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1、 timing and format2) happiness; self-esteem3) their behavior and their values3: Significant: important and worth achieving Measurable: that can be measured in terms of height, weight, dollars, inches , or hoursDoubters: anyone who may ridicule, tease or discourage youConsistent: not having conflict

2、between their behavior and their values; in agreement with sth.Task two1)People who travel abroad usually start their journey with a search for very cheap international flights to get to their destination.2) Because he can watch the countryside roll by like moving snapshots of scenery.3)In the count

3、ries like Panama and Thailand, buses are a perfectly good alternative to other forms of public transport.4) The way is to travel by yatching.5) There are about eleven ways for people to travel these days, and they are walking , jogging, cycling, riding, motorcycle, riding bus or mini-bus, driving a

4、car, a recreational vehicle, train travel, flight, hitchhiking and yatching.Vocabulary1.1)persevered 2) maintained 3)sketched 4)steep 5) adjusted 6 )grateful 7) drained 8)remote9)hike 10)assembled 11)marked 12)average13)await 14 )purchase 15)humidStructure(翻译)1.1)Where she goes 2)Whichever you buy3)

5、Whoever wants to speak to me on the phone4)whatever happens5)however cold it isTranslation1. 无论是暑假还是中学毕业,只要有可能,我都喜欢把冒险融入生活。2. 一方面,我思家心切,怀疑自己是否真能完成这次旅行;另一方面,我急不可待地要向自己和国内的家人证明,我具备所需的一切实力。3. 虽然感觉像早先一样又冷又沮丧,但我庆幸到挪威时就买了一个便宜手机。4. 虽然我证明了自己具备坚持不懈和恪守计划的品性,但我怀念有熟人相伴的感觉。5. 我听说了这样一句瑞典格言:“与人分享的快乐是双倍的快乐。”Unit tw

6、oFast reading1)-7) Y, N, Y, N, NG, Y,N2.1)structured, regulated2)socially isolated3)feel singled out1) By dressing in their ”unique” clothing and hanging out with their friends.2) Yes, belonging is important. It is important for our growth to independence; even further, it is important for our growt

7、h to inner freedom and maturity.3) In order to satisfy our innate need of belonging, we choose to identify with a group. We do so both for protection and for security, and use the group to prove our worthiness and goodness, indeed even to prove that we are better than others.4) There are 7 categorie

8、s in definition of “group”.5) Norms imply established ways of behaving, that is , uniformity among people in the ways the behave.1) Retain 2) perspective 3)assumed 4) identical5)illustrate 6)surrendered 7)convince 8)assessed9)give way 10)acquired 11)decent 12)mechanisms13)irritation 14)governed 15)m

9、entality1.1) To a great extent2) That to a certain extent age affected language-learning ability3) To such an extent that he could hardly stand up by himself4) To the extent that I no longer recognized him5) To such an extent that I hadnt time to calm down and think it over1. 对群体心理浑然不觉的人们注定要深受其害。2.

10、我们都想被接受,有归属,被他人需要,但要以什么为代价呢?3. 可以想象,大多数生活在西方世界的人都在人生的某个阶段有过这样的经历。4. 正如上述两个事例所探讨的那样,我们都受害于群体服从机制。5. 不管是受群体影响做出了有悖自我判断的选择,还是自己明白事理时却反被说服,一致指黑为白,很少有人能逃脱群体心理。Unit three Y, NG, N,N, Y,N, N, 1)1965 2) the first letters of the alphabet 3)chief executive officer1) an attitude in which someone considers only

11、 the bad qualities of a situation, person, etc., not the good ones2) a recently made change from one place or position to another3) thinking about what is good in a situation , person, etc.4) to express your disapproval of someone or something, or to talk about their faults1) The author thinks about

12、 the good things around him and things to be grateful for.2) When the author started with his new job, having the toughest times in his life.3) Because the oak tree held onto its leaves through most of that winter.4) He says positive things and finds something to praise.1.enhance 2. optimistic 3. di

13、splay 4. well-being 5. enthusiastic 6. talent 7. volunteers 8. symptom9. alert 10. potential 11. concentrate 12. career13. recalled 14. irritates 15. acknowledged 1. only to find that the train had already left2. only to be told that Marry was in a meeting3. only to strengthen our determination4. fo

14、r the sake of his health5. for the sake of their country1. 几星期前初来纽约曼哈顿的那股兴奋劲和自豪感已荡然无存,如今这里的喧嚣只让他感到疲惫。2. 距曼哈顿的第一次“感恩之行”,差不多有二十多年了。正是缘于那次“感恩之行”,他才一路坚持下来有了今天。3. 表达感恩之情,对我们生命中的幸事心存感激,努力发现生活中的美好事物,会使我们变得积极向上。4. 埃蒙斯是加州大学戴维斯分校的心理学教授,长期以来致力于研究感恩对身心健康的影响。5. 埃蒙斯和他的研究小组在后来的跟踪研究中还发现,感恩的人很少抑郁,不大有妒忌和焦躁情绪,更愿意帮助别人。Unit four 1)-7): Y,Y, N,N,Y,Y,NG 1) catching; touching 2) the Olympic spirit; concentration 3 ) extend the influence1) 19582) The Academy Awards(Oscars).3) The Grammys Awards, the American Music Awards, and the Billboard Music Awards.4) The record company5) It is “free” goo

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