgical) operation.Sh

2、e was rushed toby undergoing(intervention) inthe mortgage market, interest rates remain near their lowest levels in decades.8. Last night two burglars office and stole one of the computers.(broke into) my9. They have up our shares.(taken over)our firm by buying10.Willtherebe any differencebetween th

3、emental and(manual) laborin the future?7. Practice: tran slati on1.After a hectic week treating patients with sore throats and ear infections at his family practice, the 52-year-old physician was ready for a night of home cooking and fellowship at his churchs annual fun d-rais ing dinner.Referenee a

4、nswer:这位52岁的内科医生在他的家庭诊所忙碌了整整一个星期,治疗那些 患有咽喉疼痛或耳朵感染的病人,这时正准备在他所属教会的年度筹款晚宴上享受一些家常 烹饪,并和教友相聚。2.Theyd simply heard about the good food and were willi ng to pay $10 to heap their plates and help pay for the churchs new com munity cen ter.Refere nee an swer:许多人甚至不是这个教会的会员,他们只是听说这里有美食,愿意花上10美元饱餐一顿,同时为教会的新活动

5、中心做点贡献。3.He was relieved to see that his wife had found a clea n pari ng knife.当他看到妻子给他找到了一把干净的水果刀才放了心。4.Fort un ately, her family n ever went any where without an emerge ncy kit containing a manual resuscitator bag, just in case Shaun had trouble breath ing.庆幸的是,她的家人出门总是带着急救箱,里面有手动苏醒气囊,这是 以防肖恩出现呼吸困

6、难而准备的。5.We are so tha nkful that in this age of lawsuits, Dr. Boll was willi ng to put himself on the line.在这个容易惹上官司的时代,博尔医生敢于冒这样的风险,挺身而出, 实在是太让人感激了。1. Luck does not always(come into play) (起作用)in examinations. It is your hard work that matters.2. With the treatment,(the color returned) (面色恢复)to the

7、 womans cheeks.3. He got a nice dictionary(out of nowhere) (不知从哪里).It was really a great help.4. My car (wouldnt start)(怎么也发动不起来)this morning.5. The patient recovered from the surgery with(no signs of infection) (没有感染的迹象).Part 21.走私麻醉品(smuggle narcotics)2.最后一道障碍(the last hurdle)3.易变质食品(perishable fo

8、od product)4.航站大楼(airport terminal)5.记住(keep in mind)6.家用物品(household item)第二单元(g)1. claw a. to say someth ing loud; shout(h)2. thrilled b. to keep a particular quality, feature, etc.(a)3. call out c. to cause to be attracted and interested(f)4. give away(c)5. fascin ated.a place made or chosen by a

9、 bird to lay its eggs in and to live fill the dead body of an animal with material and preserve it, so that it keeps its origi nal shape and appeara nee(b)6. preservef. to reveal someth ing that is supposed to be kept secret(d)7. n est g. one of the sharp curved n ails on the end of an ani ma

10、ls or a birds foot(e)8. stuff h. very excited, happy, and pleased1. The splendid parade on the 60th National Day filled the Chinese people withgreat(admiration)2. The (unsuspecting) giraffe (长颈鹿)so frightened by the attacking lion that it fell in the water and was drowned.3. No sooner had Zorroblack

11、 horse appeared and carried him away.(whistled) than his(vastly) different andTheir dialects arethats why they can hardly communicate.(whispering) whilehe was speaking atthe meeting.6. After the accidentand a majoroperationon her woundedhead,she couldonlymembers.(vaguely) remember her family7. Herwo

12、rkouts had been fruitful.(slender) figure seemed to prove her8. T omSawyertoonervousto feelthe roughwalltrying to get out of the cave in the dark.(scratching) at his face when he9. Thelocal people claim to have seen manifestationsof dead peoplein(haunted) castle.10. The mother was trying to(hush) th

13、ecrying baby to sleep.1.It was already eight oclock and Sylvia wondered if her grandmother would be angry with her for being so late.已经是晚上八点了,西尔维娅想,这么晚回家,外婆会不会生气呢?2.The child hurried the cow through the dark forest, toward her gra ndmothers home.小女孩赶着牛,匆匆穿过阴暗的树林,向外婆家走去。3.She felt her heart tremble every time he shot an un suspect ing bird as it was singing in the trees.每当他把一只毫无戒心正在唱歌的小鸟从枝头打落时,她的心都颤抖不 已。4.The white heron smoothed it

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