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1、没有比更好的例子了。5. History is never short of stories whichcan demonstrate the point.历史从不缺少例证能够说明这一点。6.Let us name but a few. First,. Second,. Last but not least,.这方面的例子很多,我们简单说几个。第一、。第二、。第三、。二、描述图片7. As is showed vividly in the picture, .该图生动地描述了8. It can be easily seen from the picture that.从图片中很容易看到9. T

2、he picture is intended to draw peoples attention to.图片意在引起人们对的关注。10. The picture reveals a serious problem that. and tells us.图片揭示了的严重问题,并告诉我们三、描述现象11. In recent years, there have been reports about.近年来有报道称12.In recent years, an increasing number of.最近几年,越来越多13. A common phenomenon in. today is that

3、.如今,里一个常见的现象就是14. . has now been a hot topic on and off campus.已经成为校园内外的一个热点话题。15. . has long been under discussion in terms of.关于一直是人们讨论的话题。16. Our society is witnessing a dramatic growth in the number of.当今社会正见证的急剧增长。17. The past decades have witnessed a great development in. owing to.让我们见证了最近几十年的

4、飞速发展。18. Nowadays there is a growing tendency for.如今,有上升的趋势。19. . has been gaining in popularity in recent years in China, particularly among young people.近年来在中国变得越来越流行,在年轻人当中尤其受欢迎。20. With the development of., . has been increasingly prevalent in our life.随着的发展,已经越来越多地充斥着我们的生活。四、表达不同观点21. When it c

5、omes to., some people like to. while others choose to.说到,有的人喜欢,其他人则选择22. As to., there is no consensus among the public. Some people hold that. Others contend that.公众对于的态度不一。有人认为。然而,其他人认为23. When asked about., peoples answer differs. Some people believe that. Others insist that.当被问及时,人们的答案各不相同。一些人认为

6、。其他人则坚称24. There is much controversy about.Those who argue for. claim that. Nevertheless, another voice is also frequently heard that.对于,人们有很多的争议。那些赞同的人认为。然而,另一个观点也时常被提及25. Concerning., people hold different views. Many people hold that. On the contrary, others believe that.人们对有不同看法。很多人认为。相反地,其他人认为2

7、6. Peoples views on. vary from one to another. Some insist that. However, others disagree by stating that.人们对的看法不尽相同。有人坚持认为。然而,有些人不同意。他们认为27. Should.? Different people have different answers. The supporters say yes because. However, the opponents say no as.应该吗?不同的人有不同的回答。支持者认为应该,因为。然而,反对者认为不应该,因为五、分

8、析原因28. Several possible reasons could account for. To begin with, . Next, . Besides, . Finally, .有几个理由可以说明。首先,。其次,。再次,。最后,29. Three major factors that account for.are listed as follows. First, . Second, . Third, .导致的三大主要原因罗列如下。再者,30. Taking a close look into., we can find the main reasons as follows

9、.仔细研究,我们能找出以下主要原因。31. There are many reasons for the emergence of.的出现有很多原因。32. The craze for. results mainly from two factors. The primary one is. Another important reason is.“热”现象的产生主要有两方面原因。最主要的是。另一个重要原因是33. . can be attributed to several main reasons.可归因于几个主要原因。34. The following reasons may accou

10、nt for. First and foremost, . Moreover, . Last but not least, .以下理由或许可以解释。35. There are several explanations to.Some people blame it on. Others think it is due to.对人们有一些解释。有些人将此归咎于。另一些人则认为这是因为六、提出解决方法36. To fight against., great efforts must be made to. Furthermore, . Last but not least, .为打击,应该努力。此

11、外,。37. In order to., it is time that effective measures be taken for. Most importantly, . Whats more, .为了,是时候采取有效措施了。最重要的一点是。另外,38. In view of the seriousness of., I strongly suggest that effective measures should be taken right away. Firstly, .Secondly, . Thirdly, .鉴于的严重性,我强烈建议应立即采取有效措施。再次,七、描述优缺点、

12、问题、影响39. As is the case with many issues, .have/has both positive and negative sides. On the positive side, . On the negative side, .和其他事物一样,对我们既有正面影响又有负面影响。从正面影响来看,。从负面影响来看,40. ., as is the case with many issues,have/has both merits and demerits. On the one hand, . On the other hand, .正如其他许多事物一样,也是

13、有利有弊的。一方面,。另一方面,41. Just as proverb puts it, every coin has its two sides. .also has its advantages and disadvantages.正如谚语所说的“任何事物都有两面性”。也是既有利也有弊的。42. The issue of. has brought about many problems. The first problem to note is that. Second, . Third, .已经带来了很多问题。第一个要注意的问题是,。第二,。第三,八、引出个人观点43. For my part / As far as I am concerned/, .就我而言,44. As I see it / In my opinion / From my viewpoint / From my perspective, it is advisable that

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