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1、The move was considered as one of the 10 biggest achievements of science and technology in 1999.It won an award of 6 million yuan and further funding of 5 million yuan for the project from the Ministry of Science and Technology.At first,two embryos were created from a surrogate mother(代母) cat who be

2、came pregnant after being injected with a blastocyst,but the experiment was abandoned after the cat died.Chen and his team then experimented with surrogacy on black bears.After three years of effort,a black bear became pregnant and the shape of a fetus(胎儿) could be seen on an ultrasound scan(超声波扫描检查

3、)However,the research was stopped in 2005 because the fetus did not completely develop before the projects deadline.“Those who are against cloning have made their voices heard throughout the research project on cloning giant pandas.Some people believe cloning goes against nature,but it is actually a

4、 pioneering technology.If successful,it is a way to save endangered animals,”Chen said.Some scientists take a different view.“While I agree that research on cloning is meaningful,it is inappropriate to use giant pandas in this type of experiment.The number of pandas is limited and human beings have

5、yet to master knowledge about pandas pregnancy.Cloning would do little to save the species,”said Wang Dajun,a researcher at the School of Life Sciences,Peking University.In response,Chen said that he would continue his research.【诱思导学】1Do you think pandas can be saved by cloning?Why?_【答案】省略2Why are s

6、ome scientists against cloning pandas?【答案】Because they think cloning go against nature.Period Previewing(教师用书独具)教学目标本课时要紧是通过学生对学案所给出的内容的学习,了解本课文中所显现的词汇,初步了解课文以及相关的背景知识,为下一堂课对课文的全面明白得起到一个铺垫作用。教学地位本单元的中心话题是“克隆”。克隆意为无性繁育,克隆技术即是无性繁育技术。1997年英国罗斯林研究所试验成功的克隆羊多莉是首次利用体细胞克隆成功的,它在生物工程史上掀开了新的一页。本单元内容具体涉及“什么是克隆”

7、、“克隆羊多莉是如何产生的”、“克隆的利弊”等。语言技能和语言知识差不多上围绕“克隆”这一中心话题设计的。目的在于让他们了解有关克隆的知识和科普文章的一些差不多特点和写作方法,自己尝试写简单的辩论报告。新课导入建议能够通过让学生看和讨论教材P10的“热身”(Warming Up)的图片:克隆羊多莉、人类的双胞胎、草莓的自然无性繁育以及插枝繁育的植物等导入新课。要求学生分组讨论,了解两种不同的克隆:自然克隆和人工克隆。为下面的阅读做好铺垫。 老师要尽量给学生自主学习的时刻和空间,通过自学、自做、自悟、自助等方式,让学生更好地体会和明白得文章的内容 。 教学流程设计导入新课。学生阅读“美文阅读”与

8、“诱思导学”(见学案第19页)。学生就“话题美文导读”进行讨论,统一答案。学生再次阅读课文(课本第 1112页)并完成“语篇明白得”(见学案第20页)。师生共同讨论并统一答案。让学生快速阅读课文,(见课本第1112页)并完成“篇章结构”(见学案第20页)。学生共同讨论,并让学生发表各自见解,最后统一答案。学生再次认真阅读课文,(课本第 1112页)进行深度明白得,并完成“课文缩写”(见学案第20页)。老师指导学生讨论,共同找出答案。让学生依照所给出的表格进行自我评估(见学案第21页)。学生讨论,并让学生代表发表他们讨论得出的答案。老师予以更正。让学生完成“知识初探”部分(见学案第21页)。老师

9、布置作业,让学生看课本并完成课本第12页1、2、3题,预习学案Period (见学案第21页), 写一篇简单的辩论报告类作文。.篇章结构阅读P1112的Reading部分,然后完成下列表格Cloning:Where is it leading us?ParagraphMain ideaContents1The definition(定义) of cloningCloning is a way of making an 1._ another animal or plant.It happens both in plants and animals. 2The major 2._ of clon

10、ing Firstly,gardeners use it to produce commercial 3._.Secondly,it is valuable for research on new plant species and for medical research on animals.3The problems of Dolly At first she seemed to develop normally.Then came 4._ that she had become seriously ill,which 5._ cloning scientists.Dolly lived

11、 only six and a half years,6._ the life of the original sheep.Cloning scientists wondered now to overcome the problems. 4The effect of DollyIts appearance raised a storm of 7._ and had a great impact on media and public imagination.It also occured to people that they can cure serious illnesses and e

12、ven to produce 8._ using cloning.5 Peoples reaction tocloningGovernment became 9._ .Some began to 10._ research into human cloning.Scientists still wonder whether cloning will help or harm us and where it is leading us.【答案】1.exact copy of2.uses3.quantities of plants4the disturbing news5.cast down6.half the length of7.objections8.human beings9.nervous and more conservative10.forbid.语篇明白得阅读P1112的Reading部分,选择最佳答案1What are people cloning now?AThey are cloning books and machines.BThey are cloning humans and animals.CThey are cloning trees,crops,grass,flowers,etc.,as wel

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