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1、16.00)A.The customer made it himself.B.There was not scratch on it before.C.The customer should have checked it.D.That isnt the most important thing.解析:听力原文 W: Sir, can I help you? M: Yes, you see I bought this personal stereo at your shop three days ago. And Im afraid that it hasnt really matched u

2、p to what I was told about it. I see. What exactly is the matter? Well, look, theres a large scratch across the front of it. I see that. But Im sorry. I think you should have noticed that when you bought it. I cant because its in the box and all sealed up. Well, I am sorry, but actually it is your r

3、esponsibility to check the goods when you buy them. Thats ridiculous. But, anyway, its not the most important thing. I am really not happy about the other thing. And what is that? Look, it says here that the noise from it should be undetectable by other people. Yes, thats right. But people do hear i

4、t, and its really embarrassing when people look at me on the bus and the underground. Well, I am sorry. Are you sure youve used the headphones? Look, I know how to put earphones in my ears. It must be something wrong with it. How do you deal with it? Well, I suppose we could exchange it for another

5、model if you like. OK. Well, if I just could have the receipt. Sure, here it is. How does the salesgirl think about the scratch on the product?解析 对话一开始男士说自己买的立体声播放机前面有划痕,女售货员一再坚持男士在购买商品时有责任检查商品。选项C与对话内容相符,故选C。A.They were lost on the underground.B.They were lost in the shop.C.They were difficult to b

6、e put in ears.D.They were not soundproof.What do we know about the mans headphones?解析 男士在对话中提到本来人们应该听不到播放机发出的声音,但是人们确实能听到,这让他十分尴尬。选项D与对话内容相符,故选D,soundproof意为“隔音的”。A.He was annoyed at the salesgirls excuse.B.He was so grateful for the salesgirls help.C.He had a terrible quarrel with the salesgirl.D.H

7、e was worried about his headphones.What was the mans reaction to the salesgirls explanation about the headphones?解析 在男士指出耳机不隔音的问题后,女售货员问他是否戴了耳机,对此男士回答“我知道怎样将耳机放在耳朵里。”从男士回答的语气中可以看出,男士已经非常生气了。选项A与对话内容相符,故选A。A.A photo of the scratch.B.The receipt.C.An application for exchange.D.A photo of the headphone

8、.What should the man provide for exchanging the product?解析 对话中女士说,如果有收据就可以换货。选项B与对话内容相符,故选B。Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. A.He had full confidence in the exam.B.He needed to relax himself for a while.C.He needed to rest because of stomachache.D.He heard the exam

9、 has been cancelled. Hi, Kevin. Your roommate told me that I could find you in the rest room. What are you doing here? What does it look like I am doing? Well, it looks like youre watching TV. But we have a math examination tomorrow, so I thought youd be studying for it and maybe I can study with yo

10、u. Oh, well, Im just taking a break. This math stuff gives me a headache if I work on it too long. I know what you mean. Ive been working on it for three hours through it already. Im beginning to go over. I just dont get some of them. But I cant believe you are coming to me. I mean you do know what

11、I got on the last test, dont you? Yeah, I know. You told me. I just thought two heads might be better than one. Yeah, thats a nice idea. know, I wish I knew that person in our class who got a hundred on the last test. She didnt miss a question. Umm. is it Elizabeth? Oh yeah, Elizabeth! She i

12、s a friend of mine. Shed be a big help right now. Why dont we give her a call? What! At this hour? Its already ten thirty. I dont want to impose on her. Yeah, I guess you are right. But we really need her help now. Lets at least give her a call and see what she says. Maybe going over some of the pro

13、blems with us would help her review the material. s worth a try. Why does the man watch TV rather than prepare for the exam?解析 对话开始时,女士以为男士会为即将到来的数学考试认真做准备,而没想到他在看电视。面对女士的质疑,男士说自己只是暂时休息一下,因为长时间学数学让他头疼。A.The man got good grades on the last test.B.The man promised to help her with math problems.C.She

14、thought they might help each other during studying.D.She wanted to tutor the man in math.Why does the woman want to study with the man?解析 对话中女士说她知道男士上次的数学考试成绩并不理想,但她认为two beads might be better than one,即“两个脑袋比一个脑袋强”。A.He agreed with the proposal immediately.B.He was indifferent to the proposal.C.He thought it wasnt worthwhile

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