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人教版高中英语选修7高考一轮复习教案73Under the seaWord文档下载推荐.docx

1、联系;亲戚_adj.有关系的;相对的7_vt.映射;反射vt. & vi.思考_n反射;映象;沉思8_adj.纯的;纯粹的;纯洁的_adv.纯地;纯粹地;纯洁地_n纯洁;纯净;纯度_vt.使纯净;提纯9_adj.意识的;知道的_n意识;清醒10_adj.生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的_adv.生动地;鲜明地_n活泼;明亮11_adj.狭窄的;有限的;狭隘的_adv.勉强地;精细地12_adj.锐利的;锋利的;敏捷的_adv.尖锐地_vt.削尖;磨快_n磨具;削具13_adj.好吃的;可口的_vt.品尝;体验14_vt.恐吓vt.受惊吓_adj.恐惧的_adj.令人恐惧的15_n养老金;退休金_n领退休

2、金或养老金的人短语回顾1._the meantime与此期间;与此同时2be/become_of 对知道、明白;意识到3(be)_to death 吓死了4draw_ 靠近5hold_ 阻挡6help(.)_ 帮助(某人)摆脱困境或危难7upside_ 上下翻转8sort_ 整理;分类;收拾9_at 瞄准10be_to do sth. 正要做某事句型背诵1.This was the call_announced there was_ _ _a whale hunt.这是宣告捕鲸行动马上就要开始的呼声。2.I could see he was terrified of_ _ _us.我可以看出他

3、非常害怕被我们抛弃。3The first thing I_ _ _was all the vivid colours_me.我首先注意到的是我周围那些鲜艳的色彩4We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal _itself out of the water and then _ down again.我们及时跑到海边,看到一个巨大的动物跃出水面而后又跌入水中。5I looked down into the water and could see Old Tom swimming by the boat, _ us the

4、way.我低头朝水中看去,看到老汤姆正在船边游着,为我们引路。6A few minutes later, there was no Tom, so George started beating the water with his oar and there was Tom, circling back to the boat, _ us to the hunt again.几分钟以后,汤姆不见了,乔治开始用浆击打水面,汤姆又出现了,围着小船转圈,又带着我们捕猎了。自我诊断1annual2.accommodation;accommodate3.flee;fled4.depth;deep5.ab


6、ut9.aim10.about1that;about to be2.being abandoned by3.became aware of;surrounding4.throwing; crashing5.showing6.leading考 点 串 串 讲重点单词1.abandon vt.放弃,抛弃(某人),放弃(计划、希望等),离开(家园);遗弃(孩子);沉溺于n尽情;放纵abandon oneself to沉湎于abandon sth.放弃某物with abandon放肆地;恣意地He abandoned himself to despair.他陷入绝望中。Jackson has aban

7、doned his old car.杰克逊把他那辆旧车扔了。People were shouting and cheering with abandon.人们兴高采烈,纵情欢呼。易混辨析abandon, desert, quit与give upabandon指不得已而遗弃、放弃人或事物。desert强调故意逃避应尽的义务和职责,违背誓言,有责难之意。quit指“放弃,退出,离开”,多指突然或不情愿放弃,也有“中止;离职,辞职”的意思。give up为常用词,多用于口语,与abandon同义。The research plan was abandoned because of the poor

8、conditions.这项研究计划因为条件差被放弃。Never desert a friend in need.决不要抛弃有困难的朋友。My father has quit smoking.我父亲已戒烟了。I cant answer that puzzle; I give up.我猜不出这个谜语,我认输了。用法拓展abandoned adj.被放弃的;无约束的;放荡的Hong Zhanhui brought up a girl abandoned by her parents.洪战辉抚养了一个被父母遗弃的女孩。即境活用单项填空A good teacher would not let her s

9、tudents _.AabandonBdesertCabandoned Dabandoning用abandon/desert/quit/give up填空Dont _ yourself to drinking.The village was _ because of the flood.He _ smoking and drinking definitely.My daughter _ the idea of going abroad.答案:Cabandondesertedquit/gave upgave up/quit2witness n目击者;证人;证据vt.当场见到;目击He witne

10、ssed to having seen the man enter the room.他证明看到那个人进了房间。The police found the witness to the murder case.警察找到了那个谋杀案的目击者。in witness of.作为的证据/证人a witness/witnesses to的证人/证据witness to证实;证明bear/give witness to.作为的证据witness n证人,目击者;证词give/bear false witness作伪证He witnessed the accident.He was a witness to

11、the accident.他亲眼看见了那个意外事故。He witnessed the truth of my statement.他证明我的陈述真实。After the explosion,the policemen did a lot of work to find out some clues from the_.AonlookersBviewersCpeople DwitnessesD3flee vi.逃走,逃掉vt.逃离,逃避Samuel has fled.塞缪尔已经逃跑了。Why does she always flee any kind of responsibility?她为什么

12、总是逃避责任?During the civil war thousands of people fled the country.在内战期间成千上万的人逃离了这个国家。归纳延伸flee away逃离flee from从逃离;避免flee to逃至flee in terror惊慌逃跑翻译句子他杀死了他的敌人,然后逃离了那个国家。_He killed his enemy and fled the country.4narrow adj.狭窄的;狭隘的He moves in a narrow circle of friends.他生活在狭小的朋友圈子里。(1)narrow还可以表示“所余不多的,勉强的”(2)narrowly adv.仅仅,勉强地,严密地(3)a narrow victory险胜(4)in a narrow sense在狭义上(5)narrow majority微弱多数(6)by a narrow margin相差不多地(7)narrow down缩小(范围等

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