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1、13. It takesto do sth 做某事花费某人时间。14. wait for the next one 等下一个(汽车)Reading (P. 811)1. know Sunshine Town very well 很了解阳光镇2. since I was born 自从我出生以来3. move house 搬家4. live in the northern part of town 住在这个镇的北部5. get married 结婚6. move two blocks away 搬到两个街区远7. live in this area 住在这个地区8. since then 自从那

2、时9. change a lot 变化很大10. over the years 这些年来11. a post office 一个邮局12. in the town centre 在镇中心13. turninto a new park 把变成一个新公园14. part of the town centre 镇中心的一部分15. a steel factory 一个钢铁厂16. put the waste into the river 把废物放到河里17. realize the problem 意识到这个问题 18. take action to improve the situation 采取

3、措施改善这种情况19. much cleaner 干净多了20. in some ways 在某些方面21. most of my old friends 我的大部分老朋友22. move away 搬走23. as often as before 和以前一样经常24. play cards 打牌25. play Chinese chess 下中国象棋26. feel a bit lonely 感到有点孤独 27. from time to time 不时地 28. see the amazing changes in the town 看到镇上令人惊奇的变化29. because of be

4、ing alone 因为独自一人30. a group of buildings 一群楼房31. with streets on all sides 四周都有街道32. know little about Sunshine Town 对阳光镇了解很少 33. take place 发生34. your interview with Mr Chen 你对陈先生的采访 35. move to another flat 搬到另一套公寓36. all his life 他一辈子37. in the past 在过去 Grammar (P. 1214) 1. have nothing to eat 没有

5、吃的东西2. many times 许多次3. since Monday 自从星期一以来4. repair bicycles 修理自行车5. for years 数年6. teach us a lot about 教我们许多有关7. the history of China 中国历史8. about the changes in Beijing 关于北京的变化9. over the past century 在上个世纪期间10. learn more about Beijings past and present 了解更多关于北京的过去和现在11. hear about the film 听说

6、这部电影12. plan to see it again 计划再去看它Integrated Skills & Study skills (P. 1517) 1. fresh air 新鲜空气2. living condition 生活条件3. years ago 数年前4. a new railway station 一个新火车站5. travel to and from town 进出这个镇6. another big change 另一个巨大的变化7. used to live in old houses 过去常住在老房子里8. most of them 他们中大部分人9. move in

7、to new flats 搬到新公寓里10. return from the USA 从美国回来11. go abroad 到国外去12. at primary school 在小学13. keep in touch with each other 互相保持联系 14. communicate by email 通过电子邮件交流15. make communication much easier 使交流容易多了16. be/get used to 习惯于Task (P. 1819)1. changes in my hometown 我家乡的变化2. open space 开阔的空地3. lis

8、ten to the radio 听收音机4. mobile phone 手机5. on both sides 在两边 6. enjoy a comfortable life 享受舒适的生活7. in their free time 在他们的空余时间8. travel around the town 在镇上旅行9. have their own cars 有他们自己的小汽车8B新教材Unit 2 短语归纳 Welcome to the unit (P. 2021) 1. go to South Hill for my holiday 去南山度我的假期2. have been there bef

9、ore 以前已经去那儿3. join you 加入你们,成为你们的一员4. get ready 准备好5. get all my things 得到我的所有东西6. take the bag 拿走这个包7. be a holiday for me 对我来说是个假期8. place of interest 名胜9. the Leaning Tower of Pisa 比萨斜塔10. the Little Mermaid 美人鱼11. the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像12. the Tower Bridge 塔桥13. the Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院

10、 14. the capital of Denmark 丹麦的首都15. come from the story by Anderson 来自安徒生的故事Reading (P. 2225) 1. a trip to Hong Kong 一次去香港的旅行 2. since last week 自从上个星期3. miss you so much 非常想念你4. have been in Hong Kong for two days 已经来香港两天5. have a fantastic time 玩地非常开心6. spend the whole day 度过整整一天7. go to the park

11、 by underground 乘地铁去公园8. have fun on Space Mountain 在太空山玩得开心9. an indoor roller coaster 一个室内的过山车10. in the dark 在黑暗中 11. move at high speed 以很快的速度移动12. through the whole ride 在整个旅程中 13. hurry to a restaurant 匆忙去一家饭店14. have a quick meal 快速地吃顿饭15. on the way 在路上16. Disney cartoon characters 迪斯尼动画人物17

12、. such as 例如18. Snow White 白雪公主19. Mickey Mouse 米老鼠20. get excited 变得兴奋21. a parade of Disney characters 迪斯尼人物的游行22. later in the afternoon 在下午的晚些时候23. the best part of the day 一天最好的时光24. run after them 追赶他们25. cant stop taking photos 不停地拍照片26. watch a 4-D film 看一部四维电影27. smell the apple pie 闻到苹果派28

13、. feel the wind 感受到风29. do some shopping/go shopping 购物30. a couple of key rings 几个钥匙圈31. at the end of the day 在这天结束的时候32. watch the fireworks 看烟火 33. in front of the Sleeping Beauty Castle 在睡美人城堡前面34. look bright and beautiful 看上去明亮、漂亮35. under the fireworks 在烟火下36. have gone to Hainan 去了海南 37. enjoy yourselves (你们)玩得开心38. let me have a look 让我看一看 Grammar (P. 2628) 1. have been to South Hill 去过南山 2. have gone to Hong Kong 去了香港3. have been to Xian twice 去过西安两次4. be with us 和我们在一起5. havent seen Mr Wu for days 几天没见到吴先生6. go to Tianjin to attend a meeting 去天津参加会议7. have been to the beach there

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