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1、 empty 空的 No,not that full one.This empty one. 不,不是满的那个。是空的那个。 The bottle is empty. 瓶子里面是空的。 Give me an empty box,will you. 给我一个空盒子,好吗? full 满的 The house is full of people. 房子里挤满了人。 Your paper is full of spelling mistakes.你的试卷里有很多拼写错误。 large 大的 Which one?This large one? 哪个?大的这个? Beijing is a large c

2、ity. 北京是一座大的城市。 Whose is this large house? 这座大房子是谁的? little 小的 That little one? 小的那个?Dont be too hard on him.Hes only a little boy. 不要对他太严厉了,他仅仅是个小孩。 They have a little garden. 他们有一个小花园。 sharp 尖的,锋利的 This sharp one. 是锋利的那把。 The knife is sharp. 这把刀很锋利。 The snake has very sharp fans. 那条蛇有很尖的的牙齿。 blunt

3、 钝的 This blunt one? 是钝的这把吗? This knife is blunt.Give me another. 这把刀很钝。给我另一把。The pencil is blunt. 这铅笔不够尖。 box 盒子,箱子 Look,heres a box of oranges. 看,这里有一箱桔子。 He gave me a box of chocolate on my birthday. 我生日的时候他送了我一盒巧克力。 glass 杯子 Give me a glass please. 请给我一个杯子。 Would you like a glass of milk? 你要一杯牛奶吗

4、? Id like a glass water,please. 我想要一杯白开水。 cup 茶杯 Give me a cup please. 请给我一个茶杯。 Lets go and have a cup of tea. 我们出去喝杯茶吧。 These cups are lovely. 这些杯子很可爱。 bottle 瓶子 The bottle is full. 瓶子是满的。 He has a bottle of milk and an egg every morning. 他每天早上都喝一瓶牛奶和吃一个鸡蛋。 tin 罐头 Give me a tin please. 请给我一个罐头。 Wha

5、ts in the tin? 罐头里里面是什么? Here you are,a tin of fish. 拿着,这是罐头鱼。 knife 刀子 He cut his hand with a knife.他被刀子割伤了手。 The knife is very sharp. 刀子很锋利。 fork 叉子 Give me a fork please. 请给我一把叉子。 Westerners eat with a knife and a fork. 西方人习惯刀叉吃饭。 He dropped the fork while eating. 他吃饭的时候把叉子弄掉了。 spoon 勺子 Give me a

6、 spoon please. 请给我一把勺子 The mother fed the baby with a spoon. 那个母亲用勺喂婴儿。 Take three spoons of this medicine after meals please. 每顿后请吃三勺药。 Lesson 23 on 在.之上 No,not those.The ones on the shelf. 不,不是那几只。是架子上的那几只。 My book is on the desk. 我的书在桌子。 The picture on the wall looks nice. 墙上的画很好看。 shelf 架子,搁板 No

7、,not those,The ones on the shelf.是架子上的那儿。 I have a nice book shelf. 我有一个好看的书架。 Put the bottles back on the shelf please. 请把那些瓶子放回到架子上。 Lessoon 24 desk 课桌 The ones on the desk. 课桌上的那些。 There are many books on my desk. 我的课桌了有很多书。 Will you help me to move the desk please? 你能帮我搬一下这张课桌吗? table 桌子 The one

8、s on the table. 桌子上的那些。 Your book is there on the table. 你的书就在桌子。 Please sit at the table;dinner is ready. 请就座吧,晚餐准备好了。 plate 盘子 Give me some plates please. 请给我上些盘子。 He ate up all the food on the plate. 他把盘子里的东西都吃光了。 Who is going to wash the plate? 谁会去洗盘子呢? cupboard 食橱 The ones in the cupboard. 在食橱上

9、的那些。 Put all these bottles in the cupboard please. 请把这些瓶子都放进食橱里去。 The door of the cupoard is open. 食橱的门是开着的。 cigarette 香烟 Give me some cigarettes please. 请给我一些香烟。 Would you like a cigarette? 你想来根烟吗? The big fire was started by a cigarette. 这场大火由一个烟头引起的。 television 电视机 The ones on the television. 在电视

10、上的那些。 I have been watching television all night. 我整晚都在看电视。 I only saw him on television before. 我以前仅仅在电视里见过他。 floor 地板 The ones on the floor. 在地板上的那些。 Dont lie on the floor,it is so dirty. 地板太脏了,不要躺在上面。 The glasses fell off the table on the floor. 杯子从桌子掉到地板上。 dressing table 梳妆台 The ones on the dress

11、ing table. 在梳妆台上的那些。 There are many kinds of lotion on my dressing table. 我的梳妆台上有各种各样的护肤液。 She sits at the dressing table doing her hair. 她坐在梳妆台旁边梳头。 magazine 杂志 Give me some magazines please. 请给我一些杂志。 The magazine comes out monthly. 这份杂志每月都出版。 Have you seen my magazine?I can not find it anywhere. 你

12、看到我的杂志了吗?我到处都找不着。 bed 床 The ones on the bed. 在床上的那些。 Tom lay in bed reading for hours. 汤姆躺在床了读了几个小时的书。 Its time for you to go to bed now. 你到时间上床睡觉了。 newspaper 报纸 Give me some newspapers please. 请给我些报纸。 My father is reading a newspaper now. 我的父亲现在正在读报纸。 How much does this newspaper cost? 这报纸一份多少钱? st

13、ereo 立体声音响 The ones on the stereo. 在立体声音响上的那些。 He has a nice stereo at home. 他家里有一对很好的立体声音响。 Your stereos must be very expensive,right? 你立体声音响肯定很贵,对吧? Lesson 25 Mrs. 夫人 Mrs.Smiths kitchen is small. 史密斯夫人的厨房很小。 Mrs.White is our English teacher. 怀特夫人是我们的英语老师。s the full name of Mrs.Brown? 布朗夫的全名叫什么? kitchen 厨房 Mrs.Greens kitchen is always clean. 格林夫人的厨房总是一尘不染。 Is your kitchen big? 你家的厨房大吗? refrigerator 电冰箱 Ther

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