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1、11UNIT11. 袁隆平被认为是世界上最伟大的科学家之一。Yuan Longping is _ _one of the _ _in the world.2. 他20岁就成为一名作家。He became a writer _the _ _twenty.3. 他的演讲非常成功。His speech was a _ _.4. 我非常感激我的英语老师,因为他经常鼓励我并帮助我。Im _ _my English teacher since he has always _and helped me.5. 那时他正忙于在互联网上搜寻关于四川地震的信息。He was _ _the information _

2、the Sichuan earthquake on the Internet at that time.6. 成功来自于辛勤的工作。Hard working _ _success.7. 大家都讨厌他,因为他经常嘲笑别人。Everyone _ _ _him because he often laughs at others.8. 他为我们树立了一个好榜样。he _ _a fine example to all of us.9. 昨天我在看电视,我的父亲在看书。Yesterday evening I _ _TV while my father _ _a book.10. 我们正在下棋,突然电话响了

3、。we _ _chess when the telephone _.11. 其他孩子在玩游戏时,他正在练习钢琴。he _ _the piano while other children _ _games.12. 她有画画的天赋并且每天坚持练习。She had a _ _drawing and kept _every day.13. 我感激我的老师。Im _ _my teacher.14. 乔丹被认为是历史上最好的篮球运动员。Michael jordan _ _ _the best basketball player in history.UNIT21. 读科学书很有趣。It _ _ _ _sc

4、ience books.2. 每晚睡眠8小时很重要。It _ _ _ _eight hours every night.3. 他的主意听起来不错。his _ _great.4. 物理很难学。physics _ _ _learn.5. 保护环境很重要。It _ _ _ _our environment.6. 她病了,不想吃什吗东西。She is _.She does feel _ _anything.7. 熬夜对你的健康不利。Its _for your health to _ _too late.8. 他经常迟到。他的父母对他很生气。He is often _for school and his

5、 parents are _ _him.9. 200年过去,这座房屋依然完好无缺。After 200 years,the house is still _ _ _.10.你认为这本书值得看吗?Do you think in one hand and a pen _ _ _?11.他一只手拿着一本书,另一只手拿着钢笔。He took a book in one hand and a pen _ _ _.12.那些医护人员忙得顾不上吃饭。The doctors and nurses were _ _ _have their meals.13.不管什么时候人们见到他都不会挡住他的道。_people

6、met him,they would _ _ _his way to let him pass.14. 我很困倦,什么也不想做。Im very _,I dont feel _ _anything.15. 老师满脸笑容走进课室。The teacher came into the classroom with a _ _on her face.16. 那个粗心的司机把车开进河里。The _ _drove his car into the river.17. 我的父母太忙,没有时间去旅游。My parents are _ _ _take a travel.UNIT31. 黑暗中看见一个男人在后面,她

7、吓了一跳。She _ _ _her skin when she saw a man behind her in the dark.2. 老师问我是否完成了作业。The teacher asked me _ _my homework.3. 2008年奥运会给全世界人民留下了深刻的印象。The 2008 Olympic Games _ _ _ _on people all over the world.4. 看电视太多对你的眼睛不好。Its _for your eyes to watch TV _ _.5. 我想和你交朋友。I would like to _ _ _you.6. 我从未听过如此感人

8、的故事。I have never heard _ _ _story.7. 新电影往往是重要的社会事件。A new film is often an _ _event.8. 我将永远记住我们之间的友谊。I will remember the _ _us _.9. 电影能帮助我了解社会文化。Film can help us _the _of our _.10. 你最好不要看这些书,它们对年轻人有不良的影响。Youd better not read these books.They have _ _ _ _young people.11. 爱迪生小时候就对科学产生了巨大的兴趣。Edison show

9、ed _ _ _science when he was a boy.12. 他的父亲太忙,不能去度假。His father is _ _ _take a holiday.13. 我永远不会忘记我们之间的友谊。Ill never forget the _ _ us.14. 我将开车过来接你。Ill drive over to _you _.UNIT41. 昨天她收到一份礼物,但她没有接受。Yesterday she _a present,but she didnt _it.2. 我深深为他的言行所感动。I was _moved by _he said and _.3. 他通过发电子邮件与朋友保持

10、联系。He kept _ _with his friends by _e-mails.4. 你离开家多久了?How long have you _ _ _home?5. 虽然大雨倾泻不止,但战士们却没有停止训练。 _the heavy rain kept pouring down, the soldier didnt _training.6. 虽然医护人员很累,但他们不肯停下了休息。 _the doctors and the nurses were very _,they didnt _ _have a rest.7. 他虽然是个孩子,但他懂得很多。He knows a _, _he is a child.8. 他虽然很忙,但经常帮助其他人。 _he is very _,he often helps others.

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